The tuna seems out of place
Sounds like an average shopping list to meAlexa:
You have four items on your shopping list:
A year spent sleeping in Europe;
The tears of my enemies;
A sense of the miraculous in everyday life;
and tuna.
I live in a very strange household.
Herbert R. Axelrod passed away a few years ago and it is in poor taste to speak ill of the dead so I won’t. He was a genuine character according to his contemporaries and he seems to have had a reputation for abrasiveness, philanthropy and showmanship but he was a successful businessman who built an empire out of the pet trade. I read everything he printed when I was a kid in the 1960’s and he was a hero to me . Later on I read unkind things about him but I dismiss those things to retain my image of him as a tropical fish authority , photographer and explorer . Here is where social media is a bad thing. People who have never met a man repeat things they’ve heard but don’t really know. An ignorant fool only knows what other ignorant fools have said.Speaking of TFH do I get the feeling Axelrod in no longer held in esteem? I can't see the tax fraud issue being very influential....![]()
Back in the olden days you read the Innes book and TFH material. That’s about all there was besides obscure things you might happen upon accidentally. But one very vital thing we had then that is scarce these days is local aquarium societies. Nothing beats interaction with fellow tropical fish hobbyists.I started a decade or two later but his publications books and mag were about the only data I could find on topic locally. I would not know anything without those.. Only us old farts understand how hard it was to acquire information pre-internet.
The tears of my enemies;
I'm sorry for your loss. What was this black thing around his snout?The bestest boy. How lucky were we to stumble across this beautiful soul for free and to spend almost 8 years with him. He lived a good long life to the ripe old age of almost 9. View attachment 318364View attachment 318365View attachment 318366View attachment 318367View attachment 318368View attachment 318369View attachment 318370View attachment 318371View attachment 318372View attachment 318373View attachment 318374View attachment 318375View attachment 318376View attachment 318377
It’s a head halter called a gentle leader. It gently turns their head towards you if they pull, and doesn’t choke them like a collar doesI'm sorry for your loss. What was this black thing around his snout?
I had a Boxer for 13 years. She passed away last year and I wrote even poetry about her.
Well, I'll try to translate to English:
Thirteen infinite winters
Rests here, the creature
Sweet soul
And bravery from a murmillo
Eleven years ago
Originated even other lives
Eight lives were,
One of them passed away precociously
Rests here, the dog
Robust spirit
Delicate sentiments
It was a Saturday morning,
Hot suns, powerful,
Tiny was her,
Adopted by us
This spirit was a contrast
Gladiator forces
Fragile emotions
In her last years
Part of her visions was lost
She knew it, however, the light and the dark
She was unaware only of the signification
Because didn't see the obscure
If knew the human souls' suffering
Already said goodbye to them.
Because here passed away,
The dog with a sweet soul,
And bravery from a murmillo