What Book (or Books) Are You Currently Reading?

LOL yep, the original version. Well done for getting to ch4 I couldn't get past the first bloody page. :blink:
Hell no! even the fact that you've "challenged" me is enough to put me off. I read for a bit of light entertainment, not a challenge :rolleyes:

I was the same with Sillmarrilion :blink: gave up on about page 10, never picked it up since, probably never will.

is quite amazing that for the over the last year, harry potter only got mention once! i have 4 books on the go at the moment

pillip pullman - northern light - because the film is coming out
lian hearn - tales of the otori. - the last volume
carlos ruiz zafon - the shadow of the wind
and half of the yellow sun - can't remember the name of the aurthor
I just finished" Building an Empire, Henry and Edsel Ford". Right now im working on: RIpley's Belive it or not 2007 edition. Also, " Fast Food and the SuperSizing of America( adjacent to the movie, " Super Size Me". I highly recommend this book! Also, the Tropical Aquarium, for a Biology Project( they call this a project, i call this stuff i read everyday!. Also, something about health, but i cant remeber!
Aside from reading for school, I am currently reading Denis Johnson's "Tree of Smoke." I am only about fifty pages in (it is 600+ pages all together) and so far so good. I just finished Jon Krakauers "Into Thin Air" which I enjoyed a lot and recommend it to anyone adventure nut that wants a taste of reality.
I am currently burrowing through the terry brooks books and darren shan demon saga books, I read a (220-300) darren shan book in less than a day maybe a little more, such good books, shame they're so short though.
Terry brooks is amazing, long but very interesting books.So far I have read:
Sword of shannara

Elfstones of shannara-His best book

Wishsong of shannara
A great, but long series (each book small text and big pages 500+)

Books, 1-3 of the voyage of jerle shannara.Another great series

and books 1-4 of landover series, which I am not finding as good as the others (which are ment for adults), probably because they are ment for teenagers.
Also I am following on from voyage of jerle shannara series to enough series with a book called jarka ruus.
At the moment I'm reading Bill Bryson's 'Short History of Nearly Everything'.

Easily the best creative non-fiction I've ever read.
I'm currently reading a book called "Shadow Fires". It is quite good so far.

I'm about to start "The Silence of the Lambs" for a health asignment in school. lol
Has anyone read much Jack London, "Call of the Wild" in particular? What is the popular consensus?
I just started reading a fantasy book titled Goblin Hero by Michigan author Jim C. Hines. It's the second novel (of a trilogy) about the adventures of a scrawny nearsighted goblin called Jig. :lol: The third book, Goblin War should come out in March '08.

Check out his homepage. I took the picture he uses for his bio. :snap:

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