What are you doing today?

Sounds interesting.
Well, I believe yes. Today I tried to create a formulated diet for my shrimp, this time I did a mix of three ingredients. I hate making annotations, but this time I made some notes.

I was thinking also about using the ingredients in a brine solution (with high salinities) for preservation, but I don't know if this works. For example, JBL ArtemioFluid is a concentrated solution with phytoplankton and it's said that there are preservatives... okay, but what preservatives?
Does anyone here have experience with extreme memory issues? Like dementia/Alzheimer’s type thing? Or like TBI/amnesia
My Grandfather had Alzheimer's and I used to work at a lab that studied the effects of certain proteins on Alzheimers and its causes.
Does anyone here have experience with extreme memory issues? Like dementia/Alzheimer’s type thing? Or like TBI/amnesia
For close to 40 years I was the caregiver for my Uncle, who had suffered a major head trauma in early childhood. He entered dementia about 10 years ago, but it was atypical with the brain injury. He died of COVID after the pandemic had eased.
So I have been up close and personal with a few things of that sort, if I can be at all helpful with anything.
For close to 40 years I was the caregiver for my Uncle, who had suffered a major head trauma in early childhood. He entered dementia about 10 years ago, but it was atypical with the brain injury. He died of COVID after the pandemic had eased.
So I have been up close and personal with a few things of that sort, if I can be at all helpful with anything.
Can I pm you?
After the gym (and tolerating hot weather, once again), I decided to go to a kind of "dollar tree" Brazilian version (although the owner has Chinese ancestry) and decided to buy a 17-liter translucid bucket (this time with a metallic bail) and a condiment container to store the brine shrimp food on the refrigerator. The translucid is to take more sunlight and trying to stimulate algae growth and also for versatility, since I can move around without difficulties, even because the direct sunlight also may boil the shrimp. Now is also possible to monitorate the population with more convenience, although I don't know if the culture will go well... damn dog, destroying my intent to put the installation on the porch... (it seems that the Artemia like the sunlight, even when indirect)

One thing that I find so weird and random in Age of Empires III is that there are also treasures' guardians such as orca (Orcinus orca) and white shark (Carcharodon sp.). So, your ships start bombarding and the guardians simply attack them, as they were domesticated creatures... (this time playing with Portuguese)
That's better! I knew something looked odd about my avatar space on the left when I posted, and it finally clicked, my supporting member banner was gone! Fixed that, looks much better now!

Today I will be a cleaning, sorting and organising machine. I am determined. I'm finishing my second coffee, have my upbeat music playlist queued up and ready to go, watched some Hoarders for motivation - I'm ready to become a clean machine!
That's better! I knew something looked odd about my avatar space on the left when I posted, and it finally clicked, my supporting member banner was gone! Fixed that, looks much better now!

Today I will be a cleaning, sorting and organising machine. I am determined. I'm finishing my second coffee, have my upbeat music playlist queued up and ready to go, watched some Hoarders for motivation - I'm ready to become a clean machine!
Hoarders has the opposite effect on me...I watch it and say, 'See?! I'm nowhere near as bad as this guy!' Then I sit and do nothing 😂 tricky business is an ADHD brain!
Find 'Clutterbug' on YouTube, she's a professional organiser who's ADHD and she's brilliant. I've learnt a great deal from her and her way of doing things makes it sooo easy
Hoarders has the opposite effect on me...I watch it and say, 'See?! I'm nowhere near as bad as this guy!' Then I sit and do nothing 😂 tricky business is an ADHD brain!

Haha! Do you have a trick that does help motivate you? Like one of those obsessive cleaners on YT or something that have immaculate white houses and clean and re-organise as content? :D

The best motivation (and where I learned some brilliant cleaning tips, plus loved their no nonsense attitude combined with the science stuff, plus the horror of seeing the gross houses they cleaned) was "How Clean Is Your House?" with Kim and Aggie! So brilliant. Always got me cleaning!

I actually quite like cleaning. I like the results for sure, and I have some OCD traits, which can help, or interfere. Means I tend to do a thorough job, but I'm also easily side tracked by spotting other projects and getting obsessive over those parts, and then trying to do five jobs at once but not finishing them all and getting overwhelmed.
Haha! Do you have a trick that does help motivate you? Like one of those obsessive cleaners on YT or something that have immaculate white houses and clean and re-organise as content? :D

The best motivation (and where I learned some brilliant cleaning tips, plus loved their no nonsense attitude combined with the science stuff, plus the horror of seeing the gross houses they cleaned) was "How Clean Is Your House?" with Kim and Aggie! So brilliant. Always got me cleaning!

I actually quite like cleaning. I like the results for sure, and I have some OCD traits, which can help, or interfere. Means I tend to do a thorough job, but I'm also easily side tracked by spotting other projects and getting obsessive over those parts, and then trying to do five jobs at once but not finishing them all and getting overwhelmed.
Sounds like you've also got some ADHD traits too! Getting distracted is huge problem for me...I'm tidying the lounge but find something that doesn't belong there...so I take it where it should live but fall over a toy, so I pick the toy up and take it with me to put the first thing away but I can't put it away because there's something else in its place...so I put the thing and the toy down next to the place and pick up the other thing but don't know where to put it because it hasn't been assigned a place yet...so I roam around looking for a home for said thing but notice or find something I've been looking for or haven't seen in a while or my phone rings etc...I get distracted with THAT thing for an hour and completely forget what I was doing in the first place meanwhile I've started 10 things and haven't finished the first 🤣 ADHD - going nowhere at a million miles per hour

I've since learnt to have a cleaning caddy where everything I'm going to need to tidy and clean a room is in one place, I also have an empty basket or box that I put everything that doesn't belong in the room into...that way I don't leave the room and get distracted elsewhere and I actually get it done!
Sounds like you've also got some ADHD traits too! Getting distracted is huge problem for me...I'm tidying the lounge but find something that doesn't belong there...so I take it where it should live but fall over a toy, so I pick the toy up and take it with me to put the first thing away but I can't put it away because there's something else in its place...so I put the thing and the toy down next to the place and pick up the other thing but don't know where to put it because it hasn't been assigned a place yet...so I roam around looking for a home for said thing but notice or find something I've been looking for or haven't seen in a while or my phone rings etc...I get distracted with THAT thing for an hour and completely forget what I was doing in the first place meanwhile I've started 10 things and haven't finished the first 🤣 ADHD - going nowhere at a million miles per hour

Oh my, this is so familiar! For me, I feel like I should be able to do it all, at once. I also have a terrible memory, known for it in fact! I also learned something in Uni, about thresholds, and their effects on memory. You know that feeling where you leave the room to fetch or do something, walk into the room, completely forget what you went in that room for? And can't remember what it was until you go back to the first room?

Something about crossing a threshold/going through a doorway, has an effect on short term memory. It's almost like a reset, in some ways. Once you know that, you can prepare for it. When I'm leaving a room planning to get a few things, or write a few things on a list, I mentally repeat the tasks/items before I leave the room. It really does help!
I've since learnt to have a cleaning caddy where everything I'm going to need to tidy and clean a room is in one place, I also have an empty basket or box that I put everything that doesn't belong in the room into...that way I don't leave the room and get distracted elsewhere and I actually get it done!

That's definitely true, and I've found like three cleaning caddies in my folks house. I have one on the go at the moment!
But I love that box idea, I'm stealing that tip!
I struggle with 'good enough' or 'that will do for now'...if I'm going to do it, then I'm going to do it to a high standard, my idea of perfection....but that takes a lot of energy and time which I don't have much of at the best of times so things pile up and get left with the thought that I'll do it properly later...but unfortunately later never comes.
You know that feeling where you leave the room to fetch or do something, walk into the room, completely forget what you went in that room for?
I do this at least 3 times a day, it's sooo frustrating. My short term memory is absolute pants, I could be talking to you and mid-sentence forget what the heck we were talking about or what I was trying to tell you. And I get over saturated very quickly...I can't process noise very well, I get super irritable.
Oh my, this is so familiar! For me, I feel like I should be able to do it all, at once. I also have a terrible memory, known for it in fact! I also learned something in Uni, about thresholds, and their effects on memory. You know that feeling where you leave the room to fetch or do something, walk into the room, completely forget what you went in that room for? And can't remember what it was until you go back to the first room?

Something about crossing a threshold/going through a doorway, has an effect on short term memory. It's almost like a reset, in some ways. Once you know that, you can prepare for it. When I'm leaving a room planning to get a few things, or write a few things on a list, I mentally repeat the tasks/items before I leave the room. It really does help!

That's definitely true, and I've found like three cleaning caddies in my folks house. I have one on the go at the moment!
But I love that box idea, I'm stealing that tip!
Welcome to the club 😃😂
And I get over saturated very quickly...I can't process noise very well, I get super irritable.

Oh man... I'm not usually that short tempered, unless too much audio input overwhelms me. Like mum was hard of hearing in the last few years, so always had the TV on super loud. Then mum and brother would both be trying to talk to me at once, with the TV blasting and parrots joining in, and I'd instantly be super irritated and overwhelmed, had to keep trying to teach them to mute the TV if they wanted to tell me something, and take turns if they both wanted something from me! I can't process two people talking to me at once, or shouting over the the TV or the music I'm playing. I'm like "just hang on, let me pause it, then tell me!"

Now I'm procrastinating by chatting here, and watching episodes of How Clean is your House, since I found the episodes are on YT!

Thankfully, my folks house isn't like this! But it feels like this sometimes, like there's just an overwhelming amount to do, and so much furniture and clutter to clean, sort, donate, and re-arrange. Also feels weird to change around my parents belongings, we were always respectful of their space and privacy, as they were with us, so have to push through those "this feels disrespectful, or too soon" feelings. Because it does need to be done, it's the healthy thing to do, and I'm sure they'd approve. That we need to make the house liveable for us, while we get everything sorted and settled.
too much audio input overwhelms me.
This is what I mean, the TV is blaring some stupid kids thing, someone has left alexa on in another room, the dog is barking at a squirrel outside while hubby is singing in the shower all whilst the kids are nagging me in tandem 'I'm hungry!' 'I got an ouchie!' 'Mummy I'm hungry!' ' X hit me!' 'No I didn't Y hit me!' Then from upstairs 'where's the bog roll?' 'Woof woof woof woof!' 'Mummy!'


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