Why Are The 'clubs' Being Closed?

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Oops, and I was just about to start a Mod Appreciation Club.... Guess this is out of the question now? :|

Edit: Language :eek:

Also, I read most of those threads. Alot of the information was very basic, and really was just for pictures. No offence, but isn't that what the picture sub forum is for?...
have emailed a mod over the idea of unpinning, taking away numbers and positions etc but leaving the threads to be posted on, hopefully they'll take to the idea. are the mods findong any of our suggestions useful?
This is definitely one of the topics of discussion. In some cases though, cleaning them up may cause them to be too confusing. For instance, the first page of the Livebearers club is pretty much all about officers and member numbers. If you delete all those, the thread really doesn't have a beginning.

I think they should unpin them, and have no 'bosses', then it would be survival of the fittest.
That may be the best solution. If there is enough interest, they will stay near the top. No interest means they fade into the sunset.

Why did the mods close the threads in the first place?
Maybe if you told us then we could give better suggestions as what to do.
There isn't just one reason for closing them and considering their existence:
  • The issue there being too many of them (I know there are at least 10). We don't want a clb for every fish and every forum and subforum.
  • Appointment of officers and assignment of member numbers which could give the impression to a new member that they are run by the forum.
  • Brand new members forming clubs I assume just to have the "manager" title and a sense of belonging. We really know nothing about their fishkeeping experience and whether they know much at all about the fish they are forming a club for.
Those are a few.

I also agree with Ace. I read pretty much the entire severum club thread. You can probably get just as much useful information from reading the severum profile as you will get by reading through 19 pages of the severum club and it's a lot easier to find. There are a lot of wonderful photos there (never realized how gorgeous those fish were) but not a lot of specific information.
Have you considered leaving them closed and getting the mods to make new threads... eg: The oscar discussion thread
I think unpinning is the only realistic option considering the mods want to avoid the impression of an officially sanctioned club/thread. As to managers / secretaries, what purpose do they serve in a forum thread (other than self-labelling of course). If they had actual powers over others' posts that is different.

Unpin, and let the banter continue naturally. Useful information that should be structured should go to the profile. I do see a need for a "Problem: Fix" type search & resolve solution but that's more difficult to achieve.
Why not run the clubs like clubs, but in a way that they self moderate? Let me try (and probably fail) to clarify that point. You have your members and treat it like a normal thread while small and starting out until you get (quick think of random numbers :lol: ), say 25+ members, then the members vote in a chair. The chair hold the position for say 3 months, 100posts, 10 new members join, whatever pre-set point and everyone votes again on who's chair. The chair-person, if they accept their position, then takes on responsibility for moderating the thread and keeping the club's membership under control, but only in the club thread. Obviously, the clubs will be littering the relevant sub-forums that they are based in, so once you have an appointed chair, you move it into a clubs sub-forum, out of the way, and append the club to a list of clubs for fish in the sub-forum the club originated in, in a pined thread listing clubs for said sub-forum.

Obviously, this may not be implementable, and may have it's own complications. I'm not sure if you can set it up for a person to have mod privileges on one thread, so that part may, or may not, be possible. You'd also have to be able to ensure the chair didn't go on a deleting/editing spree in "their" club... Also, voting in a chair may be an issue, as might avoiding cliques within the club or the forum as a whole. However, it would allow "useful" clubs to remain open, self-contained and (possibly, depending on how voting in a chair, setting them up with privileges on one thread and the voting system works) low-maintenance from a moderators perspective. Also, the bigger clubs would be out of the way, while smaller ones can still fade into the distance...

That is however a complex solution to a simple problem. I would have no qualms if they were all just closed/deleted...

All the best
I think that would cause more problems. Say if one person was singled out by everyone in the club. Or, if one of the various groups always voted the same person or it was the same group of people that always got the chair...
This wasn't particularly a problem until recently when people decided to open clubs for absolutely everything!!!!

Why not just post in the appropriate section of the forum? .There are sections on the forum for most types of fish and for photos so I don't see the need for clubs.

Just my opinion :huh:
I think they definately shouldn't have closed the severum and oscar clubs as those two were the most respectable clubs, and the talk on there was never off topic.

as was the channa club
That is however a complex solution to a simple problem. I would have no qualms if they were all just closed/deleted...

I think deleting them may upset a few people, and your proposal involves a lot of effort. And we humans don't usually expend effort without persuasion...

Trying to facilitate something this forum's software wasn't designed for will end in tears.
Really i cannot understand what the problem is with these posts....there fish related and in there correct section of the forum, theres no bad laungage no fighting or nasty posts, theres pictures which can help people see what there fish will look like through stage's of there fishe's life, also there is so general chat about problems people encounter through there time with these fish and guess what its all in one place, not everyone are computer wizz's.....i sure know iam not a person who can search for hours, so whats the problem having info and exsperience's and picture's all in one place?

Ok the club section may have gone to far but that was just abit of light hearted fun, which for some reason this forum is lacking and the member's just seem to enjoy ripping everything apart much like a pack of wolve's :blink:

everyone enjoys looking at fish pictures and when you get that certain bug its natural to chat and look at all pics you can, everyone says search seach search, well he is the seach in one thread,sorted.....done.....

Its one thread which says for example "channa thread" so why cant people think oh iam not intrested in channa so i wont bother looking,oh look theres a thread on guppys breeding-i think i will read that one,click sorted... now that was not difficult really was it,
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