Why don't you sign up for TAFE?
Fremantle TAFE does Aquaculture and it's pretty easy.
Back in 95/96? I had a customer who came into the shop each week and he asked lots of questions. He was nice to talk to and we got along well. I ended up going to Geraldton for a few months to study aquaculture there because I couldn't get into Fremantle TAFE to do the aquaculture course there. After a few months in Geraldton I was bored stupid and had become a bit of a pool shark (pool the game like billiards and snooker). I had never played pool before but after a few months in Geraldton I could beat virtually everyone there. There was nothing to do in Geraldton except surf, fish, get drunk or stoned, or play pool. So I played pool in my spare time.
After a few months I was bored and decided to leave and come back to Perth. I went back to the shop and this customer came in and we had a chat. Apparently he had been coming in each week looking for me because he had a bunch of fish keeping questions but I hadn't been there to answer them. I said I went to Geraldton to study aquaculture because I couldn't get into Fremantle to study there. He said "You should have told me, I would have got you in". I asked how and he said "I am one of the lecturers running the course".
The lecturer was learning how to keep fish from me so he could teach the aquaculture course at Fremantle. But I couldn't get into Fremantle to study the course because I apparently didn't know enough about fish keeping. Fremantle TAFE said that to me when I asked why I didn't get in. I just laughed.

The guy continued to come in each week and ask questions for another year or so, at which point I had moved on and was studying electronics or something at another TAFE.