What oddballs do you all have?

What is an Oddball?

This question comes up a lot. I classify it as anything that is out of the norm. Wether it be difficult, rare, or unusual. I would assert that a RTC is an oddball, large predatory catfish, elephant noses, and any number of other unusual creatures that few appreciate or could house effectivly. In my experience, a beautiful pair of albino Apistograma cauckatoides sp. triple red would be oddballs. It may be a streach, but how often do you see them? How many of you keep them. As for my knowlege, there is only one, gadazobe right? I know this may be just my opinion, but the oddball forum should be where one goes if your fish doesn't quite fit into a category, or if help isn't found elsewhere. Maybe its a new fish to the hobby. Maybe its a once in a lifetime chance of finding it. Whatever you think is an oddball, then there it is! :fun:
I would personally class odd ball fish as those that dont fit into the "normal" catagories of Cichlids,catfish,carps or live bearers (why is it there is no where to post about barbs sharks and loaches on this forum?)A rtc is beyond the limitations of the everyday aquarist but at the end of day it is still a catfish with the same wants and needs as its smaller cousins,and a dwarf cichlid is still a cichlid even if it is a rarely seen species.Im sure if we tried we could probably find something "odd" about most fish species but then no one would post in the other forums :lol:
Just got myself another new oddball,its a Siamese tiger fish,stunning fish with vertical black stripes on a white background with reddish pectoral fins,i will be posting pictures in members pics as soon as it has settled in and i can get a decent picture. :D :D
Sounds awesome, can't wait for the pics! Don't you just love getting a new oddball!!
Ive put a couple of pics in,poor little sod my buttikoferi decided to attack him almost as soon as he went in :-( But its ok now because theyre in jail in a spare 10g i had awaiting deportation back to the lfs they came from :lol: :lol: :lol:
Aren't Siamese Tiger Fish brackish fish? Do you have a brackish set up? Why don't we have a brackish forum?

I hear you on your response to my reply. I was just making a point for those who are, or seem to be, timid about posting here because they don't know where to post. In some respect, I genuinly agree, but I don't want to restrict posters here.

If it's odd, it's an oddball.

If it fits in another category, and we can't help you, they'll move it for you.

Most people understand that a mickey mouse molly, or a Mbuna, or a plecostomus isn't an oddball, but if they do, can we not help them?

I guess I'm rambling on a little, but I do have a point. Now if I can just find it. I know I put it around here somewhere. :crazy:

Ohh, Here it is. I just don't want someone to not post here because they have an Anableps anableps and doesn't see it in the pinned "What is an Oddball?" section.

Just my 1 1/2 cents worth.
Most species of tigerfish are brackish which is why i have been waiting so long to get this one which is freshwater,they are found in brackish as well but are equally happy in freshwater (or so says all the literature ive read on them and the guy in the fs)

I think there should be a pinned section here,but one that tells people what dosen't qualify as a odd ball.
I have some oddballs and also some normal fish that would also fit into the category I think because of there size and there behaviour; I have two senagal bichir's( one male and one female I think) These are quite new to my tank and also my true oddball's but in my tank I have a fully grown Green Terror(between 9inch and 10 inch) he is my fave because when anyone looks into my big tank he will follow you around the tank he also doesn't have a bottom lip from a fight he had with a fully grown(about 8inch) tiger striped Oscar(she died about a year ago RIP) in the tank I've also a 15inch Pangasius I know he's a catfish but how many of them do you see that swim into your hand when cleaning the tank and are as big as mine!. I also have three plec's but again these are quite big and I have three different types 1 is a sailfin, 1 is a whip tail and the other is just a normal one they are 9inch (only a baby) then 14inch and about 16inch respectivly, again they're cats but they are quite big and very nice markings and to finish with I have two red finned sharks the female is big for a shark at about 7.5inch I think the other one is a male but he's still young but already he's 5inch's. All of my mates think that my fish are oddballs because none of them thought that fish would grow this big in an aquarium, some have even asked if I've got magnifing glass!!!
cat fish crazy!!!

sorry it took me so long, got distracted (happens easily)

the shovel nose is ..... sorubim lima

dunno if this is what you were asking for? :)
i have a flag tailed prochilodus (semaprochilous theraponura)
does that count
Well thats a characin so since there isnt anywhere to post for them then i suppose they are a kind of oddball,what size tank do you have and do you have just the one?They are shoaling fish and they get BIG.
I've got a anablep anablep and also 2 gobi dragons - I think they can be classed as oddballs :nod: What about synodontis euruptis (spelling) (featherfin upside down catfish)? If they're oddballs, I've got three of them :)
Would not class that syno as an oddball , i have them as well lol
They might not be classed as oddballs, but they sure are odd looking and odd behaving - skimming the surface, upside down and chasing each other all over the tank :) :lol: :lol:

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