What Else Could You Do With A Fish Tank?

Mines warm enough... I'll put a heater in the tank if all else fails.
Put Jade Goody in it and parade her round the cities of Great Britain so people could taunt and if they so chose, throw rocks at her.
If you throw rocks at her then you would further ruin the tank!
I'd imagine Betta owners could use them as drinking glasses, they tend to be about the perfect size from I've seen...
Which is why i am using a damaged one, wouldn't waste a good tank on that hound.
in our house it would become a tool box

you have no idea how many 'recepticles' Ian has in the cellar crammed full of tools :rolleyes:
Put it over your head when it was raining and fit some little windscreen wipers on it.
Proabbly use it as a planter, or a reptile habitat.

Some cool retro decoration.. I dunno :)
Add substrate heater and ugf. Now you have perfect cookie jar and warm cookies all the time! :hyper:

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