I'm not ignoring. Not at all.
Here's what I've gotten from the info
A: I should not have the discus
B: I should not buy another as it will not make a breeding pair
C: right now i need to lower the ph and make a few accomidations to help it out
And, the brown knife i'm getting already lives with fish similar to mine.
It already lives with bichirs, and I have one. So he'll be a. o. k.
And the bichirs are babys at that. he's a mellow one. You two must have gotten some pretty agressive ones somehow, as they're usually peaceful. Just like most fish, the eat what goes in their mouths
And you'll be happy to know my new final layout plan
1x African Brown knife
1x Albino senegal
2x PEacock eel
1x Feather Fin Catfish
1x African Butterfly fish
Note - now less discus included for permanate residance