Why Are The 'clubs' Being Closed?

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This is just ridiculous!
I personally have nothing at all against the people who create these 'clubs' nor those who join them, (as i am one!)
but in all reality there isn't a true need for them, they do make it very difficult for someone to find information on a particular subject within the 'club' thread, as opposed to just looking up a particular thread within a titled section.
there has been a lot of so called 'clubs' popping up, some more than others being absolutely ridiculous.
information may be lost? yes, of course it will, but it would take 1 person to ask a question within a section to get their answer, no need to go searching through a 'clubs' 10 pages to find out whether your green severum is meant to have 1 eye or 2.
at the end of the day, or the month at this rate, there is no need for the clubs and when thought about properly they probably cause more problems than good.
i don't meen to insult, argue, disappoint or just p**s any body off but i truthfully believe they shouldn't be on here. the whole forum is set out in a fairly decent manner and no need to change it, use it as it is meant to be used, talk about whatever you want, but there is already sections for doing so, no need for any more!

Whey, now does it qualify more that someone 'in' a club has said the same.
With the other issues they cause then, just remove them.For members annoyed that there valuable information is gone - LOL

why would we have to go through each post though to delete bits? just leave it as they are..people remove the numbers from there sigs and leave it at that, no more mention of it. i dont mind going back through my posts and deleting the word club or whatever..but i bet the poor souls who were in more than one club would be miffed off at having to do it. just unpin them, ban numbers and positions and let the popular clubs stand out above the unused ones? is it so hard?

*gives up goes back to the bench and lets the rest get on with it*
why would we have to go through each post though to delete bits? just leave it as they are..people remove the numbers from there sigs and leave it at that, no more mention of it. i dont mind going back through my posts and deleting the word club or whatever..but i bet the poor souls who were in more than one club would be miffed off at having to do it. just unpin them, ban numbers and positions and let the popular clubs stand out above the unused ones? is it so hard?

But that's the problem. There would still be clubs, just clubs with no signature links in them.
Why did the mods close the threads in the first place?
Maybe if you told us then we could give better suggestions as what to do.
so however we look at it...you want the club threads gone??

first you say you want to keep them because of the information they hold...yet you dont want to keep them because they are too 'clubbish'? how does that work?

seems to me no matter what we say your not gonna reopen them so why not just delete them now and get it over with, and we can move on and open new fish specific threads not containing the word club!?
so however we look at it...you want the club threads gone??

first you say you want to keep them because of the information they hold...yet you dont want to keep them because they are too 'clubbish'? how does that work?

seems to me no matter what we say your not gonna reopen them so why not just delete them now and get it over with, and we can move on and open new fish specific threads not containing the word club!?

That's the dilemma and the reason why we are taking so long to come to a decision. The creation of one or more subforums is not entirely out of the question either. We are considering the PM you sent even as I write so please have patience with us.
so however we look at it...you want the club threads gone??

first you say you want to keep them because of the information they hold...yet you dont want to keep them because they are too 'clubbish'? how does that work?

seems to me no matter what we say your not gonna reopen them so why not just delete them now and get it over with, and we can move on and open new fish specific threads not containing the word club!?

That's the dilemma and the reason why we are taking so long to come to a decision. The creation of one or more subforums is not entirely out of the question either. We are considering the PM you sent even as I write so please have patience with us.

The discussion of more sub-forums used to come up every couple of months, and time and time again the end decision is that sub-forums would be pointless.
The oscar club is the most popular, so you're suggesting there could be a sub forum for the oscar?
Or just one to stick all the clubs in?
That would be the only way I see to keep them, without closing/deleting them, but wouldn't solve half the other one's.
well im actually beginning to feel a little sorry for the mods...can see there point and how hard a desicion it must be to keep everyone happy. so am gonna try and shut my cake hole now(!)
The way I see it the problem has only arisen since a lot of clubs popped up. the Oscar Club is both popular and well used as are others of the older ones and it is a shame that they are being spoilt because of some irresponsible actions by teenagers.
I have to say that yes there has been an awfull lot of club threads, some are even started by members which haven't even reached over 100 posts.

It does seem to be getting out of hand but the larger ones such as the oscar club, severum club and the fryday club should stay because so much hard work went into them, It just seems a shame to close them.

But because of the closing we have lost 2 valuable members; minxfishy and I think nelly has gone judging by the profile message.

But at the end of thew day the mods have the final say.
So now we've lost 2 of the most knowlegdable members all because the mods decided to randomly close the club threads. :angry:
If they've quit because they're beloved clubs are gone I find that sad, and silly on their part, as said if you feel your information is so great, do a right up, profile, or similar, and all the rest can happen in the normal sections anyway.Nelly was always a good laugh :(
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