Tina's Nano Journal

Had to show you this picture of Cheops feeding on a small piece of prawn.


He looks so cute, is getting a bit braver too, has left his rock a few times today!! :D

Have ordered some more snails and a few more hermits online. Should then have my CUC sorted. :good:
Yeah Ben I need to start thinking about that. I know we want a pair of TB ocellaris or percula clowns, I was intending to put these in first however when chatting to the lady in lfs she pointed out that I need to consider what other fish I want as some gobies may need to go in before the clowns incase the clowns become aggressive.

All I had been thinking was that the clowns were likely to be the hardiest fish on my list hence adding them first.
Do you think a dwarf angel would be ok in this size tank or should I wait until I go for the 55g to put one in??

We were looking at the yellow watchman and the clown goby, would either of these need to go in before the clowns??

We were also thinking about a flasher wrasse, we both like those. I am really not sure how many fish to put in this tank.

Don't forget we will be adding a hang on refugium, we are going to get a second hand one or most likely build one ourselves. We are looking at the refugium being about 18" x 14" x 5 1/2", so 25 litres or 5g. Main tank is 20g and 30" long.

Any help appreciated.
i would have said it would be a tad on the small size for a dwarf angel tbh.
Clowns only seem to get aggressive when they are more mature and paired off. They defend their turf more when they are near breeding condition. Young juvies dont really show much aggresion.
How about a purple fire fish?
The lady is right though, it may be worth considering adding something first.
i would have said it would be a tad on the small size for a dwarf angel tbh.
Clowns only seem to get aggressive when they are more mature and paired off. They defend their turf more when they are near breeding condition. Young juvies dont really show much aggresion.
How about a purple fire fish?
The lady is right though, it may be worth considering adding something first.

Thats fine, just checking cause my other half does not have a clue!!
For some reason he is not keen on the purple firefish, not sure why, I quite like it. I was intending to get young juvies, what sort of time frame till they near breeding condition. I wanted to stock the fish slowly you see, the only ones we are positive on is the clowns. By slowly I am talking one every 3-4 weeks, give the system chance to catch up, and allow us to start buying some corals aswell, how long should we wait before adding the first??

I presume the the two goby choices are ok, and can one of them (choice of 2) go in ok after the clowns. Is the flasher wrasse an ok choice and does that then leave us fully stocked??
I quite like YWG, nice little fish.
My clowns are over 6 months old and have grown a fair bit, the black and white ones nose has really darkened up. The normal coloured one is also a lot darker than she was. Clowns can live til they are 20odd though. Some clowns dont even try spawning til they are several years old. Mine defend their spot now though. They didnt bother for the first 3-4 months.

I wouldnt like to say how many fish as their is no rule. Depends on the individual fish and if they get along. Then theres the water stats and your maintainace. What corals you want to keep. SPS will want very low nitrates whereas softies arent particually fussy.
To be honest for corals mostly softies and perhaps some LPS, I am tempted to leave the SPS till I upgrade to the 55g. This way I get to make sure I know what I am doing, am I right in that alot of SPS are harder work??

From what you say I don't think the clowns will be a problem, we are not planning on stocking that slowly, just don't want to rush it. Would you reckon 2 clowns a goby and a flasher wrasse would be an ok plan to start with then check the water stats continually as we are adding and see if we could fit one more in later on??

Obviously if we get any problems with compatibility, I have got quite a good relationship now with lady in lfs, I think she would allow us to return any problem fish.
yeah sps are hard.

My flasher was very active before he jumped, so if your set on that id find a small one and keep a careful eye on things. I reckon it may outgrow that tank eventually though.

How about a nice blenny? there arent any funnier fish than blennys
ive no idea tbh, id have thought it would be fully grown before then. See what happens. If it does outgrow the tank you'll be able to re-home him im sure.
The reccomended tank size for 'em is like 30USG iirc so your not too far off.

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