What are you doing today?

HEY! Do today's wedding receptions still do the garter belt thing? If so the belt could hold a hidden cell phone at least until the groom throws to the single guys... :lol: One would just have to remember to remove the phone before the toss. :)
They do, but I think the garter toss and the tradition and meaning behind it is gross and we aren’t doing that, or the bouquet toss 😉 also not having my dad walk me down the aisle (most likely)
They do, but I think the garter toss and the tradition and meaning behind it is gross and we aren’t doing that, or the bouquet toss 😉 also not having my dad walk me down the aisle (most likely)
I tend to agree. Look back to my previous post as I edited and added a lot. Just to make it easy I'll add a quote...
HEY! Do today's wedding receptions still do the garter belt thing? If so the belt could hold a hidden cell phone at least until the groom throws to the single guys... :lol: One would just have to remember to remove the phone before the toss :)

I don't give my ex credit for much but she was cool with the bridesmaids dresses. First, while not super rich, her family did have some money. Her mom paid for the dresses. Also the dresses were sort of semi formal classic in style and could be used for any semi or formal function. Think of a knee length teal colored little black dress.

I think the most extravagant wedding dress I ever saw was hand made just before the wedding as it was largely made from air orchid blooms in white and purple. Ya, her parents were actually filthy rich! The dress base was made from gauze for fitting then the blooms were stitched in. Personally I thought this was sort of dumb. I mean the girl was really, REALLY, pretty but nobody saw her. They just saw the dress. The bride and groom should be the center of attention, not the garments.
I tend to agree. Look back to my previous post as I edited and added a lot. Just to make it easy I'll add a quote...
My dress is simple. Plain satin alternative, I don’t like the super busy look, and I hate glitter and sparkles haha.
We’re hoping to have enough to cover the bridesmaid dresses, since my dress was less than 400 I think we will! Crazily enough, our cake will likely be the biggest cost, even though it’s just a small one and we are doing Costco cakes for the rest. My dietary restrictions make it impossible to get a normal cake
I think you should pick the bridegroom suits. Make them wear salmon coloured pants, too short in the leg, and lime green jackets with big flouncy things sewn onto the butts. Top hats all around. Then let the bridesmades wear what they want and reverse decades of unjust fashion, right there.

The top hats should become Bettas half way up, with google eyes,and flowing veilfins.

I'd never want to 'give away' my daughters, since I've never owned them in the first place.

Replace the bouquet toss with a small costco carrot cake toss.

My parents' wedding was apparently memorable. One small wing of the family were small town evangelicals, and one started pouring the beer out because it was sinful. He was stopped by the Montrealers, the men among whom tended to be ww2 veteran sailors from the battle of the Atlantic and combat infantry who had fought from Sicily to Germany. Things were tense, when a local motorcycle gang decided to crash the reception (my Dad always regretted the bride and groom had already left). The bikers had misjudged, and the "reception" they got was warm. It was a full on brawl at the entrance. Someone grabbed my grandfather from behind, and got decked for it. Only the reflex punch had hit the first cop in, and my grandfather was arrested (but let go when it was all figured out).

That, in lime green and salmon suits, would be epic.
My wedding was an unmitigated disaster....and yes, it ended in divorce 3 years later.

I was not allowed to leave for the church from my parents home cos mother hated my hubby to be. Then when I got to the church with an upset and apologetic dad, mother was standing there, wrong pew and in the totally identical outfit (even tights and shoes) that my mum-in-law to be was wearing (despite her seeing the outfit and saying she didn't want to clash with it). My sister refused to go to the wedding cos mother was going to be there. I had no reception due to family fallouts. Ended up having a sit down meal at my brother-in-law's restaurant and mother moaned about every little thing. She asked for some more water so brother-in-law went and got some for her......in an ornate glass jug with a very tight neck and alot of ice cubes in it, so she got deluged in ice cubes every time she tried to pour the water.

By the time I divorced the hubby, he was mother's favourite person...literally...cos he used to batter me on a regular basis (and is doing jail time for trying to kill the wife that came after I did).
New toys......exceptionally good quality boxes and tools from Einhell, well impressed :)

Three interlocking boxes (now full of hand tools, safety gear, screws, nails and wall plugs etc) and the hammer drill/driver kit with drill/driver bits, tape measure and knife included inside the lid :)

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Looking at apartments while holding back tears at the prices

Just kidding, not actually crying but DANG they’re expensive. Over 2k/month for a one bedroom in most cases. We’ve found a couple good ones for less but it’s so crazy
Looking at apartments while holding back tears at the prices

Just kidding, not actually crying but DANG they’re expensive. Over 2k/month for a one bedroom in most cases. We’ve found a couple good ones for less but it’s so crazy
Yah... When I was looking at apartments and homes in WA a month or two ago, the prices were killing me. It's SOOO expensive.
Hope you guys can find a good price though!
Looking at apartments while holding back tears at the prices

Just kidding, not actually crying but DANG they’re expensive. Over 2k/month for a one bedroom in most cases. We’ve found a couple good ones for less but it’s so crazy
Saying 2K/month I'm guessing that you are closer to east coast or far west coast. One of the things I like about Wyoming is my apartment rent costs me $654.00/month including electric and water.

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