Warehouses Fishless Cycling Log

Day 28: Ammonia 1, Nitrite 0.5, PH 7.6 PH High 8.2

Several things happened today. I saw my first snail, (looks like a small pond snail). I would squash it but the kids have already named it :X, so I'll either wait until it multiplies and do the lettuce trick, or use it as an excuse for an assassin snail, (or 2). I also went onto ebay and purchased some seachem prime, (just 50ml), for £4.64 inc postage, and then some healthy looking Marimo Moss Balls, (5), for £5.45 including postage.
Day 28: Ammonia 1, Nitrite 0.5, PH 7.6 PH High 8.2

Several things happened today. I saw my first snail, (looks like a small pond snail). I would squash it but the kids have already named it :X, so I'll either wait until it multiplies and do the lettuce trick, or use it as an excuse for an assassin snail, (or 2). I also went onto ebay and purchased some seachem prime, (just 50ml), for £4.64 inc postage, and then some healthy looking Marimo Moss Balls, (5), for £5.45 including postage.

Well you are doing everything right.

Seachem Prime :good:
Mossballs :good:
Assassin snails :good: :good:

Day 29: Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 PH Great. Re-dosed to 5ppm amonia. There is a strange green "bulge" on a plant. It wasn't there yesterday and the snail is looking a little worn out. Mmmm.
Day 30: Ammonia 1 Nitrite 0.5 PH 7.2 PH High 8.2

I had a glass of tap water on a shelf for 2 days then measured the PH. PH = 7.6, PH High = 8.6. That does seem to be very high. Is it recommended to lower PH towards the lower 7's after the cycle?

My Marimo moss balls turned up today, I'm very impressed with the speed of delivery and the fact that there were 6 not 5. With a quick squeeze to get the air out they all sank to the bottom of the tank and look great. That green thing that was on the leaf yesterday has gone!

I'm finding that even though it may be some weeks yet before we get fish, I'm spending an awfully long time looking into the tank already.
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I'm finding that even though it may be some weeks yet before we get fish, I'm spending an awfully long time looking into the tank already.

I lol'd, i know that feeling :) im wondering how long its going to be until you consider a 2nd tank, im already looking at 7 foot ones :D I say looking....if i purchased one i know the wife would have a fit and it would end up in the garage and probably me with it :eek:
Day 31: Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 PH's fine.

Working from home today so sneaked down to the LFS again. I love the guppies but don't know if they'd fit in or if we'd have room etc. It's so tempting to buy something every time I visit, must resist. I was even looking at the micro tanks today :grr:. I removed the coral background on the tank and turned it round to show the freshwater side, much nicer now. The snail has disappeared, no doubt to re-emerge soon with 2000 kids in tow.
i got a fluval spec the other week, dunno why, no idea what to put in it :| only 7.5 litres :| shrimp i guess...boring though. :eek:
i got a fluval spec the other week, dunno why, no idea what to put in it :| only 7.5 litres :| shrimp i guess...boring though. :eek:

I know exactly why though. I just need to expand!

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