Well just baking the last batch of cookies.
Went to Fish Planet as Sis dropped off a present for her friend, the manager there. She got her the Fluval Evo 13.5 gallon. While there I got myself 3 Duringlanis musaica, aka ninja woodcat. I saw them last week and thought about if I really wanted them. I have had the smaller Duringlanis perugiae, previous known as Centromochlus perugiae or commonly as honeycomb or oil cat at my last house. Unfortunately that house has municipal well water which disagreed with many fish. These guys kept getting the absolute worst case of ich I have ever seen. After their 3rd bout I lost the whole population.
Our current location has Michigan water, which is a bit on the hard side but I didn't ever have such fungal and ich problems at my prior two homes before the well water home.
Anywho last batch of cookies are cooking so I wanted to showcase our baking day. Doughs were made over the past two weeks and frozen. Tomorrow I am working but may make spritz cookies when I get home.
View attachment 307568View attachment 307569View attachment 307570View attachment 307571View attachment 307572So in order these are cranberry orange, almond, classic/anise, cinnamon and chocolate chocolate chip biscotti.
View attachment 307573View attachment 307574
These are the green, red velvet, chocolate and chai crinkle cookies.
View attachment 307575Finally the 3x Ginger cookies, cooled on the left and freshly made on the right. These are my favorite.
We usually make a lot more, but I am not bringing anything to work this year. Sis will be sending some out to friends, I will bring a small assortment to Mom, and whatever is left we will share at home.