better put the kettle on them mate.

yeah, i think attitudes have changed recently and ever since the outbreak of the 'adult material' on this forum, (not that im saying that has anything to do with it!) alot of the older members have gone, over that last 2 months or so. no MW, no The wolf to name a few. ade hasnt been around for a while (shrimp guy)
Well thanks Nick, always nice to know your missed. I've had some issues recently, I'm really quite poorly and the docs don't know what's wrong with me, in addition to this me and my partner have both been made redundant, currently living at his parents house and generally having a bit of a pants time.
normally i pride myself on the fact that i will stick around and answer the same basic questions over nad over again and give everyone the attnetion it deserves, we've all got to start somewhere and I know I appreciated the advice I got starting out and like to give something back. But with everything thats going on recently i've been super stressed and haven't had the time or inclination to do what i normally do. I'm still popping on every few days just not posting as much. sure i'll be back to full speed when life works itself out a bit!!
I will also suggest another reason for a downturn in people posting - admin issues. As William is the only admin and is not actively involved things that only he can sort out take far too long to sort out for impatient people who are already somewhat disenfranchised with the forum. Take the links to live chat, aquarium calculator or even the search function. All of them have been borked in one way or another for over week now with no signs of any progress on them being fixed. Trying to reply to a post that requires reference to previous posts is pretty frustrating when you can't search. I would be willing to bet that there are no other forums with a membership as large as this with only 1 admin to try and hold it together.
well you know i've said this myself before on more than one occasion. correct or otherwise the impression that members get is that William is not interested in the forum anymore. I appreciate he may do more behind the scenes work than posting and everyone has their own lives to live. but i do think there is a significant amount of evidence to show that problems are not being fixed quickly enough, i know i've got hacked off with it in the past so I'm sure other members have as well. I do think another admin would be of significant benefit to the forum.