Bored into leaving
I agree with a lot of things said on here. I personally have not seen many reasons for older members to leave.
I do. Read Arfie's post for why. The forum very quickly gets boring for me these days. Most of the members who had interesting tanks or fish I wanted to read about have left for pastures new. As I don't do a nano reef or a planted tank I have little in common with most of the forum. I also can't be bothered to answer the same question which is answered in pins and FAQs for the x thousandth time.
Furthermore, it is somewhat disappointing to see a google hero who posts rubbish so much of the time become reverred as some sort of fishkeeping god.
Arfie is also fairly close with the GC points. There isn't anywhere to actually chill out, especially as live chat doesn't work properly. LC used to be heaving with at least 7-10 people in on a school night and much more across the weekend all chatting and having fun. Now 5 people speaking is busy. Something happened with LC around 2 years ago that caused some people issues and it has never been worked out, as such many people who might want to try and get in there can't.
I will also suggest another reason for a downturn in people posting - admin issues. As William is the only admin and is not actively involved things that only he can sort out take far too long to sort out for impatient people who are already somewhat disenfranchised with the forum. Take the links to live chat, aquarium calculator or even the search function. All of them have been borked in one way or another for over week now with no signs of any progress on them being fixed. Trying to reply to a post that requires reference to previous posts is pretty frustrating when you can't search. I would be willing to bet that there are no other forums with a membership as large as this with only 1 admin to try and hold it together.