Day 22:Ammonia = <0.25 Nitrite = 0 PH = 7.6 PH High = 8.2. Redosed to 5ppm.
OK, I understand you're supposed to let the Ammonia get to absolutely 0 before topping up, but i don't think I've ever seen the test tube completely yellow during this whole process, (even on Day 16 there was the faintest tinge of green). Seeing some of the scare stories recently on fishless cycles, (gazanimals 10 days stuck at 2ppm being the classic example), I'm not prepared to risk killing off the ammonia and nitrite bacteria so if it's under 0.25ppm then I'm happy with that. You have to ask, when does a tank with fish ever produce no ammonia for 24 hours?
Gingerly onwards!