What oddballs do you all have?

sting rays, and bgk for my oddballs.

I had those black finned sharks, brought them back due the brakish bit.... :crazy:

Nice resurrection, at least it was not a new post.... with the same question over and over and over and over (see my point :rolleyes: )
OK.....since this thread seems to have been resurrected and people are actually posting in it....here is a list of my 'oddballs'


Polypterus bichir lapradei
Polypterus delhezi - Armored Bichir
Polypterus endlicheri congicus - Congo Bichir
Polypterus endlicheri endlicheri - Saddled Bichir
Polypterus ornatipinnis - Ornate Bichir
Polypterus palmas buettikoferi
Polypterus palmas palmas - Shortfin Bichir
Polypterus palmas polli - Marbled Bichir
Polypterus retropinnis - West African Bichir
Polypterus senegalus - Cuvier's (Senegal) Bichir
Polypterus weeksii - Mottled Bichir
Polypterus sp. 'Congo'
Erpetoichthys calabaricus - Rope Fish


Ctenopoma acutirostre - Leopard Bush Fish
Ctenopoma kingsleyae - Tailspot Bush Fish
Ctenopoma ocellatum - Bullseye Bush Fish
Ctenopoma weeksi - Mottled Bush Fish
Microctenopoma ansorgei - Ornate Bush Fish
Microctenopoma fasciolatum - Banded Bush Fish
Anabas testudineus - Asian Climbing Perch
Belontia hasselti - Java Combtail
Belontia signata - Ceylon Combtail

Other Miscellaneous 'Oddballs'

Phractolaemus ansorgei - African Mud Fish
Pantodon buchholzi - African Butterfly Fish
Protopterus annectens - African Lungfish
Xenomystus nigri - African Knife Fish

Nice collection Fruitbat.

My own collection has changed and grown somewhat since i last posted

Potamotrygon motoro
Couis microlepis; Tiger datnoid
3 Scatophagus argus, scat, red and green
3 Monodactylus argenteus; mono
Monodactylus sebae; Sebae mono
2 Toxotes jaculatrix; Archer fish
3 Gymnothorax tile; "freshwater" moray eel
Echidna rhodocheilus; white cheeked moray eel
Batrachus grunniens; Toad fish
Apteronotus albifrons; Black ghost knife fish
Dorminator maculatus; Jade goby
Polypterus ornatipinnis; ornate bichir
Polypterus delhizi; Armoured bichir
Polypterus senegalus; Senegal bichir
Tetraodon nigroviridis; Green spotted puffer
Oxyeleotris marmoratus; marbled sleaper goby
Scleropages jardini; Australian arowana
1 Channa gachua; green snakehead and around 60 fry, was a breeding pair till the male escaped and the cat ate its body :(
2 Mogurnda adspersa; purple spotted gudgeon
1 Takifugu occelatus

Mastacembelus armatus - tyre track eel
Polypterus senegalus - senegal bichir
Apteronotus albifrons - black ghost knife fish

I have several oddballs.

2x Senegalus
1x Delhezi
1x Buettikoferi
1x Ropefish
5x Violet Gobies
2x Marbled Gobies
2x African Butterfly Fish

I think thats all of them.
Ok very small collection, these replaced my red and tiger oscars;

4 x Nothobranchius Eggersi (Link)
4 x Nothobranchius Patrizii(Link)
4 x Aphyosemion Australe (Link)

These are the trial killis :crazy:

If I can keep them alive for their expectancy then I will progress to a rarer species for breeding and maybe showing :D

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