What are you doing today?

I did some water exchanges in the morning and went to the gym in the afternoon. After I lifted weights I walked the track for an hour listening to my music course. Today’s class covered Felix Mendelssohn’s Overture to a Midsummer’s Night Dream composed when he was just 17 years old. And then we covered Mendelssohn’s Incidental Music written many years later to accompany a performance of the play performed in the palace of the King of Prussia in 1844. Wonderful music by a talented composer who sadly died at 38 years of age. Many parallels to Mozart.
Then I went out to the fish room, and a 10 gallon with a few glowlight tetra fry had seam split onto the floor. It's an old garage, so no damage, except also no more glowlights. It was a repaired older tank, and the repair had held for over a year.

It's funny, but 10 gallons splitting are not common. Big tanks with all the pressure, maybe, but I am more trusting of the small ones. Still, second hand, repaired... yeah. I'm glad I had no heater in there.

I'll turn it into aquarium covers and soldier on.
I know I’ll get sad reactions to this, but I’m sharing it because it’s funny. So please laugh 🤣

This morning I had surgery to replace my central line (like a permanent IV that goes directly into your heart) and I decided that as soon as I was discharged it would be a good idea to go Christmas shopping! So I’m having the time of my life, shopping my heart away, and then suddenly I’m on the floor and there’s (a very attractive) paramedic standing over me 😂 I was VERY embarrassed because apparently someone found me in the aisle unconscious and freaked out. But I learned my lesson that I should go home instead of shopping, or else I might end up with an ambulance instead of a Christmas gift for dad
Was Murphy an aquarist?
I know I’ll get sad reactions to this, but I’m sharing it because it’s funny. So please laugh 🤣

This morning I had surgery to replace my central line (like a permanent IV that goes directly into your heart) and I decided that as soon as I was discharged it would be a good idea to go Christmas shopping! So I’m having the time of my life, shopping my heart away, and then suddenly I’m on the floor and there’s (a very attractive) paramedic standing over me 😂 I was VERY embarrassed because apparently someone found me in the aisle unconscious and freaked out. But I learned my lesson that I should go home instead of shopping, or else I might end up with an ambulance instead of a Christmas gift for dad
In my teacher voice:
So, what is the life lesson we learned from this experience? :lol:
I know I’ll get sad reactions to this, but I’m sharing it because it’s funny. So please laugh 🤣

This morning I had surgery to replace my central line (like a permanent IV that goes directly into your heart) and I decided that as soon as I was discharged it would be a good idea to go Christmas shopping! So I’m having the time of my life, shopping my heart away, and then suddenly I’m on the floor and there’s (a very attractive) paramedic standing over me 😂 I was VERY embarrassed because apparently someone found me in the aisle unconscious and freaked out. But I learned my lesson that I should go home instead of shopping, or else I might end up with an ambulance instead of a Christmas gift for dad
Do you drive yourself? That seems unsafe...
I'm mourning the daddy pleco in my display tank. I've had him forever, but not long enough that his death was due to lifespan. I think it's possible that he was being attacked by other fish while protecting eggs. He'd been missing a couple days so I thought that's what it was, and I saw the other fishes over around there, so i lured them to the other side of the tank w/ their fave pellets.

Anyway, all of the things, but I really cried over him. He was so gorgeous. Just a regular bn, but his whiskers were so big, and when he would protect a wafer, he made himself HUGE and chased other fish away. So sad :(
We experience the cycle of life in this hobby. Sometimes it is painful. Sorry for your loss.
Do you drive yourself? That seems unsafe...
No I’m not legally allowed to drive medically my mom drove me but I was alone in that half of the store
Today I rest, maybe. Tomorrow clean a pond and replace the skimmer seal. Good thing about Texas weather, it isn't cold too long in a row. Also the bad thing about Texas weather.
Ahhhh, Saturday. I managed to sleep in today. Usually I wake up at 5 or 6 no matter whether I have an alarm set or not. Today: Wrapping presents, delivering Christmas cards, water changes, a little shopping for stocking stuffers, steaming a big kink out of this bow I've been working on. And a nap, of course.

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