What are you doing today?

I bought an 18 ct Frito Lay snack pack assortment, since I can't have candy. New people in neighborhood but no trick-or-treaters. Over the next month or 2 the chips will disappear without blood sugar spikes. today. I am failing at puppy house training, well sort of. i got on the computer and left her loose. Only one little pile. I think she tried to come and get me. I crated her then discreetly cleaned it up. (never let puppy see you clean it up or they think it was the right place)
I have just finished a water change on my shrimp tank. Bear in mind this tank is a 30 cm/12 inch cube so not exactly large. I have beaten my own record. This afternoon I rescued 35 shrimps from the old water bucket - 3 almost adults and 32 very tiny shrimps I would not have been able to see against the sand in the tank to avoid them.
I went to the bank, took truck to the shop, went to a Carpentry sort of store to buy veneer with a friend, then fed the bees and checked the sticky boards. No varroa mites. It's been at least a month. I am pleased. And I chased the robbing hive off with a good old fashioned water sprinkler and their screens, a couple of weeks ago. There is peace in the apiary. And the truck has brakes again
I now know how fish feel when we suddenly add a bigger filter.

Yesterday evening we had a wind burst, a sudden violent downdraft and swirl that walloped us with rain and sent everything flying. All the coloured leaves from the maple by the front window are gone - stripped off in seconds, and the neighbour's old wooden rabbit hutch is on its back halfway across the edge of our lot. It hit, lasted a very short time, and everything returned to normal, except the sunset clouds were sulphur yellow while the sky was purple, for a bit.

It was impressive. I've only been on one or two of those before. I was about to walk the dog when it hit - glad I was slow moving on that one. A sudden wind, total mayhem, and gone.

I keep a notebook on my fishroom projects and while it's dull reading, I looked it over last night. I spent all of last autumn and winter trying to keep the warmth down in the fishroom, as the dehumidifier brought it up once the room was sealed against the outside cold. I'm approaching it differently this year, regretfully accepting that some of my older killies are just going to time out (they live 2-3 years) unbred, because the conditions aren't right for them. The ones that are breeding now are the ones that have adjusted, and I'll do everything I can to keep them going.

My focus will be on fish for slightly warmer water, mainly my 4 dwarf Cichlid species and my tetras and African barbs. I'm resigned to 23-24c (73-75f) water in there, but there's a lot I like that can thrive in that. I'm going away for over a week soon, and did a little census of what's breeding - right now I have fry or juveniles of a bunch of species out there - 1 Cichlid, 2 tetras, 2 catfish, 2 lampeyes, 1 anabantoid, 2 livebearers and 5 Aphyosemion killies. So I should be able to supply the new local fish club with some interesting auction species, and keep these fish going for myself.

I'm not a good record keeper, but it comes in handing to give an overview of what works and doesn't. I'm sure most of us have forgotten a lot of details about the things that we've worked to learn.
I now know how fish feel when we suddenly add a bigger filter.

Yesterday evening we had a wind burst, a sudden violent downdraft and swirl that walloped us with rain and sent everything flying. All the coloured leaves from the maple by the front window are gone - stripped off in seconds, and the neighbour's old wooden rabbit hutch is on its back halfway across the edge of our lot. It hit, lasted a very short time, and everything returned to normal, except the sunset clouds were sulphur yellow while the sky was purple, for a bit.

It was impressive. I've only been on one or two of those before. I was about to walk the dog when it hit - glad I was slow moving on that one. A sudden wind, total mayhem, and gone.
:oops: There's a place we used to camp all the time in the Bighorns on the edge of a lodgepole pine forest. One time we went up there and all the trees were snapped off two to four feed off the ground, lying around all over like matchsticks. My dad worked in aviation electronics at the time, and recognized it as a microburst. It's thought-provoking setting up a tent in the midst of all that. Glad you and yours are relatively OK. RIP bunnies. 🐰

Around here, there's breakfast on the stove, water changes, tearing down the 10g, finally getting the elk skull hung up, and maybe a jam session from ten to noon. The Badgerling has some sort of birthday party this afternoon, so a nap and/or a date with Mrs. Badger might be in the works.
Ooooo, just got the message that the book I placed on hold is in at the library. The final book of Cornwell's Saxon Saga. When I started The Last Kingdom last spring, I didn't expect to read all 13 books in the series. I've enjoyed them and I'll be glad to wrap them up and start on something new.

Also, we're going to an alphorn concert tonight, playing with the Fremont Symphony Orchestra. Yesterday the alphorn trio performed for our elementary students and they were really fun. After the concert I went up to introduce myself as a music teacher should. They invited me to try out their instruments, so of course I did. (I'm a euphonium player, so I know my way around brasswind-type instruments) The trouble is, now I kind of need one of these...
Today I ticked off my bird big time. I removed the outside of cage perch that he sits on a lot and replaced with a 'playground'. He is NOT thrilled. ;) He'll get over it though and will end up liking. He is just suspicious of new stuff. First image is what it was and the second what it now is. He won't even look at it. ;)

Also assembled an electric bicycle for a neighbor.

loose bird 1.JPG

I have just finished a marathon session deleting spam posts - thank you to those members who reported them :good:

The member has now been banned and all his spam posts have been deleted - all 24 of them.
Yayyyy omg lol.

Although I think that guy's account was hacked... Cause he was posting stuff in early 2000s that seemed very normal and then only recently he "became active" and posted that crap.
Leading me to believe whoever was posting that, wasn't the real owner of the account
Woke up late. I got up earlier and had some tea. I felt less energetic today and so I decided just to lay down for a bit. Apparently, I fell asleep. And I just woke up an hour ago. I guess, I've spend too much energy yesterday that I feel less energetic today.
I have just finished a marathon session deleting spam posts - thank you to those members who reported them :good:

The member has now been banned and all his spam posts have been deleted - all 24 of them.
His spam posts weren't even entertaining. So I'm glad you banned him.

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