What are you doing today?

I find myself looking at my bird cage as a possible herb garden. It is 3X3 foot as to width and depth so is large enough for a LOT of herbs. Probably won't do but not impossible. The cage has a full spectrum light which would work well for plants. Would have to be careful as to what I would plant. For instance no garlic as it would be bad for my bird. Same for anything in the onion family. Still there is a lot that I could plant that would be fine and the bird would 'help' with fertilization. ;) For instance I am a basil freak and it would actually be good for my bird if he ate some leaves.
I find myself looking at my greenhouse as a catio, and i think that is going to happen
Hi all 👋🏻 I haven’t been around for the past week as I’ve been pretty busy. This weekend is hubby’s birthday weekend so yesterday afternoon I carted him off into Central London to the F1 arcade (he’s a big F1 fan) where us and some friends took part in some friendly albeit competitive racing on their simulators (he’s a bit of a gamer too).
After that we went to an Italian restaurant for dinner and drinks.
Today will be family time - another meal out with the family for more birthday celebrations. Unfortunately that means he will miss today’s race as the table is booked for the same time - that was down to the mother in law! 🙈🏎️🏁
I find myself looking at my greenhouse as a catio, and i think that is going to happen
Now that is a great idea. Our cat Patches craves the outside, but we do not allow it because she wants to wander into the woods where a Fox family lives. She spends much of her day in the enclosed front porch looking longingly into the pond area. She rushes the door whenever we open it. Today I think we will carry her to the new building and let her spend the day.
my greenhouse is attached to the back of my garage, and framed with 2x4, lower plywood walls are deteriorating (12 years old), upper are fiberglass plus windows. I have a LOT of hardware cloth, maybe a catio also craft room, space is 8x8, the grandkids and I do resins and those fumes are toxic, despite their popularity. so resins can't be done in the house, and certainly no cat would be present. After the 3rd hailstorm roof became corrugated but not the clear brittle type..... plans are ongoing. And it does overlook backyard pond. There is a bird feeder in line of sight. Pic is backyard pond with aquatic iris taking over the top basin


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my greenhouse is attached to the back of my garage, and framed with 2x4, lower plywood walls are deteriorating (12 years old), upper are fiberglass plus windows. I have a LOT of hardware cloth, maybe a catio also craft room, space is 8x8, the grandkids and I do resins and those fumes are toxic, despite their popularity. so resins can't be done in the house, and certainly no cat would be present. After the 3rd hailstorm roof became corrugated but not the clear brittle type..... plans are ongoing. And it does overlook backyard pond. There is a bird feeder in line of sight. Pic is backyard pond with aquatic iris taking over the top basin
Beautiful pond! Is that a walkway across the left side? Linda wants a walkway over the dam between our ponds. I resist because I think it would be a frog salad bar for Buster.
There is a wall between upper and lower and big wide waterfall steps on left. Major bird bath
Just went on a fish store trip + progress on my South American tank!

First fish store was a local one I hadn’t been to before, but heard good things about. They had a really cool variety of less common freshwater fish, incl. golden wonder killies,knight gobies (which I’ve never heard of before and look cool?!) and even a tank labeled “halfbeaks” although they were out of stock. Their fish looked really healthy too. Storekeeper was willing to special order, but said apistos were tricky to find available, and he couldn’t promise me anything regarding them other than “we get them in every now and then so check back in”. I wanted to at least buy some driftwood while I was out but all their pieces were way too big for my tank.

Second stop was my go-to LFS. Immediately picked a great piece of driftwood, which you’ll see in a second! As always I like to check out the various tanks while I’m there lol. They had a TON of really pretty rainbows in various store tanks; I wonder if someone made a big order.

Then, checked with plants. They carry both plants I was looking for for this tank (Tiger lotus and water sprite), but were out them today.

I had a talk with the store owner (who’s friendly with my dad from back in the day)… first about apistos: he can order Agassizii for me, and signed me up to the store email so I can see when it’s in!
Second, I’m looking for a first job, and he’s short a weekend guy, so I got an application to work there! I’m excited to see if this will work out; I’ve applied to a few places around town over the past year but no one’s given me an interview.

Finally, developments on the new tank! Earlier today the static-cling black window film backing I ordered came, and I now have a nice black background for the tank! I plan to put it on my other tank too, but I haven’t yet cause reaching back there to align it is gonna be a hassle. Now that I’m home, I added the driftwood piece too! It’s exciting to see the tank starting to go somewhere.
@JackGulley Loving the black background, I have the same on my tank but that’s how it came as standard so no modifications required.

And good luck with your job application! Hopefully they give you an interview, all the best with that 🙏🏻

Maybe once you work for them they will give you a nice little discount on your future purchases 😉
And please remove the dead fish from the tanks before the doors open for customers. That’s a secret message to Petsmart and Petco.
Fish store workers here used to refer to that as "doing the deads", a morning chore that sounds like a really bad 1960s dance.

Although letting us see the deads is a good warning, although it's a sad fact that shipping is hard on fish.
I have a catio. I think needs some rat waste removal and a better door latch. long day. lower shields are for my male dogs, necessary.... strange cedar arrangement is to provide better security at hardware cloth seam, its some cedar that was in the shed. Beauty is not required.


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As previously said I've had some problems with getting used to my new trike as it seemed to want to lean when doing a turn a lot and just, overall, felt sort of top heavy.

So enter my DUH! mode. When I put it together there was air in the tires and I was so excited that I never checked the actual pressure and just wanted to go ride. Well the fact that I'd never checked the tire pressure dawned on me this evening and I felt totally stupid. The recommended pressure for the front tire is 20PSI and the back two 25PSI. The actual current pressure was 11PSI in the front and 12 PSI in the rear. LOL! Half the recommended pressure. No wonder it seemed a bit unstable as the tires would 'give' more than they should resulting in the tires shifting a bit side to side.

I have a jumper box and an air pump that it can power. I love the air pump as I can set a desired pressure and it will automatically turn off when the preset pressure is reached. I set the front tire to 21PSI and the backs to 26PSI to allow for a touch of loss when the hose was removed.

I didn't take it out to test but I'd bet dollars to donuts that it will be a lot more stable with proper tire pressure. I guess it was on of those cases when excitement to use over road common sense. ;)

Since I have yet to actually test I can't say for sure but the proper tire pressure should make a big difference.
I spent most of the day learning about African cichlids. I searched through Dan’s catalog and Wet Spots catalog and then checked the results with the Seriously Fish website. Finally I asked TFF members their opinions. This was helpful per usual. Sonmuch variety. So many beautiful and interesting fish. I have not made up my mind what fish to work with. More importantly I have yet to convince my wife to allow me to set up yet another tank (55gallon) for this new venture.

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