What Goes In With My Oddballs?

hehe, I've fallen in love with the little guy already. At first he just stayed in his little corner, but now he's become curious, and as active as Alfred (my decision on the name for my Albino Senegal Bichir)

Hehe. And they're both so cute.

:wub: man. I'm fish crazy.
Your tanks not big enough for discus, they need shoals (5+) unless it's a pair? Also i'm not to sure how they'd react to the other fish, my guess would not be too good.
allow me to be a little more specific... an adult discus is about 8" in all directions. pick up a salad plate and you'll see what i mean.

maybe you oughta start saving up for a breeder 50g, you know a nice wide tank. try looking in craigslist and try to see if there's a fish club in your area--that's a great place to get a large but inexpensive used tank.
Jay - I will be doing a pair. 5+ would be crazy with my current availability :crazy:

and yes... I'm aware how big they get... I'll need a wider tank eventually, or get them to my very best LFS, whom does raise specialty discus in great tanks.
No a pair as in breeding pair, are they a breeding pair?

I've seen 10"+ discus for sale by breeders before.
oh no no no. These guys are offspring from some really huge discus.

One of my LFS, Fish city, sells large discs, and breeds fish, and apparently their large discus had a huge offspring all at once, as they literally have almost 1000 juvy disks floating around, as well as like, 50 juvy arrowana in another tank (their front tanks have arrowana)

These guys make their own fish :lol: The babies are just plain cheaper.
Haha, guess what - update time!

So... I was thinking "wow... finding a butterfly fish would be imposible... but it'd do great for the top part of the tank, as it stays up there"

Guess who just found THE most beautiful one ever?
Black and Gold.

at the price of $7

at the place he had $52 in store cred

Whom also had to buy a new plan (bulbed)

haha. So it looks like I've got my top dweller :blush:

And in a week and a half when they can all go in, I'll get the african knife and the 3rd eel also :shifty:

Dunno what's going to happen to my discus though. My LFS said that "they're not doing trade ins" for a long time, and the current they discus they have is a breeding pair and a loaner, all 2x as big as my lil buddy in diamiter, so I'm gonna let him grow. The good news is, he's gobbling down bloodworms, even directly after water changes, and is in perfectly good health for now. So hopefully this'll continue untill they open back up for trade ins on fishies.
Don't even think about putting a brown knife in with any of those fish.
I had a brown knife a while back, and the thing had the guts to start nipping the tails off of ALL of my fish. (he would nip at my arowana, tiger fish, ANYTHING)
My roomate had a brown knife as well, it did the same damn thing to his fish.

Oh and try not to ignore the people in this post who are telling you that you shouldn't have a discus yet. You know, just like the people in your other posts... like, lets see... um, here: Link to Awesome Topic!

ps - I'm glad you're thinking about taking the discus back.

~ Wonderboy!
I'm not ignoring. Not at all.

Here's what I've gotten from the info
A: I should not have the discus
B: I should not buy another as it will not make a breeding pair
C: right now i need to lower the ph and make a few accomidations to help it out

And, the brown knife i'm getting already lives with fish similar to mine.
It already lives with bichirs, and I have one. So he'll be a. o. k. :nod:

And the bichirs are babys at that. he's a mellow one. You two must have gotten some pretty agressive ones somehow, as they're usually peaceful. Just like most fish, the eat what goes in their mouths :/

And you'll be happy to know my new final layout plan

1x African Brown knife
1x Albino senegal
2x PEacock eel
1x Feather Fin Catfish
1x African Butterfly fish

Note - now less discus included for permanate residance :)
i'm sorry, but are all these fish still in the 10g? you really ought to start moving some of them into the 38g before acquiring any more fish.
no no no - of course not

The False flying fox, syno, ect are in the 38, as they can handle being with the danios.

Next weekend the danios are going to a LFS, and the rest my fish are going in, as cycling is done.

I don't even have the african brown knife. He'll go in after everyone,
To be honest, I think 38g isn't big enough for your plans. You're going to need a hell of a lot bigger a tank for that list you've made. :/
Don't even think about putting a brown knife in with any of those fish.
I had a brown knife a while back, and the thing had the guts to start nipping the tails off of ALL of my fish. (he would nip at my arowana, tiger fish, ANYTHING)
My roomate had a brown knife as well, it did the same damn thing to his fish.

Then this fish wasnt an african brown knife. I have one too, its very peaceful and it lives with many other fish. You probably got another type of knife fish labeled incorrectly at the pet store.

To be honest, I think 38g isn't big enough for your plans. You're going to need a hell of a lot bigger a tank for that list you've made. confused.gif

Why do you think that?
I think it is big enough for his plans, but he would have to have great filtration on the tank.

EDIT: Kathy, have you ever kept any of those fish he has listed?

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