What are you doing today?

I've spent the last 30 years learning about African Cichlids. They aren't my main thing anymore, but the Central African ones have my eye again. There are really nice fish that have barely been kept in aquariums. I started with kribs, then went to mbuna, then Tanganyikans, then Cameroon Cichlids (probably my favourites), then Guineans - it's a world out there.
Now, in retirement, I have just 2 species of Gabonese Cichlids, and one Guinean.

@gwand - these fish can become quite an engaging project.

Today's going to be low key. I plan to take some scrap glass and make a paludarium-like bog tank. I cleaned the tank out yesterday and chose one piece of glass, then had a brainstorm for a different idea when it was too late to go back out and scrounge pieces. I decided I liked the one I made years ago so much I had to do another.
@JackGulley Loving the black background, I have the same on my tank but that’s how it came as standard so no modifications required.
Thanks, it looks great from a full tank shot but up close I can still see all the little bubbles underneath and it’s driving me crazy. Been over it with a credit card but those things are tough.
And good luck with your job application! Hopefully they give you an interview, all the best with that 🙏🏻
Thanks, much appreciated!
Maybe once you work for them they will give you a nice little discount on your future purchases 😉
Dad said if I get a nice store discount, he might start up a saltwater tank again. (He kept a ton and owned an LFS before I was born)
Was eying the different tank sizes while I was at the stores the other day. I’d love to have a larger tank one day. 33 long was cool because it just looked my two 20s connected into one tank. 40 breeder is also nice. Then I see a tank that’s the length of the 33 but height of the 40 and I think “that looks nice” and then I realize I’m looking at a 60 gallon tank! I guess it adds up quickly lol.
If I was gonna keep a large tank I think, rather than keep huge fish, I’d rather be able to have a huge environment for normal sized fish. Get to see real schooling behavior, or have dwarf cichlids where their “territory” is actually a small territory rather than taking up the whole tank.
Today I took a trip to TropCo thanks to @MattW3344 for the suggestion, and OMG they have so much in there.
It was really warm and humid but me and hubby still spent like an hour in there just looking at all the fish. I think I’ve convinced him we need a second tank, for a Betta maybe 😬
I took a few pics of a few that caught my eye…


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I had a dream. I was in the hospital for a short procedure and had to take all the koi with me and put them in the bathtub with water and chlorine remover, then after the procedure in recovery they brought me my pictus cat and said he jumped and we had to put him in a sink in my room, I said he needs chlorine remover, the nurse put soap in the water, told me it was good, I stuck my hand in and found the soapy water, I'm holding the cat fish, send her back to my room for chlorine remover, eventually I just went to find chlorine remover and then I woke up. I don't own a pictus cat, maybe it's a sign I should buy one.
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I know what the dream was about. I need to sterilize the catio. i have a tank of shubunkin in the middle of it. Now that the walls are down and it's screened bleach fumes shouldn't be too bad, but I think I'm going a different route than bleach.
Yesterday i went under house and checked foundation, nice, dry and no broken beams.or sunken piers. Today i went to feed the bees and rescued the blue nuc from a carpenter ant nest on top, and about 25 small hive beetles under a bottom sticky board. Got them a screened bottom board and removed all the bugs, and the plants the ants were climbing. Now I'm tired
Pulled all my wire in the pond house yesterday and attached outlets. Had a bump in the road that delayed the work a couple of days so had to tell Chris I was not ready for his work. He will be here the end of next week. So, power up is now set for next weekend. I am in no rush as we have temp power for the radio, lights and an fan. Will be happy to get rid of power cords though.
I had extensive sinus surgery in June. On the first post op check, I had an infection and got 2 weeks of antibiotics. Check 2, last week, showed a larger infection, and I now have a month of antibiotics going. The cure felt worse than the problem for the first few days, and for a couple of days earlier this week, I got knocked down. Simple water changing and feeding the fish looked like big jobs.
So yesterday, I did a lot. Today, I need to get 2 or 3 hours in. I really enjoy fishroom work. I go in there, get absorbed and never run out of things to do or ideas to try out. The problem is I also have a house to take care of, a dog who has a vet appointment, and some weeding to do after the last couple of days of rain. We had spectacular thunderstorms with torrential rains yesterday.
I'll get it done.

Anyone know about chickadees? They land on my arm and look at me, but what's going on? We say these birds are friendly, but I wonder if they're disappointed my arm isn't full of tasty parasites they can pick off. Are they like flying cleaner wrasses, or are they dumb and think I'm possibly a tree, some sort of miniature Ent?
Chickadees down here like black oil sunflower seeds, they would like you to fill the feeder, I assume yours may migrate and need to fatten up first. mine are year around Carolina Chickadees.
Carolina Chickadees share my feeder with tufted titmice, white breasted nuthatch, eastern wood pewee and house finches. Bird names are quite colorful.
I've had tufted titmice nest in my pollen substitute feeder. This year it was either Carolina Wrens or Bewick Wrens that grabbed the feeder after the bees emptied it
We took Mabel the dog in for her vaccinations, and to get her microchipped. I think with that combination, we should be able to secretly control her voting patterns.

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