What oddballs do you all have?

Nope no synos please,i have a syno soloni which as far as i know is very rare but i still wouldn't class it as a oddball,anableps are cool though but ive never heard of a FW species?One of the lfs had some which they claimed were FW but started dying in their tanks almost straight away so obviously wern't :-( goby dragons are good as well i have one in one of my tanks :thumbs:
I've only had mine a few days - he's fine so far (runs to knock on wood) - eating well and swimming around the top like he owned the place :) I did read up a bit (after I bought him) and my fishie bible says that you can get fresh water ones. I hope he's going to be ok :sad:
You decided to keep it then :eek: I hope you have the time and money to care for this fish,with proper feeding it will need to go into a brakish set up within around 8 months,catfish dont count as oddballs in my book but since this one has difficult care i suppose it quallifies.
Actually, i am still deciding whether to keep it or not. :crazy: I just love the fish, he is so beautiful. :crazy: :crazy:
Well I had 2 Plectrochilus Erythrurus which are a parasite catfish that is a close relative to the Candiru (Amazon Pee Fish), but they had to be returned to the lfs due to my tank breaking. I also would not have been able to care for them properly as they need to feed off the blood of larger fish (they swim into the gills and bite off a chunk, then feed on the blood until sated...Vampire Cats). Cool fish and from what I could find very rare in the aquarium world, hardly any info on them anywhere that I could find.
I would have kept them and gave them large cichlids to feed on,that would teach them for being aggressive. :lol: :lol:
I would have kept them and gave them large cichlids to feed on,that would teach them for being aggressive.
:lol: :lol:

:lol: :lol: I was thinking about plopping a big fat Koi into the tank....keep'em fed for months....although they do feed on those giant catfish in the wild so maybe I missed an excuse to get a 2000 aquarium to house their natural food :lol: :lol: :lol:
im not sure if there oddballs but i have a brown ghost knife and 3 kuhli loaches
woot, ive got a khuli loach and an albino cory, they both rule :lol:
what's the phrase again? "holy old post, Batman!"? :p

although it's freaking hysterical to read CFC's posts from 2 years ago... so full of wide-eyed wonder and innocence :p :p :p soft-spoken even!
I have....2 dwarf puffers, a brown ghost knife, 2 peacock spiney eels....that's it. Wow, I need more!

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