Why Are The 'clubs' Being Closed?

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fine so rather than cause all of this tension cant the just make a decision now and just close the case all together?
they obviously have an understanding now, so rather than cause themselves and everyone else added stress, just make a decision.

Then people would argue they should have thought it over.The mods posted saying they were discussing it, imo showing that they we're/are coming to a thought out decision on it.

We are discussing the matter but please keep in mind that there are quite a few of us and we are spread out in various time zones around the world. It takes a bit of time for us to conduct an active discussion on everything. Right now I am probably the only mod who is online and not at work too, so I'm the one responding. I'm sure that they will read this thread later on and you will quite likely get comments or questions from some of them then. We do take this kind of decision very seriously. :nod:
Wile i thought the clubs were usefull for information i do aggress that theres so many stupid ones coming up , club for everything recently, i looked in the oscar one for the information i needed about oscar's but still feel the clubs should go to a certain extent. Everyone thinks there favourite fish is special (thats why we';re generally good fish keepers) so we'll eventually end up with a club for every species of fish someone keeps. Also any questions on things like Oscar's could go into the SA thread as thats were they belong.

As for sharing pictures it would be nice to have somewere to put them , possibly a subsection in the mebers aquariums part of the site. unfrotuantly the species index only has a few pictures then the topic gets closed.

I was a little disappointed no comms were sent out for reasoning etc as it only causes topics like this turning up were no one knows why its happened.
i dont think they should be pinned, however i dont think they should be dissmissed
hence if the mods decide they will accept the clubs, i think there should be a room for the clubs
I would like to refer to my earlier post RE: What is the point in them? (see post for full details).

I do however have to wonder how many people in this thread are 'genuine' and how many are fully paid up members of the 'lets all jump on the Suggestions bandwagon and agree with whatever is at hand no matter how stupid it is' club... Perhaps they should make a thread...
I do think that very suddenly lots of clubs have sprung up from nowhere, alot do have their own forum section or sub forum section, and I really don't see the point in some.

Rarer fish, yes, difficult to keep species, yes, Breeding of difficult or rare species, yes, but I would not join a livebearer or catfish club I am afraid.

Mods and Admin do do alot of work behind the scenes to keep the forum running smoothly, and they should not be bashed for the decision they have made.

Like Buddyboy, I have just been offered a moderator position on a Reef specific forum, but unlike Buddyboy, I accepted. TFF in particular has helped me so much, but now I have the chance to give something back on a Reef Specific forum by the way of helping members new to Reefing. I have spent over 8 hrs in the last 24 reading and preparing beginners guides. Do I get paid, no, I do it for the love of my hobby and to give something back.

Whatever your view of the clubs being closed, Admin and Mods work hard to keep this knowledge base alive. Don't ruin it by petit squabbles, leave the mods to make their decision. The more uproar and arguments, the more likely clubls will be permanently closed.
I would like to refer to my earlier post RE: What is the point in them? (see post for full details).

I do however have to wonder how many people in this thread are 'genuine' and how many are fully paid up members of the 'lets all jump on the Suggestions bandwagon and agree with whatever is at hand no matter how stupid it is' club... Perhaps they should make a thread...
As I have been debating, there is no real point.Yet for no actual reason others still think there is.
Talked about this to another member via pm a couple of months ago as well.
well ive said my piece and im unsure wether or not it will make a difference,
I dont like the fact people think that clubs are setup to gain popularity or whatever.
yes i started the catfish club, my only reason for this is because i feel i have a huge understanding of pretty much all aquarium bred catfish.
so i would like to share this knowledge with other people who are interested in catfish. lets face it, everyone keeps them at somepoint, and it would be nice to show that theres alot of people who support the care and wellbeing of them, just as the qoute ''a pleco is for life not just for algae'' lol

Hi Matthew Lee Newell :)

Even though I'm going back aways on this thread I didn't want to let your post go by without a comment. I've read your posts and must say that your comments in the Catfish forums will be valuable indeed. We always need members who have had experience with various kinds of fish. IMHO, why not share your knowledge freely with everyone who posts in those sections? They are not big sections and your posts will not get lost in them. :unsure:
I think its sad that the clubs are closed, I enjoyed the serverum club, its nice seeing updated pictures of how everyones fish are growing up. People enjoy showing off their fish and these clubs are the place to do it. I think it would be rather annoying to those people posting in the main section who are after advice etc. if that section was filled up by all the members of the clubs posting seperate topics just about their own fish.

just my opinion
It was that way for years, I liked it.The majority would have went in membs pics though.
I don't see why people wouldn't want to see pictures of the fish that they clicked on the forum to go into...I like seeing it.
i love looking at oscar pics and peoples oscar set ups...why should i have to trawl through 'members pics' to find what i wanted to see, when i had it all on one thread in the oscar club?
if it IS decided to get rid of the clubs, will the club threads be deleted??
I hope there not deleted, I was thinking of getting a new tank and getting a severum, there is valuable information on the club threads.
My twopenneth -

In my opinion the Oscar Club particularly - with over 30 members has been a source of support, advice and comfort and I think it would be a huge shame if it were not allowed to continue. I think it offers a concentrated place of advice and knowledge of a regularly mis-sold fish.

As for some of the other clubs, I think reading them has helped me make decisions on possible future purchases (eg the snakehead club) and even though I do also read the forums, subsections etc having the nucleus of knowledge and support in one easy to find place is invaluable.

I commented adversly about the oddballs club as I felt the member who started it has been evasive and vague about their own tanks, has displayed a broad lack of knowledge and in my opinion was not able at this time to start a 'club' that could be informative or supportive as the others are. I also felt that oddballs is too broad a category for a club.

In general I like the clubs - they give good insight and enable a group of people with similar fish to learn together. Please don't get rid of them.
if it IS decided to get rid of the clubs, will the club threads be deleted??

I can't see that happening. We want to keep all the helpful content possible. Even if the threads sink down, the information would come up on a search. :D
I would like to refer to my earlier post RE: What is the point in them? (see post for full details).

I do however have to wonder how many people in this thread are 'genuine' and how many are fully paid up members of the 'lets all jump on the Suggestions bandwagon and agree with whatever is at hand no matter how stupid it is' club... Perhaps they should make a thread...
As I have been debating, there is no real point.Yet for no actual reason others still think there is.
Talked about this to another member via pm a couple of months ago as well.

so because you`re debating it.. it`s pointless??, who died and left you in charge?
cheesy feet your not a mod nor a club member so far as im aware, but i can indeed see how hard you are working to get to being one..... this thread is about the clubs.. not "all hail cheesyfeet"
i support the mods and totally . but, if they cant support us or find a place for clubs/ suggested subsection then i`ll have to maybe rethink my membership,
the word cliques is coming up a lot in this thread, i hate that word it means nothing to me... maybe its just there way of saying "im on the outside looking in" well err if you dont own a sev or an oscar then im afraid thats how it is, but its called a club not a clique....all a bit childish... reminds me of those silly mums you see at the school gates, looking down there noses at the others! and i think the most of the members of both clubs are way too down to earth for that crap.... when have we never offered advice because " someone wasnt good enough.. didnt use the "right" washing powder etc!! complete rubbish.. all sounds a bit lke jelousy tome.. tho goodness knows why :S

some of the people posting in here have openly said they have no interest in the clubs.. so i take it are lusting after the satisfaction of winding up co members or hovering likes scavengers over the clubs if they should be closed for good , only wanting to be a part o f the latest forum gossip. :crazy:
Can I ask one question - how is the Oscar Club/Severum Society/Snakehead Club etc and different from the pinned 'Best Of Aquabid' thread in the Bettas section? That thread seems to be Betta owners talking about which fish they want with pics and bits& pieces of info along the way....
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