What are you doing today?

Just cleaned up my system drive which is a 1 TB M.2 PCIe drive. Got rid of some software that I haven't used in ages but most was games that I've finished or no longer play. I freed up ~350 GB of disk space. As to the software I removed I have the install media if I ever want to use again. As to the removed games they are all through Steam so I can also install them again if I want to play again.

I was pretty amazed at how much space I was wasting on stuff I'm not using. When you have large drives I guess you tend to not worry a lot about space but I got down to only ~79 GB free space and started looking at what was there. In total I have like 13 TB worth of drives in my main system; 10 TB of that is movies and other media between 2 drives but the drives are not full. Between the 2 media drives I still have ~2,7 TB free.
I used to struggle through to finish books, even if I was hating them. I dropped that habit when I told my wise old mentor friend (who was the kindest polymath and beautiful mind I ever met) reminded me how many wonderful books are out there. More than we can read in our lifetime. That brought it home to me. Why keep reading a book I'm not enjoying, or I'm reading just to see what all the fuss is about? When I could drop it and read a classic I haven't read yet, or one of the other 200 or so books sitting on my "to read" shelf that I would enjoy and learn from.

Now if a novel is challenging to read but worth it, like Dante's Inferno, or Flower's for Algernon - which is deeply sad, but powerful and one of my favourite novels ever, then it's a different matter. But if it's just a hyped bestseller or a random book I'm not enjoying, I can stop reading and let it go now.
One of the dumbest books I've ever read. I soldiered through because I kept thinking it must have some redeeming quality that got it published. There were a few minor laughs, but definitely not worth the effort to read. I don't think I've ever seen a movie that had so little to do with the book; the characters had the same names, and lived in a vaguely viking culture, but that's about it.

See above! I never tried the book, but did like the How to Train your Dragon films.

Worst book I ever read was the Shades of Grey stuff. Also the worst films. I read those when they began appearing in charity shops, as I did with the Twilight ones. I read them to see what the fuss was about, and regrettably ploughed through the films too.

Fortunately, I was too old, cynical and experienced to go Twilight crazy, I also missed the Harry Potter craze, although have also read and seen those. Harry Potter no doubt the best of those three series in every respect. Twilight terrible, but I can see why it appealed to tween and teen girls. I had deep reservations about the unsaid lessons taught to those girls though, about controlling boyfriends, falling to bits if there's a break up, accepting abuse and not having your own life, instead being willing to give up everything you enjoy and love for a relationship. Some really bad lessons in there. Still, the adventure aspects and writing was far more skilled and not as explicit in accepted abusive relationships as Shades of Grey was.

Shades of Grey was written as Twilight fanfic, and it shows. The writing is so awful, that you have to pause to cringe and shake it off now and then, and my second hand copies of the book got thrown across the room a few times.

Those had even worse messaging about tolerating abusive partners, and the power of your love and loyalty changing them, their character, their damage, their abuse. Terrible life lessons to impart on young women, and blank slates of main characters that are so bland they're annoying in order for the reader to insert themselves in their position.

The films and books are almost equally terrible, although the films did at least remove some of the worst sections of dialogue and internal monologues. It was interesting to read them/see them, just to see what the fuss was about, but at the same time, it's time wasted I could have dedicated to some brilliant author. *shrug*
Oh, there is one other movie that I vastly prefer to the book: The Princess Bride. The book is pretty good, and movie follows it fairly closely, but I found the story-within-a-story format easier to follow in the movie, and rather tedious in the book. Plus it was one of the most brilliantly cast movies I've ever seen. As "Honest Trailers" says, "a satire of all those sappy, swashbuckling medieval love stories, that happens to be the best sappy, swashbuckling, medieval love story ever made."

That's a film I didn't see until I was in my twenties I think, when I heard so many people quoting it and saying it's a classic from their childhood. I didn't see it as a kid, and I would have loved it- but I still loved it as an adult! I fancy rewatching it now. So the book is worth a read? I'll have to look out for it if you recommend it. :)

Thank you for reminding me that there is a town called Abnormal. It makes me happy.

Me too. I might have to move there, suits me perfectly! Would be fun giving people your address.
I used to struggle through to finish books, even if I was hating them. I dropped that habit when I told my wise old mentor friend (who was the kindest polymath and beautiful mind I ever met) reminded me how many wonderful books are out there. More than we can read in our lifetime. That brought it home to me. Why keep reading a book I'm not enjoying, or I'm reading just to see what all the fuss is about? When I could drop it and read a classic I haven't read yet, or one of the other 200 or so books sitting on my "to read" shelf that I would enjoy and learn from.

Now if a novel is challenging to read but worth it, like Dante's Inferno, or Flower's for Algernon - which is deeply sad, but powerful and one of my favourite novels ever, then it's a different matter. But if it's just a hyped bestseller or a random book I'm not enjoying, I can stop reading and let it go now.

See above! I never tried the book, but did like the How to Train your Dragon films.

Worst book I ever read was the Shades of Grey stuff. Also the worst films. I read those when they began appearing in charity shops, as I did with the Twilight ones. I read them to see what the fuss was about, and regrettably ploughed through the films too.

Fortunately, I was too old, cynical and experienced to go Twilight crazy, I also missed the Harry Potter craze, although have also read and seen those. Harry Potter no doubt the best of those three series in every respect. Twilight terrible, but I can see why it appealed to tween and teen girls. I had deep reservations about the unsaid lessons taught to those girls though, about controlling boyfriends, falling to bits if there's a break up, accepting abuse and not having your own life, instead being willing to give up everything you enjoy and love for a relationship. Some really bad lessons in there. Still, the adventure aspects and writing was far more skilled and not as explicit in accepted abusive relationships as Shades of Grey was.

Shades of Grey was written as Twilight fanfic, and it shows. The writing is so awful, that you have to pause to cringe and shake it off now and then, and my second hand copies of the book got thrown across the room a few times.

Those had even worse messaging about tolerating abusive partners, and the power of your love and loyalty changing them, their character, their damage, their abuse. Terrible life lessons to impart on young women, and blank slates of main characters that are so bland they're annoying in order for the reader to insert themselves in their position.

The films and books are almost equally terrible, although the films did at least remove some of the worst sections of dialogue and internal monologues. It was interesting to read them/see them, just to see what the fuss was about, but at the same time, it's time wasted I could have dedicated to some brilliant author. *shrug*

That's a film I didn't see until I was in my twenties I think, when I heard so many people quoting it and saying it's a classic from their childhood. I didn't see it as a kid, and I would have loved it- but I still loved it as an adult! I fancy rewatching it now. So the book is worth a read? I'll have to look out for it if you recommend it. :)


Me too. I might have to move there, suits me perfectly! Would be fun giving people your address.
I never even tried the twilight stuff. They just seemed silly and angsty and teenage girlish. And I'm pretty sure I'm still not old enough to read 50 Shades of Gray, even if the writing weren't terrible (you aren't the first person I've heard that from). My one attempt at a novel was a fan fiction, though. I wrote it as an answer to a Louis L'Amour story that the Badgerling and I agreed demanded a sequel.

I don't know if I'd recommend reading the Princess Bride. It's a lot like the movie, just more tedious. I would probably have liked it better if I hadn't seen the movie first. :)
After removing screws and still not being able to get the back off my phone due to clips that just won't seem to do it I decided the heck with it and just ordered a new phone. I mean the phone is at least 10 years old and not really worth the time I would spend trying to fix.

So I spent $20.00 USD for a replacement that has more features. Well, actually I spent $23.00 USD as I included a 3 year extended warranty. Normally I don't do extended warranties on electronics but for $4,00 USD I figured why not especially since it is coming from Walmart and I don't really trust them.

To avoid shipping I also ordered a toilet bidet which I've missed since leaving the place I had in Florida and have been thinking about getting for quite a while. It is a hand held so will also be used to clean the toilet and bathroom sink. If you have never used a bidet you won't understand but if you have you will know why I miss. The retail for the thing is ~$50.00 USD but I got for $22.00 USD. It will pay for itself in what would be 4 packs of toilet paper. I hope this is not too descriptive... ;) Many think that a bidet is just for women but that is not true as it just does a MUCH better job of cleaning than paper.

Here is the phone I got.

Here is the bidet.
Interesting these phones. They are still selling in the US market? What are the advantages? Here in Brazil there are still landline phones for some businesses and are still common for medical offices.

We had Walmart here in Brazil but, since circa 2019, the company left the country. I visited Walmart in the US and I found it so cool, there are things that here we cannot find even in the most important urban centers in metropolitan cities such as São Paulo.
I'm watching "The Holdovers" starring Paul Giametti. It's on Peacock steaming. I hear it has an Oscar nomination.

Paul also starred in 'Sideways"...a really awesome very funny movie
Was he the guy that played Harvey Pekar ? Can’t remember the name of the movie . It was about an underground cartoonist battling cancer . Sideways is a great flick .
Just cleaned up my system drive which is a 1 TB M.2 PCIe drive. Got rid of some software that I haven't used in ages but most was games that I've finished or no longer play. I freed up ~350 GB of disk space. As to the software I removed I have the install media if I ever want to use again. As to the removed games they are all through Steam so I can also install them again if I want to play again.

I was pretty amazed at how much space I was wasting on stuff I'm not using. When you have large drives I guess you tend to not worry a lot about space but I got down to only ~79 GB free space and started looking at what was there. In total I have like 13 TB worth of drives in my main system; 10 TB of that is movies and other media between 2 drives but the drives are not full. Between the 2 media drives I still have ~2,7 TB free.
Welp . That was all Greek to me .
I don't know if I'd recommend reading the Princess Bride. It's a lot like the movie, just more tedious. I would probably have liked it better if I hadn't seen the movie first. :)
I tried reading it after the movie and I couldn't get through it at all. Is it really the same? The first like 10 chapters are so boring I didn't even get to the good part.
I never even tried the twilight stuff. They just seemed silly and angsty and teenage girlish.

That sums it up perfectly! It's exactly what it is.
And I'm pretty sure I'm still not old enough to read 50 Shades of Gray, even if the writing weren't terrible (you aren't the first person I've heard that from).
Honestly, for adults only obviously, but it's almost worth reading the first one, just to see how bad it is. It's the worst writing I've ever seen published, and the editor should be deeply ashamed for letting it be published as it was. But they made a fortune from it, so I doubt they are. But the books (I can't bring myself to call them novels) are awful on every single level.

Occasionally, I also enjoy watching "so bad, that it's good" films, like old B movies (The Black Cat is a very funny and entertaining horror, where people are horrifed and terrified of a normal, shorthair average black cat that's just walking around normally, but edited as if it's capable of killing people and is evil or something, but I just want to pet the pretty kitty! I have a soft spot for black cats.

There are cult classic bad movies too, like The Room. Fun to watch with friends and very quotable. :)

My one attempt at a novel was a fan fiction, though. I wrote it as an answer to a Louis L'Amour story that the Badgerling and I agreed demanded a sequel.

I'd love to read it! I've never got past page one when I've attempted to write fiction. I would love to, but I doubt I have the skill. I still haven't tried the Louis L'Amour book I have, which one do you guys think demands a sequel?
I don't know if I'd recommend reading the Princess Bride. It's a lot like the movie, just more tedious. I would probably have liked it better if I hadn't seen the movie first. :)
Ah, I won't hunt it out then, but if I come across it, I'll give it a go and see. :)
Just cleaned up my system drive which is a 1 TB M.2 PCIe drive. Got rid of some software that I haven't used in ages but most was games that I've finished or no longer play. I freed up ~350 GB of disk space. As to the software I removed I have the install media if I ever want to use again. As to the removed games they are all through Steam so I can also install them again if I want to play again.

I was pretty amazed at how much space I was wasting on stuff I'm not using. When you have large drives I guess you tend to not worry a lot about space but I got down to only ~79 GB free space and started looking at what was there. In total I have like 13 TB worth of drives in my main system; 10 TB of that is movies and other media between 2 drives but the drives are not full. Between the 2 media drives I still have ~2,7 TB free.
What are your favorite games? For about the last 8 - 10 months I have played NOTHING. I've been so addicted to aquariums that I leave little room for much else during my free time.

I usually find one I cannot stop playing and play and play and play. Some faves over time have been:
Everquest, EQ2, WoW, Borderlands series, Death Stranding, Skyrim, Elder Scrolls Online.

Long before that was Hexen, Far Cry (first one), Mech Warrior (my son would sit on my lap and ask for us to play "Scary Robot"), Air Warrior 3 (actually bought real flight fighting tactics books for this LOL).

I have to say, when Everquest came out in the late 90's, it was the most amazing thing I'd ever seen. I lost a LOT of sleep with that one and it was SO difficult compared to games now LOL.
I play Starwars Battlefront 1&2, Lego games, Metalstorm, Minecraft (occasionally when I'm real board and need nostalgia lol), the original 80s Mario Brothers, I recently started playing Dauntless which I've been really liking for a free game and just as a game in general, and my friend sadly got me into Valorant lol. A bit too violent than games I normally do... I don't plan on going past that level and definitely want to keep it that way, Portal 2 (when I get the chance), same with Transformers Fall of Cybertron.
There's other games I want to play and do I'm sure, but that's just what comes to mind.
I soooo wish I could afford or get a nice gaming PC setup. It would be epic!
I use my parent's computer for Dauntless, Valorant, Minecraft, Metalstorm, and certain games on Roblox (hey there's some games on there that are nice if you look around right lol). It's not a gaming computer by any means... It can smoothly run those, but it gets pretty glitchy on Asphalt 9, so I've slowed down on playing it...
I play the more "advanced" games on our series x, which I can only use once per week and only on the weekends...
Day 3. Everything hurts View attachment 335361

I'm so sorry, really hope they can help you feel better soon.

Not much consolation I'm afraid, but you look beautiful! You're the only person I've ever seen who can make a hospital gown look like you're ready to hit the catwalk!
I'm so sorry, really hope they can help you feel better soon.

Not much consolation I'm afraid, but you look beautiful! You're the only person I've ever seen who can make a hospital gown look like you're ready to hit the catwalk!
Hahahaha thank you
I’m afraid after a code blue I don’t look as fabulous

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