Yeah, the Yellow leathers are just the most light-demanding of the leathers. They're a shallower water coral, which means they're used to lots of sunlight. Other Sarcophyton corals would be fine though
Cheers Ski, have finally found 2 corals that the other half tried to describe to me that he had seen and liked (I showed him an awful lot of pictures)
One is a coral the same as one of BigC's, an Open Brain (
Trachyphyllia radiata) in a creamy colour, he will have to wait for this though, I consulted the book and am not happy to add it while I am starting out.
The other coral is a Sarcophyton sp or mushroom leather that looked pinky in colour, this I will allow him to have.
Apart from the cost if I lose a coral, I am not happy to lose one if there is anything I could do to prevent it, this includes purchasing corals that I am not confident in caring for, as such I will be starting with the easiest of my choices.
The hospital was a nightmare, they got me there for 8.00am (1 hour drive away) and I did not need to be there till 11.00am. I was not impressed, especially when the alarm went off at 5.45 and it was a decent nights sleep for once. I have a very sore bottom, very stiff pelvis, 2 legs that aches like no mans business and boy am I suffering, cannot find the best postion at all. Just as the second injection went in the muscle started spasming and I jumped knocking the needle against the spine and back against the pelvis, that damn well hurt. That leg is throbbing aswell.
The remainder of my CUC arrived, I added 3 true turbos to the 3 astreas, the astreas seem to cover more area where the turbos go quite slowly but boy do they clean, thouroughly!!
I added another 2 Cerith snails so I now have 6. I ordered 5 nassarius vibex, they are the sweetest snails I have ever seen, there telescopes are fantastic, can see 2 sticking up from the sand. I also added 3 more red legged hermits making a total of 5. They are blooming lazy so far and one hermit (1st batch it is Chephren) is sporting a rather large shell reminisent of a large cerith shell (one I added so not one of my snails) I hope they buck their ideas up or they will be more than evicted from their shells, they will be gone!
At a later date I will add some more nass vibex and will possibly get rid of the larger Turbos, depends what they are like with the corals, if they walk all over them and irritate them they will be gone. I also seem to have very small organisms flitting about the sand, not sure what they are?? Certainly seems alive now.
CUC list (may be a bit heavy but lighter than steelhealrs suggestion)
3 True turbo
3 Astrea
6 Cerith
5 Nassarius vibex
5 Scarlet reef hermits - Chephren, Mycerinus, Sneferu, Djoser, Unas.
Not particularly CUC
1 Fire Shrimp - Cheops
The water stats
pH 8.0
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5
The clowns will be added this weekend, I am being taken to Aquascope in Blackburn tommorrow night.
Anybody fancy guessing the clowns names??
(will not be distuinguished until female has emerged, but I know what their names will be)
Hopefully will get one or two corals aswell!
This is all presuming I feel well enough to do it tomorrow night.