What are you doing today?

We will spend some time today preparing sleeping quarters for my sister who will be visiting through Sunday. Eldest niece is tagging along and last night we learned she is bringing her boyfriend. This has created a belief system issue because they expect to share a bedroom and that is completely outside mine and Linda's view. Yes, we know it is old fashion, but it is our kingdom. We have informed them we can provide accommodations but on our terms. It is not going over well. Will have to see how it plays out.

Lost one of original Molly last night. A fat belly who was doing fine during the day but just up and died with no notice sometime after dinner. Pretty bummed. Tested the water, which was changed on schedule two days prior. Tested at Amm -0, Nitrite - 0, Nitrate about 5, Hardness 257, K - 127, and PH 7.4. The PH has dropped somewhat as it has previously been slightly higher. Could find no obvious physical deformity that would explain the death and all others in the tank appear to be thriving normally. Will be monitoring the tank closely today.
Taking the truck to my mechanic today. It would not take gas yesterday from the pump. Something wrong in the evap system I think. If so the bed will need removal. Not something I care to do at this stage in life.

We were considering a new truck a bit ago but were quickly afflicted with sticker shock.
Today I am going to begin building an awning of sorts for the big window, 79 by 47 inches, that overlooks the pond. We wanted a window that allowed us a view of the entire water feature and bog but have come to realize it came with a price. The screened opening has absolutely been pelted during the past few heavy storms. We get wet. On hot sunny days we need to close the blinds because the sun angle blinds us while also roasting us. Closing the blinds defeats the purpose of the window as does getting wet.

Linda scraped up some fabric and I will made a frame out of PVC. This contraption was attached on the side wall above the window yesterday. When we got afternoon sun, I slid the contraption about to find the best height above the window to place a permanent structure. We then got "lucky" and had a pretty violent storm around 7 PM so we went out and reattached the contraption to make sure it also blocked the rain. The location was pretty good and most of the deluge was deflected before the fabric blew off in the storm. We got drenched but it was not actually unpleasant because the rain was as warm as bathwater.

The new awning will extend about 22 inches from the wall and will not obstruct the water view although the sunset will be somewhat obstructed. A trade-off like everything else in life. Should be able to do the job in one day unless I get sidetracked.

I also got a call from the local sawmill guy Saturday night. He has a customer who builds hay wagons that orders 6 - 8 - and 10-inch-wide poplar boards. There is always an excess after the sawing and the mill has no real use for them, so they sell them very cheaply, 2 bucks each, less than 25 cents a board foot. I had asked him to let me know when the next order was sawed, and the leftovers were ready for sale. First thing this morning I will be getting about 480 BF of poplar planks for a hundred bucks, an absolute steal. This is enough to finish the inside walls of the building with an attractive hardwood that is easy to work with and finishes quite well with oil-based stain. Now I will watch for a sale on insulation and the building will be usable all year with the addition of a small portable propane or electric heater. A pretty nice reward for a few days of woodworking.
Well I was sidetracked indeed. On the way home from picking up the planks had a truck issue. The awning is now part of a to do list.

Such is life.
It is Wednesday morning. That means my wife and I will be delivering food to the homes of needy people in the inner city. The organization we work for is called meals on wheels. We deliver food every Wednesday morning. Retirement provides time to do things like this.
It is Wednesday morning. That means my wife and I will be delivering food to the homes of needy people in the inner city. The organization we work for is called meals on wheels. We deliver food every Wednesday morning. Retirement provides time to do things like this.
I remember doing Meals on Wheels when I was in high school a hundred years ago. I met some of the sweetest people. I didn't know that orginization still existed. Doesn't look like there's a chapter in my town, but the senior center has a similar service.
Sorry, have been AWOL again and have a lot of pms to catch up on... I don't want anyone to think I'm ignoring or don't care!

And I'm okay... stressed, annoyed, busy, super irritated, trying hard to be patient and not always succeeding... Just stuff coming up and going on that has me frazzled and offline!

Bro is driving me up the wall while trying to navigate it all too. I'm trying so hard to be patient with him, but it's incredibly frustrating at times!! Gah.
Sold my 15 pane door for less than I wanted but more than giving it away. Bought plane tickets for my HS reunion. 47.5 years later. We are a little worried about how many will be left for the 50th. I can't say I'm excited. then the dog was barking and there was a cute little kitten up the tree along my back fence. When it saw me it started meowing so not a feral. I put a sign up for the owners, probably they live right behind me but he is napping in the ac having had some lunch a drink and his own private box to do business in. All in a large dog crate in a back bedroom. . He's too small to be loose here.


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Sold my 15 pane door for less than I wanted but more than giving it away. Bought plane tickets for my HS reunion. 47.5 years later. We are a little worried about how many will be left for the 50th. I can't say I'm excited. then the dog was barking and there was a cute little kitten up the tree along my back fence. When it saw me it started meowing so not a feral. I put a sign up for the owners, probably they live right behind me but he is napping in the ac having had some lunch a drink and his own private box to do business in. All in a large dog crate in a back bedroom. . He's too small to be loose here.
Aaww!! The kitten is so precious! Thank you for taking him in to safety 'til his owners hopefully track him down. ❤️
I found the kitten's home. New Neighbor didn't notice my sign on the telephone pole but when I saw cars home I walked over and rang doorbell and talked to the doorbell and the door flew open. I showed her kitty picture then went back to my house and brought him to her. He had 2 fleas which I couldn't catch, but I think she can deal with that.
I bought 4 old logitech B100 in their original wrap They will last millions of clicks.

The one I'm using now is 8 years old... And is starting to show it.

I use these at large in corporations over the years. And my sister is able to crap any gamer's mouse in a record time. But them.

They are the one you never ear about again.

But honestly the last ones I bought last 3-4 years... It's still a lot better than many !

And mine is under/over clicking...

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