I can be righteous because I was really busy yesterday. That isn't typical.
I got up early and spent a couple of hours in the fishroom, changing water and doing maintenance. All the tanks are done and I have eggs from my Aphyosemion exiguum.
At 9, I went for groceries and to drop off the recycling. Then around 11, I went with some friends for a 7km walk around an island in the sea, and followed that by restocking the beer fridge with local brews - "Benedict Arnold Bitter" being the main one. I enjoyed one while cooking supper for my friends, and had a quiet evening talking with them.
Today, unfortunately, I have to waste time cutting grass. After that? Maybe another hike. Or I may just hang around with my old dog and the friendly neighbourhood murder of crows, and work on editing a fish video. My family are going kayaking, but I'm lending my boat out so I won't be looking at the aquascapes under the kayak today.