What are you doing today?

My single dwarf orange cray fish seems lonely. I went to my local fish store, which is excellent, and bought two more females and a male crayfish. I spent two hours acclimating the new critters to my hard tank water. Then I placed the three new additions into the tank. The foursome seem to be getting along well.
My single dwarf orange cray fish seems lonely. I went to my local fish store, which is excellent, and bought two more females and a male crayfish. I spent two hours acclimating the new critters to my hard tank water. Then I placed the three new additions into the tank. The foursome seem to be getting along well.
This animal seems very interesting to have in an aquarium. I find invertebrates so interesting. I never saw this invertebrate here in Brazil.
This animal seems very interesting to have in an aquarium. I find invertebrates so interesting. I never saw this invertebrate here in Brazil.
Here is a photo of one of my females.
My single dwarf orange cray fish seems lonely. I went to my local fish store, which is excellent, and bought two more females and a male crayfish. I spent two hours acclimating the new critters to my hard tank water. Then I placed the three new additions into the tank. The foursome seem to be getting along well.
gwand, great minds think alike! I've had a dwarf orange Mexican crayfish in my shrimp tank for a month or so, and I went today and got another. It's a little bigger than mine, but not as bright orange (yet).

How do I tell if they're male or female? It was the only one the LFS had, so I got it and I don't know the sex of the one I have, so I was just hoping they'd be opposite.

I love those critters! Mine crawls all over the plants in the tank and all around the bottom. I imagine he (or she) is kind of like Oscar the Grouch- grumpy but somehow lovable LOL. Anyway there are 2 now, so hopefully they'll get along.
gwand, great minds think alike! I've had a dwarf orange Mexican crayfish in my shrimp tank for a month or so, and I went today and got another. It's a little bigger than mine, but not as bright orange (yet).

How do I tell if they're male or female? It was the only one the LFS had, so I got it and I don't know the sex of the one I have, so I was just hoping they'd be opposite.

I love those critters! Mine crawls all over the plants in the tank and all around the bottom. I imagine he (or she) is kind of like Oscar the Grouch- grumpy but somehow lovable LOL. Anyway there are 2 now, so hopefully they'll get along.
They are cool critters. I have mine in one of my shrimp tanks.
  1. Abdomen Shape:
    • Male crayfish generally have a more slender and elongated abdomen compared to females.
    • Female crayfish typically have a broader and more rounded abdomen, especially during the breeding season when they may carry eggs.
  2. Swimmerets:
    • Examine the swimmerets, which are small appendages located on the underside of the crayfish.
    • Male crayfish have more elongated and pointed swimmerets, particularly those closest to the body. These structures are involved in sperm transfer.
    • Female crayfish have shorter and more rounded swimmerets, which may be used to cradle and protect eggs.
  3. Claw Size:
    • Males often have larger and more robust claws than females. These claws, also known as chelae, are used for various purposes, including territorial defense and courtship.
Just saw the movie: "The Boys in The Boat" today in theaters. It was pretty good!!

And also yesterday I just started on the starwars battlefront 2 campaign. The story is already 100× better than the sequels! They started off the story with an interrogation scene with an Inferno Squad commander being held on a rebel ship. The game takes you through her story as a trooper in command for the Empire. I think her name is Iden Versio.
It takes place JUST before the battle of Endor and the Death Star getting blown up.
And then it takes you through the events of what all happens after Return of The Jedi.
I'm JUST at the part where they introduce project cinder (likes its still top secret to me in the game), so don't spoil the story if you've played it lol 😆
I broke my toe the other day. Darn table leg got in my way. Will be 6 weeks to heal if all goes well. I have to wear a special open toed flat solid healed shoe.
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I’m starting college on the 21st. I pray I make some improvements with my brain before then, or it’ll be a bust lol. So far, high dose anti inflammatory meds and anti-seizure and anti-spasm meds have been helpful.
I've been teaching English as a second language to groups of refugees and immigrants for a while now. They have to do a standardized test, and the score affects their immigration status and opportunities. They are very motivated and stressed as their course ends in 2 weeks (another group begins right after). I started it because I've seen too many retired people become experts on TV game shows, and I want to keep my brain sharp. The fish can keep me busy and provide challenges, but you have to give back to the community too.
This going to be one of those retirement weeks when there is a lot of work incoming (and hopefully outgoing).

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