Today's a new day.


May 9, 2023
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Perth, Australia
It's a new day and I'm currently caring for the remaining tetras. I have to deal with an unfair 'deal' with my parents. The parents don't give a damn about me or my hobbies. It's been going on until I follow it. That is stupid for them to control my life. I need a tank upgrade, but can't do that due to that 'deal'.

The tetras are doing fine in the Petworx 41L. I just fed them some flake food, will feed them later in the evening. My younger sister's 41L tank is neglected however because dad doesn't clean it often. I just hope my cardinals and silvertips haven't got TB after a year or two in the 41L before I move them into the bigger tank. I will do a water change next weekend. I just need time to plan the total cost of my project for the cardinals. I wake up at different times of the day due to me getting up late at the evening. Then feed the fish as soon as I get up in the morning.

Less stressed than yesterday. Digital aquascaping is therapy. I have ideas on my mind. I need to change up the existing Petworx 41L when the cardinals are moved into the 130L and the silvertips are rehomed. Phoenix rasboras could fit in a 41L 30cm square and 45cm tall tank. They need to be in large groups of 12 however. I need to get special crushable pellets for them if I adopt them from the Canning Vale LFS. And I have to be cautious when I gravel-vac the substrate. Being cautious when doing water changes is the #1 rule I have to follow when keeping these fish.
Fish don't get TB from being in your home aquarium unless the disease is already there. They catch it at the fish farms, exporters, importers and pet shops. If your fish have been fine for a year, they probably don't have it.

Parents don't have to like their children's hobbies and it is their house and their rules. Just try to fulfill your end of the agreement and then you can move on and get another tank. Until then just enjoy what you have. You need patience young grasshopper.
Fish don't get TB from being in your home aquarium unless the disease is already there. They catch it at the fish farms, exporters, importers and pet shops. If your fish have been fine for a year, they probably don't have it.

Parents don't have to like their children's hobbies and it is their house and their rules. Just try to fulfill your end of the agreement and then you can move on and get another tank. Until then just enjoy what you have. You need patience young grasshopper.
I'm trying to be as patient as possible, but the parents make my life more difficult despite they're trying to help me do my hobbies. I am on the verge of moving out from the parents' home due to unfair deals and rules I have to follow.
It's a new day and I'm currently caring for the remaining tetras. I have to deal with an unfair 'deal' with my parents. The parents don't give a damn about me or my hobbies. It's been going on until I follow it. That is stupid for them to control my life. I need a tank upgrade, but can't do that due to that 'deal'.

The tetras are doing fine in the Petworx 41L. I just fed them some flake food, will feed them later in the evening. My younger sister's 41L tank is neglected however because dad doesn't clean it often. I just hope my cardinals and silvertips haven't got TB after a year or two in the 41L before I move them into the bigger tank. I will do a water change next weekend. I just need time to plan the total cost of my project for the cardinals. I wake up at different times of the day due to me getting up late at the evening. Then feed the fish as soon as I get up in the morning.

Less stressed than yesterday. Digital aquascaping is therapy. I have ideas on my mind. I need to change up the existing Petworx 41L when the cardinals are moved into the 130L and the silvertips are rehomed. Phoenix rasboras could fit in a 41L 30cm square and 45cm tall tank. They need to be in large groups of 12 however. I need to get special crushable pellets for them if I adopt them from the Canning Vale LFS. And I have to be cautious when I gravel-vac the substrate. Being cautious when doing water changes is the #1 rule I have to follow when keeping these fish.
If your father is not properly caring for your little sister's tank, why don't you offer to help out and properly care for her tank. Your stepping up to help lil sis with her tank might impress your parents.
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Consistently complaining about the rules isn’t going to be beneficial for your hobby. Do the best you can, and you’ll be able to do more later. The rules aren’t changing, just make the best of it :)
If you're father is not properly caring for your little sister's tank, why don't you offer to help out and properly care for her tank. Your parents would be happy to see you offering to help out lil sis and improve her tank.
I can try, but dad says that he does it on weekends but it's six weeks since the tank was last cleaned.
I'm trying to be as patient as possible, but the parents make my life more difficult despite they're trying to help me do my hobbies. I am on the verge of moving out from the parents' home due to unfair deals and rules I have to follow.
Such is life I am afraid young man and one day you will look back and realise why they do what they do or understand it.
When I was a teenager I remember locking horns with my dad all the time and it was a horrendous time for our relationship but 30 years later it was his funeral yesterday and I miss him greatly and we've had a great relationship for years as things change with time as we all mature
As Colin T said patience young grasshopper
Such is life I am afraid young man and one day you will look back and realise why they do what they do or understand it.
When I was a teenager I remember locking horns with my dad all the time and it was a horrendous time for our relationship but 30 years later it was his funeral yesterday and I miss him greatly and we've had a great relationship for years as things change with time as we all mature
As Colin T said patience young grasshopper
Yeah. I know that.
Think like an athlete. You say you want all kinds of beautifully designed tanks. Learn the basics. Do the water changes. Train.

By the time I was 10, I was doing the maintenance on my little bank of 5 gallon tanks, and on my Mom's aquarium. It's easy to do, and you teach yourself how to do things you want to do when you get a job and a place to live on your own. Your parents aren't your servants, though they take care of you.

I don't know if you have a physical issue that makes removing a little water and replacing it a problem. That's what the basics of tank maintenance are - changing some water every week. If you are physically able to carry a plastic jug back and forth to a sink, then you have no grounds to complain about your Dad.
Think like an athlete. You say you want all kinds of beautifully designed tanks. Learn the basics. Do the water changes. Train.

By the time I was 10, I was doing the maintenance on my little bank of 5 gallon tanks, and on my Mom's aquarium. It's easy to do, and you teach yourself how to do things you want to do when you get a job and a place to live on your own. Your parents aren't your servants, though they take care of you.

I don't know if you have a physical issue that makes removing a little water and replacing it a problem. That's what the basics of tank maintenance are - changing some water every week. If you are physically able to carry a plastic jug back and forth to a sink, then you have no grounds to complain about your Dad.
I understand about your things you said to me. I can't carry jugs full of water because they are heavy. Sometimes I need some help on cleaning any tank.
Before I used a hose system for my tanks, in my teens, I had a surgery that didn't let me carry buckets. I couldn't even carry the weight of a full jug for several weeks. So I carried a one third filled jug (it was harder to spill with the tall jug partly filled). It took a lot of trips, but not really a lot of time once I got going. Changing 2.5 gallons of water out of a 10 gallon, or one and a bit out of a 5 is not a lot of water.

The aquarium hobby is based on problem solving. The biggest problem is how to take care of the fish. Doing water changes that way would be slow and frustrating (I was glad to get back to normal) but.
Before I used a hose system for my tanks, in my teens, I had a surgery that didn't let me carry buckets. I couldn't even carry the weight of a full jug for several weeks. So I carried a one third filled jug (it was harder to spill with the tall jug partly filled). It took a lot of trips, but not really a lot of time once I got going. Changing 2.5 gallons of water out of a 10 gallon, or one and a bit out of a 5 is not a lot of water.

The aquarium hobby is based on problem solving. The biggest problem is how to take care of the fish. Doing water changes that way would be slow and frustrating (I was glad to get back to normal) but.
Yes, I could do some problem solving on my hobby.
I'm trying to be as patient as possible, but the parents make my life more difficult despite they're trying to help me do my hobbies. I am on the verge of moving out from the parents' home due to unfair deals and rules I have to follow.
We were all teenagers once... And yes, we had similar ways of thinking about our parents. But as already stated, live by the rules your parents gave you. There may come a time that you may wanna go back to your childhood. So, try to respect your parents and their rules.
young man
Actually, EN is a girl...
Think like an athlete. You say you want all kinds of beautifully designed tanks. Learn the basics. Do the water changes. Train.
Beautiful thinking...
We were all teenagers once... And yes, we had similar ways of thinking about our parents. But as already stated, live by the rules your parents gave you. There may come a time that you may wanna go back to your childhood. So, try to respect your parents and their rules.

Actually, EN is a girl...

Beautiful thinking...
I agree. I'm a 17 yo female who wants to continue my fishkeeping hobby. You guys may mistake me as a man :)

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