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FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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The new owners of my apartments are finally here and active. :) Happy to say that the new office manager will be the same lady that has been filling in during the transition. :) I like her attitude as she has seemed to really care about resident issues. Also, the current maintenance guy will also remain which is a good thing. He was offered to keep the position a while back but the new background check concerned him as his past isn't exactly clean but he got through it fine. I'm glad that he is staying as, even though he still has much to learn, he really wanted to stay and help bring the apartments back to what they should be. Also the new office hours will be from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM. while the old system the hours were 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM with an hour off for lunch and a third of the time the manager never even showed up. Shoot there were several times when her husband had to travel to other regions under his control and she didn't like to be alone in their place so would travel with him still getting full salary while she wasn't even here for a week or longer at a time. Don't know how things will end but it has been a total relief getting rid of the old management.

When I moved in the original management was wonderful but the lady died and her son's wife was placed as manager by her son who was the district manager. They would not spend a dime on upkeep if they could avoid doing so to increase their yearly 'cost efficiency' bonuses. Never made sense to me as they would pay cheap in the short run and then end up paying more in the long run as upkeep was never properly done. We went three years with small window A/C units when the chiller heat pump and associated plumbing was being replaced due to them hiring cheap and unqualified workers. In the long run they had to replace plumbing twice due to unqualified workers not realizing that the 'cheap' workers didn't realize that the water pipes for the cooling had been contaminated. Yet they were driving Beemers due to their bonuses.
Didn't you know that those micro chips were invented by cats as a method to track and take out dogs???
In the England the dogs are getting their own back. They managed to convince the government to make it compulsory for cat servants owners to have their cats microchipped. As of 10 June 2024 all cats must be microchipped by the age of 20 weeks, including indoor only cats, with a £500 fine if your cat is found without a chip.
Made a last-minute decision yesterday to take the day off and do a small road trip. We wound up in Burlington Vermont and browsed the Church Street Mall, a pedestrian only section of downtown complete with street performers. I always love the mimes. On the way home we explored Shelburne Farms and took a brief tour. The farm is a place that many years back we learned some lessons on raising livestock and building a sustainable homestead. The short detour was a real blast from the past. Then to Daiken Farms where we purchased some sage cheese, smoked sausage, and two splits of wine followed by a stop at a local farm bakery for a loaf of freshly baked bread. Back to Burlington where we enjoyed the late lunch on the shore of Lake Champlain while listening to yet another street band playing some really nice Bluegrass music.

A pleasant day away. Today back to the grind.
In the England the dogs are getting their own back. They managed to convince the government to make it compulsory for cat servants owners to have their cats microchipped. As of 10 June 2024 all cats must be microchipped by the age of 20 weeks, including indoor only cats, with a £500 fine if your cat is found without a chip.
It's only England at the moment - Scotland and Wales may follow at some point.
First off, Burlington has a cool aquarium club. It's a great little town. I've been to all the places you mentioned @Oldspartan , as it is only 2 hours from where I lived for most of my life.
The breeder in Maine we got our dog from said she had been microchipped, but when we looked for it, it wasn't there. This is the third thing we've found we were lied to about, but I think she knew we were taking the dog across the border, and would have no recourse. It isn't just fish stores that play fast and loose. So we got it done way after we should have.
It's already illegal to sell an Asian arowanna that isn't microchipped, to discourage poaching. Will our future be fish and chips?
Our week at the beach has ended. We head for home this morning. I had the opportunity to spend quality time with the family. The children will be off to California and North Carolina. In addition to family time I spent many hours this week learning about African cichlids in preparation for starting up a 55 gallon tank. My sense is that most of my learning will come from actually having fish in the tank. And of course there is the Forum. Be prepared folks for many questions. My first challenge is where to place a four foot tank.
Today hubby and I took the bikes out and rode to Brighton, stopped and had lunch at The Devils Dyke, some beautiful views there.


Then home, showered, and now off round the parents for a Chinese 😋
Tomorrow is a local fish club bring and buy sale event, so I've been trying to get ready for that...

Want a couple of QT tanks set up, running and ready, just in case I am tempted by some fish. Mainly, I'm after live plants, but might easily be tempted by some nice shrimp, if the colour and pricing is right.

Going to try to resist getting any guppies, even just males for my own enjoyment, since my own tank stocking plans are so up in the air... don't really want to impulse buy fish, but if it's a good offer for something already on my wishlist, better to have the QT's up and ready just in case, than not, right?

Might be some pygmy cories for sale too. I already have a good group size, breeding, but haven't added new blood to the colony for a long time, so might get a few for that purpose if there are some there.
Being up in the wee hours looking a a pretty cool moon...

I just thought this was cool so decided to share. At around 1:00 AM it was an odd sky. As far as can be seen there is not even a pin prick of a star visible but then there is still this moon. There is probably a haze in the sky blocking the stars and causing the moon to be red but I just thought it really cool... This was taken with my 300 mm telephoto lens mounted on my Canon EOS Rebel T7. It could be more detailed but I took the shot hand held. Not really sure if my light tripod could handle the weight of this lens. Still, being hand held, not a terrible shot considering that it was night with little light. ;)

red moon.JPG
Playing epic 80s and 90s ballads from my childhood/teens while I get ready for fish event. Sharing this since I haven't listened to it in ages, but it still stands the test of time! Lorraine Crosby has a stunning voice.

Playing epic 80s and 90s ballads from my childhood/teens while I get ready for fish event. Sharing this since I haven't listened to it in ages, but it still stands the test of time! Lorraine Crosby has a stunning voice.

WOW, never saw that video and LOVE it! Not sure why but it reminds me of toward the ending of the Lord Of The Rings; Return Of the King, where Eowyn and Faramir start to get together. The video has now just became a part of my media library. :)

I actually saw Meatloaf in a live concert when they were unknown. If you remember Iron Butterfly they got back together after breaking up for a 'final tour'. They made a BIG mistake as in having Meatloaf as their warmup band. There was just no way that Iron Butterfly could match the energy output that was Meatloaf.
Just got done watching the USA easily win an Olympic basketball game as there was no other events that are of interest on at the time.

I'm not an NBA fan in any way but follow a bit during the Olympics. The NBA in the last sentence is my real problem with Olympic basketball. Are not the Olympics supposed to be an armature competition? How are professional NBA players being in the Olympics in any way an armature competition?

Not gonna start a movement or anything but I truly believe that professional NBA players being in the Olympics an abomination against what the games are supposed to be about.

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