What Else Could You Do With A Fish Tank?

Put people who start daft threads in it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey. Im enjoying the indepth discussion and debate on the intricacies of modern fish keeping :lol:. And the bit about Jade Goody was funny to.

Ive thought of another.

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He he he Dude you need to get on the Dragons Den with that idea!!!!

I did like the Jade dig as well!! Loved what Clarkson said on top gear!!!
What i would do is get a large tank, and grow some illegal plants, and then after a while once its all been sold, ill dispose of that tank and buy myself a new one with me money lol
You could use a betta tank for Bonsai Kittens.

Landscape it, build a tiny Tibetian Monestary in it, and stock it with really tiny monks.

Keep a herd of pygmy buffalo.

Fill it full of cardboard bottles and tell people it's an inside out case of beer.

CFC already had the Mole Idea. (Brilliant.)

Bee Hive.

Set up a really small citiscape and keep white mice in it.

Sell it to North Korea as a Light Water Reactor Containment Vessel (slightly distressed).

Reenact the creation scene from Rocky Horror. (Is it soup yet?)

Speaking of Soup, Cooking with the visible Chef.

Put a smaller fish tank in it and run that.

Put it in a larger fish tank and put a sump pump to return the leaked water to the original tank.

Sit it on the front lawn, full of bratwurst, with a sign "Have a sausage? Leave one. Need a Sausage? Take one."

Put a small TV in it running a tape or DVD of a fish tank or fireplace.

Find another tank the same size and seal them together to get a tank twice as large as the original one.

Peyote Farming.
You could use a betta tank for Bonsai Kittens.

Landscape it, build a tiny Tibetian Monestary in it, and stock it with really tiny monks.

Keep a herd of pygmy buffalo.

Fill it full of cardboard bottles and tell people it's an inside out case of beer.

CFC already had the Mole Idea. (Brilliant.)

Bee Hive.

Set up a really small citiscape and keep white mice in it.

Sell it to North Korea as a Light Water Reactor Containment Vessel (slightly distressed).

Reenact the creation scene from Rocky Horror. (Is it soup yet?)

Speaking of Soup, Cooking with the visible Chef.

Put a smaller fish tank in it and run that.

Put it in a larger fish tank and put a sump pump to return the leaked water to the original tank.

Sit it on the front lawn, full of bratwurst, with a sign "Have a sausage? Leave one. Need a Sausage? Take one."

Put a small TV in it running a tape or DVD of a fish tank or fireplace.

Find another tank the same size and seal them together to get a tank twice as large as the original one.

Peyote Farming.
Those are great fella. I like the idea of starting with a broken 20gal. Putting a smaller tank inside it (15 gal). Then a smaller tank in that (10 gal). Then another (5 gal) and so on like russian dolls, down to a half gallon which id stick a betta and a single piece of gravel in!

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