What Goes In With My Oddballs?

then... for now... the final tank is decided! (Untill someone else posts some really really cool fish that none of us combine thought of....)

1x Albino senegal Bichir
3x Peacock eel (gonna get that striped one from petsmart)
1x African Brown Knife (petsmart it. It's already used to living with bichirs)
1x Feather Fin Catfish
1x Angel (yeah. I just simply have to have something that's gonna stay around the top... He's it probably...)

oh yeah....

1x False Flying Fox.

Love the guys. 6 inches. shouldn't get eaten.

I'd risk a school of Celebes Rainbows, but they only get to 4 inches. I'm guessing they'd eventually be chow...

In my opinion, I would never put an angelfish and a brown knife together. I've noticed with brown knives that they like to dominate an aquarium once they are comfortable with it. (Even to the point where I put it in my roommates 180 gallon aquarium, and it had the balls to nip at an african tiger fish.)

I would consider them too boring and too agressive of a fish to keep with the things that you are planning on buying.

And another thing is, if you're planning on keeping all of the aforementioned fish in the same aquarium(38 gallons right?) , even without the brown knife, that's just poor planning on your part. Too many (potentially large) fish for such a small tank.
then... for now... the final tank is decided! (Untill someone else posts some really really cool fish that none of us combine thought of....)

1x Albino senegal Bichir
3x Peacock eel (gonna get that striped one from petsmart)
1x African Brown Knife (petsmart it. It's already used to living with bichirs)
1x Feather Fin Catfish
1x Angel (yeah. I just simply have to have something that's gonna stay around the top... He's it probably...)

oh yeah....

1x False Flying Fox.

Love the guys. 6 inches. shouldn't get eaten.

I'd risk a school of Celebes Rainbows, but they only get to 4 inches. I'm guessing they'd eventually be chow...

In my opinion, I would never put an angelfish and a brown knife together. I've noticed with brown knives that they like to dominate an aquarium once they are comfortable with it. (Even to the point where I put it in my roommates 180 gallon aquarium, and it had the balls to nip at an african tiger fish.)

I would consider them too boring and too agressive of a fish to keep with the things that you are planning on buying.

And another thing is, if you're planning on keeping all of the aforementioned fish in the same aquarium(38 gallons right?) , even without the brown knife, that's just poor planning on your part. Too many (potentially large) fish for such a small tank.

Please bother to read the rest of the posts before quoting.
A: The angel and knife are discarded ideas.
B: I got an African butterfly knife, and plan to do a set up of

1x African butterfly
3x peacock eel
1x albino senegal
1x syno. cat (featherfin)
1x False flying fox

for the final. Peacock eels are sociable creatures in small groups and enjoy the company of each other. Their body's obviously make them an exception, and the tank size is adequiate for suiting them in adult hood. I have provided hiding places, as well as a sand substrate for them to dig and hide in. this suits better to the bichir and cat as well.

Again, please read through before a comment. The reason I did the post was to stop poor planning, so it's not in vain, but just make sure your comments are up to date next time :good:
well I've been in the thread since near the start and I havent read where it says you are not going with the knifefish?
All I've read is people saying "dont get the nifefish" and you saying "it'll be fine"

I may have missed it though.
I've said a considerable amount of times that "Yeah... the knife fish is definatly going into consideration of not being in the plans". I thought I posted a list of my new final tank plan without the knife fish? If not, then there is the final plan. But I had written off angels for sure.

ah, 7 posts up from here. I said I was considering a third spiney eel over the Knife, and that's what I've got. I've gotten another juvy peacock eel. He has incredible hiding speed and ability, and is never out, where as the other two never bother digging. odd.
The 'featherfin' catfish needs 30g to itself, with no other bottom dwellers, your tank is 38g :/
the featherfin syno can share with peaceful inhabitants, from what i've read and been told. The peacocks tend to stay up in my plants, and if they're on the ground, they're in it. And my syno has taken residence in

A: The two planted corners
B: the ceramic house.

He bugs no one, and everwhere I've read said he'd be fine. Hmmmm. The 30 gallon to self means with no other Syno. cats, as they'd fight. (Just saying what four out of four sites I read came up on him)
No by 30g to itself, it's means no other bottom dwellers, e.g. syno's. Maybe a few upper dwellers.
Space, as they are territoral, don't like other bottom dwellers in smallish tanks etc.

I thought an African Butterfly fish would be compatible with a senegal....

And I mean, again, it was 1/2 the senegal's size....

It even lasted 4 days.....

My african Butterfly became expensive senegal fodder. I thought he wouldn't go for it? Does that mean I shouldn't get one for my final tank plan?

and he was so beautiful too... black and gold.... and so cool.... :no: That senegal...

But alfred's too cute to do anything about :wub:

but still.... poor dragun..... (twas the name i gave the butterfly the night before he died, as he looks like such a cool dragon from the top of the water. sigh~)
if he's eaten one, he'll probably end up eating two. :no:

Gankutsuou, can you update the contents of your sig? esp. with regards to the 10g?
Ah. I will eventually.

it's just

3x peacock eel
1x discus
1x albino senegal

with periodic water changes (every 3 days about)

And yes. I'm thinking I wont get another untill the 10 is cleared out.

Good news.

Thursday My pleco and 6 danios go back to my LFS.
Into the 38 will go my 3 eels and my senegal and my discus.

In will go a new addition in thought. they're labled as twig catfish, aka Farowella, and I'm getting a species that should remain 6 inches.

Go figure. Get rid of one wall hugger, I have to get another :blush:
But he'll pretty much produce the same as the african butterfly fish would, if not less.
N-O spells no on the Twig Catfish. Those are incredibly delicate and very sensitive to water conditions. That tank is going to be packed to the brim with large predators--even if you're doing daily water changes, you're going to be constantly fighting down your nitrate levels. That's unacceptable to keep a Farlowella like that.

Twig Catfish are also slow and "brittle". It would only take one snap from the birchir to kill or fatally wound one.

And, dude, you repost your potential stocklist 2-3 times daily. Just take the 20sec to update your signature so we can help you keep your fish alive in the interval.
well the problem is, I already got the Twig cat.

I got him from mybest lfs, whichdid tell me he'd be great there. The guy is really nice, know me and my stocking.

A senegal Isn't going to attack a fairowella. If it would attack that, then it'd be going for my peacock eels as well, no? Senegal's arejust like most fish. They eat what fits in their mouth. And I seriously dobut that it would asses that it could fit an entier ferowella in there.

But If you say that is a problem with what it is, then I'll try to figure something out. But it Has plenty of hiding places. It can even latch itself onto my water onion leavesand stick to them.
I know this is a double post, but it is somewhat an entierly different subject.

My filter as of right now cycles the tank at approxemently 3.8x total gallons in an hour.

for $50 I can get a filter that does 5.28 x total gallons per hour, has two more layers of filer protection, as well asthe ability to "stack in" other things, such as ammonia controlers geared specifically towards it. I have about $21 left in store cred from buying the farowella and two branches of lily like plants that are amazing.

Would you suggust that I go for that filter that does 5.28x total gallons so as to help the farowella? I'll have the cash to do that by wedensday I'm hoping. But that upgrade in filtration would help a bunch, right?

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