What Else Could You Do With A Fish Tank?

Put Jade Goody in it and parade her round the cities of Great Britain so people could taunt and if they so chose, throw rocks at her.
That would be over stocking, plus Jade Goody's are shoaling fish so 6 is the minimum number :no: .
smash over my brothers head wen he gets too cocky, i know its harsh but i know u would like to do it to ur bros and sisters
I am in the process of converting one of my smaller tanks into a home for my giant african land snails!
buy a new tank and refund the broken one back there u earned 10 dolllar.. they wont notice the differences lol

say you sold me a broken tank, i want my MONEY back
Try and sell it on ebay as a working tank hehe. I know ur not allowed to but this is a topic of wat u can do with a broken fish tank. Sorry if someone else has said this already
Not overly funny, but I am getting my mom's old ten gallon that she used for her iguana (way too small, I got her a bigger tank for him) and I am going to use the ten gallon (with the screen) to make a display with my pet's urns, so that the risk of the cats knocking them over is less. (That would totally freak me out.)
Fix the crack and use it as an aquarium. That's what most of you would do isn't it?
Years ago when I had a leaky 3 footer I kept my indoor guinea pigs (mavis and derick) in there. they loved it. Being able to see what was going on and getting a friendy pat every time anyone went passed!! Mavis actually gave birth while we were having our Christmas dinner one year, :eek: poor thing had 6 people stuffing their faces and gawping at her!! :lol:
my husband keeps eyeing mine up saying that would be good for hamsters when i done with it (over my dead body)

so i guess if we had one it would be used for that.

Flip it upside down, paint it black and white, new chess table, just need pieces.

Hmmmmmmmmmm....... thats given me an idea.

Right guys I have for sale or to a good home 2 x silver mollie
2 x rams
2 x boesmani.................... I could'nt really.
Put people who start daft threads in it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey. Im enjoying the indepth discussion and debate on the intricacies of modern fish keeping :lol:. And the bit about Jade Goody was funny to.

Ive thought of another.

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wouah them new cases sound ausome wher can i get 1? :p lol

i know this is a bit hars btu i would find a blind kid and swap ti with his tank when thay aint looking (oh the ironey)

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