What are you doing today?

pulled tropicals out of the 100 gallon I take care of, and installed african cichlids.
Chilling with my snake and writing legal documents tonight. This headache won’t go away. I can’t wait to get this fixed with surgery
Chilling with my snake and writing legal documents tonight. This headache won’t go away. I can’t wait to get this fixed with surg

Why did you include a picture of your lawyer?

When's the surgery?

Here, I am very very far from any current hurricane activity, but Poseidon is stirring it up. I often hear the surf from the house when it's high tide and I'm outside, but this morning, it's roaring and crashing even from indoors. It's just a rainy day with no special winds, but the tide is wild, and the Atlantic is taking a good run at the rocks.

I've been waiting for a rainy day to make the presentation I'm going to give in Vermont and Montreal in 2 weeks. I have to line up all the vids and the still photos, and get them into a working format. Once I get it done, I'll do the presentation locally as well.
I'm sitting here wondering how long my 5 tanks will hold w no power. Hurricane /tropical storm came through this morning. Thought we were going to make it, but nope...

I have some battery powered air pumps I bought used. I guess I should try to use them at some point?

No issues with my family or friends beyond loss of power so I'm grateful, but don't want an aquatic tragedy
We lost power yesterday. I’m glad I bought a generator.
Lost power for a few minutes last night. Not enough to hurt anything, but it woke me up when the filter came back on and was running dry. My sponge filter seems to be making less bubbles; worried that the water went down the tube and into the pump when power was out since I didn’t install a check valve.
Hang in there, all you east coast people. It's a good time to live in Wyoming. Our worst problem right now is unseasonably warm temps and forest fire smoke.
Why did you include a picture of your lawyer?
😂😂😂 nah that’s HIS lawyers, absolute snake behavior from those 3 😅 it makes for chaos for sure
When's the surgery?
As soon as we can afford it. He found a lot more wrong with me than we thought so the surgery will cost more and be more major
Hang in there, all you east coast people. It's a good time to live in Wyoming. Our worst problem right now is unseasonably warm temps and forest fire smoke.
Yea my area is not getting a major hit just a bit of rain but that hasn't stopped the power from going out. At least i have a backup generator on the aquariums though i discovered one socket i use is not covered. Really shocking the power went out but the power company here sucks rotten eggs. At my previous home we had one power outage over 20 years; here i've had about 10 this year alone.
Hang in with the power cuts and the storm. I hope it isn't too hot as the hurricane moves away.
I'm sitting here wondering how long my 5 tanks will hold w no power. Hurricane /tropical storm came through this morning. Thought we were going to make it, but nope...

I have some battery powered air pumps I bought used. I guess I should try to use them at some point?

No issues with my family or friends beyond loss of power so I'm grateful, but don't want an aquatic tragedy
I ran my aquariums on battery powered air pumps during snowmageddon. heated house with my woodstove. Snowmageddon is when Texas shut down for about 4 days and power loss was over 24 hours and some people actually froze in their homes. We aren't equipped for winter storms. Well I am. wood stove. Battery powered air pumps. Solar heat in the bedroom I slept in, dual paned windows with clear shower curtains hung interior of them to create a better cold barrier while allowing sun thru
I ran my aquariums on battery powered air pumps during snowmageddon. heated house with my woodstove. Snowmageddon is when Texas shut down for about 4 days and power loss was over 24 hours and some people actually froze in their homes. We aren't equipped for winter storms. Well I am. wood stove. Battery powered air pumps. Solar heat in the bedroom I slept in, dual paned windows with clear shower curtains hung interior of them to create a better cold barrier while allowing sun thru
Just remember according to Cruz you rather freeze than be relegated ;)
I went kayaking for the last time this season. On Tuesday, duck hunting season opens, and it becomes too dangerous to wander through the small rivers and streams I like to explore. My head doesn't look like a duck, but the pellets will be flying. The ducks are so used to people they let me paddle close to them, even with my bright blue life jacket. I suspect that trusting nature will end badly for many of them.

I got some really good driftwood pieces, from up on a beach where the dropping water levels had stranded them. Good maple hardwood, already heavy with soaking, and with no bark. Maybe I'll get a Panaque woodcat gang to clean it all up. I did that years ago, with my last collected batch. They they did a good job with it. I kind of like those fish, and having found this river with its hardwood rich banks, they'll never be unemployed here.

The maples are incredible, especially as they're reflected in the water. There was one huge tree with a bent trunk, hanging over the water and simply scarlet. I paddled under the foliage and the lighting was weird and beautiful. It's a shame that warns of winter, but it is a wonderful time of year.
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