Water changing

20-25% is standard once a fortnight, but it does depend on what fish and system you have! Whats in your tank? :)

PS, welcome to TFF!
In a mature tank depending on size, a once a week 25% water change is good, but you need to test your water and see what your levels of ammonia, nitrites and nitrates are, get back to us with those and we can help you better, also please if you will let us know the size of your tank and your livestock

Oops sorry bout that,

1.5g hex, 1 betta, 1 ghost shrimp

hardness 100

ammonia-still haven't got a tester for that yet :X
thats wierd can't find the edit function...anyways

I forgot to add:

under gravel filter system

no live plants

florescent lighting


and I like long walks on the beach, read poetry......................ok j/k bout that
Depending on your bio load (the amount of fish and type of fish) I recommend 10% twice weekly or 15 - 25% weekly.
How many of what kind of fish, & what type/brand of filter?

LA321 said:
I jsut wanna know how often to change water, like lets say 20% change how often?

u should change 25% of the water every week and then test the water quality
Since I've been adding fish I do about a 35- 40% water change and test the water weekly. Then I add fertilizers and what not because I have plants. I usually do about 30% on average.

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