That is lovely looking LR tank looks really nice
I see you have the same problem as me, I am currently off work too, and find myself on this forum more than I should be
Hope you have a speedy recovery
You will love THE BOOK it is so helpfull, I got the paperback too, much easier to carry round the shops
You are right I am on here way more than I should be, I can only sit comfortably without lying down on my computer chair, hence I am on the computer way too much.
Seen consultant this morning, have to have a minor procedure under local anaesthetic (Epidural) where the sacro iliac joints are injected (that is gonna be one huge injection needle) then I have to get the muscle tone back in my legs (particularly the right one). Work have finally admitted responsibilty for the accident and the consultant has said the injury is a trauma injury related to the accident so at least now my job is safe (have been off since 1st October). It looks like it will be a while before I am allowed back to work.
My other half had to have surgery on his pituitary gland 8 yrs ago, he ended up with delays like yours Trod, it was not funny either. Hope you are doing ok.
I am still waiting for "THE BOOK" I was really hoping to have it for this weekend as other half is away, I imagined a weekend just like seffies. Still it could come tommorrow!! I am still waiting for the new handbag to put it in aswell

Todays water stats
pH 7.8
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0.5
Nitrate 20
Very close now, if it carries on as it has been the nitrite will be 0 by sunday.
Popped in to LFS on way back from hospital, she has the CUC I was looking at am just a little unsure on numbers.
To start off with I am looking at
Turbo snails
Cerith snails
Red legged hermits
Cleaner shrimp or fire shrimp (can I add fire shrimp yet or should I wait until more mature??)
Seffie it is a shame you live so far away from me, she has 3 Mandys in that are fat (came in today) tank bred and feed on frozen!! They look stunning too and large ones she has not worked out price yet though, will look when I go for CUC. I think I have found my main supply shop though, she is knowledgeable (I tested her) and prices are reasonable and she has some good Tank Bred stock. She advised me to acclimatise snails for at least 2 hrs as they are sensitive to sg differences and was impressed when I told her I was planning on drip acclimatising them.
If anyone can help me out with numbers of CUC I would be grateful, I wish to add nassarius snails aswell but she has none in at the moment so would like to leave room for them.
EDIT I ahve just noticed whilst wiping the front glass, I have diatoms on the sand!! Hooray