Why Do People Feel The Need!

o god any ways fine each person has there own opinion
On the subject of things that bug people. One of the things that has always confused me are the people that "rescue" a betta from an LFS. I've always viewed that as being a little bit of a short term solution.

If people were to stop buying bettas from places that didn't seem to look after their livestock, then this may highlight to the LFS that there is something wrong. All the time people are buying more and more of them than they normally would in order to rescue them, this seems to do nothing more than put more fish into those conditions and increase the revenues of the LFS..

Any thoughts.

On the subject of things that bug people. One of the things that has always confused me are the people that "rescue" a betta from an LFS. I've always viewed that as being a little bit of a short term solution.

If people were to stop buying bettas from places that didn't seem to look after their livestock, then this may highlight to the LFS that there is something wrong. All the time people are buying more and more of them than they normally would in order to rescue them, this seems to do nothing more than put more fish into those conditions and increase the revenues of the LFS..

Any thoughts.


I agree. I never had thought of it that way, but it makes perfect sense.
is it ignorant to be new to something and want some help, without having to go to technical.

<pedantic> you should have placed a question mark at the end of that sentence <pedantic> :)

I think you are misunderstanding the definition of ignorant. It means to be without knowledge. It is not an insult, merely and adjective.
If you or I or anyone is ignorant about something, then doing a google to learn about whatever we were ignorant about will make us knowledgeable. You cannot be ignorant about wanting help. That doesn't make sense. My sig' was thought about, and it means simply that anyone who remains ignorant when there are resources at hand to learn about a thing; is choosing to remain in ignorance.

You seem to regard the word itself as an insult. I am ignorant about nuclear physics.I have no interest in the subject, hence I am ignorant by choice. :D
is it ignorant to be new to something and want some help, without having to go to technical.

<pedantic> you should have placed a question mark at the end of that sentence <pedantic> :)

I think you are misunderstanding the definition of ignorant. It means to be without knowledge. It is not an insult, merely and adjective.
If you or I or anyone is ignorant about something, then doing a google to learn about whatever we were ignorant about will make us knowledgeable. You cannot be ignorant about wanting help. That doesn't make sense. My sig' was thought about, and it means simply that anyone who remains ignorant when there are resources at hand to learn about a thing; is choosing to remain in ignorance.

You seem to regard the word itself as an insult. I am ignorant about nuclear physics.I have no interest in the subject, hence I am ignorant by choice. :D

<sarcastic_pedantic>you should have used </pedantic> to state the end of the pedantic section hehehehe </sarcastic_pedantic>

<sorry>just kidding</sorry>

is it ignorant to be new to something and want some help, without having to go to technical.
Umm yes, to be ignorant is to be new to something or not have a lot of knowledge... It is part of the fish world dude, if you want I will change my profile to say pretty yellow fish and two little blue fish.
No need to be rude is there.

Now have you read the whole tread i have said many times i am not talking about cichlids ect. About mollies guppys ect. for god sake read it all b4 you are rude.

You never once said you weren't talking about cichlids and you even used a cichlid as an example (oscar)
Simple solution, if someone feels the need to write a scientific name then simply write the common name first, or after it, whatever suits you. I mean its not that much work, what another 5 seconds to write a few other letters?

Plus it helps out those who aren't familiar with scientific names as well as specifies exactly what fish you are talking about.

I don't think an attitude like "I shouldn't have to cater to those who are ignorant, they need to look the stuff up!" is very healthy in a forum that is meant to help people. Of course google is a very helpful tool in doing fish research, but this forum is also supposed to be.
I must admit I can see both sides. It is difficult working out what fish are what with the scientific names but as icy says it is a great way to learn.

I know only a few fishs' sceintific names, but I couldn't spell any worth a dime!
is it ignorant to be new to something and want some help, without having to go to technical.
Umm yes, to be ignorant is to be new to something or not have a lot of knowledge... It is part of the fish world dude, if you want I will change my profile to say pretty yellow fish and two little blue fish.

ok if you want to be sarcastic, i will take you up on your offer, could you change your profile then.

i now want your profile to read as you have just stated.


Better to be ignorant i guess than rude.
I must admit I can see both sides. It is difficult working out what fish are what with the scientific names but as icy says it is a great way to learn.

I know only a few fishs' sceintific names, but I couldn't spell any worth a dime!

same here, the only one I can spell is microlepis and I've forgotten the rest :lol:

usually you end up recognising the latin name even if you can't say it or spell it though
i don't understand a hell of a lot of scientific names when people post them...... if the rest of the topic looks interesting to me then i google it if not i don't read the topic, not really any bother at all.

and i often google scientific names loads of times before they stick in my head, but when they do i'm grateful for it as I've learnt something. :nod:

and squid, yuor absolutely right about betta's! if i see something bad in a fish shop, i point it out to the manager to see how they react to the problem, i'll visit again shortly after to see if it's been resolved, if not they no longer get my custom, vote with your wallet cos that's where business's feel it most!
and squid, yuor absolutely right about betta's! if i see something bad in a fish shop, i point it out to the manager to see how they react to the problem, i'll visit again shortly after to see if it's been resolved, if not they no longer get my custom, vote with your wallet cos that's where business's feel it most!

I'm glad people agree.. I've thought it for a long time one here, but always thought i would get bashed for mentioning it. Hence why i hid it in another thread.. hehe coward!!!!

and squid, yuor absolutely right about betta's! if i see something bad in a fish shop, i point it out to the manager to see how they react to the problem, i'll visit again shortly after to see if it's been resolved, if not they no longer get my custom, vote with your wallet cos that's where business's feel it most!

I'm glad people agree.. I've thought it for a long time one here, but always thought i would get bashed for mentioning it. Hence why i hid it in another thread.. hehe coward!!!!


do i smell chicken ???? ;) :lol:

nah your right, i can understand why people do it, it's easy to fall in love with mistreated animals and yes in individual circumstances it's good to give them a new home. however donating the time and money you would have spent on rescuing fish and looking after them to a well run charity that educates people about how to keep them and takes action against people and companies that do not do so would be much better in the long run

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