Queen TI
Ok, you decided on lighting yet. I think Ben recommened MH on your other thread, good choice if you have SPS and the likes in mind, If not then go with Interpet T5 Power Compacts. Daylight tubes and Blue tubes.
The MH ben recommended were for when I swap the nano into the 55g in 3-4 yrs time. I am not sure yet, am going to see how I get on with 4 T8 tubes first (3 white 1blue), am tempted to look at T5's if I get to the point where I want SPS in this tank. Have seen a small MH reasonable price that would work on this tank but as I am going to take things slowly I will see how things go.
Definately won't be rushing now Big C, I don't want to make mistakes, my next purchase is going to be "THE BOOK" you recommended to Seffie and Trod, had looked at that and a couple of other but since seeing their thread am definately going for this one. I don't want to make all my decisions on day one either, as you say if taking things slowly it means I still have decisions to make along the road which will keep interest up and leave me things to do. Loved reading your journal too. Will continue to read and re-read and do lots of looking around. I also will not be using the web site I got my LR from again although I am chuffed to bits with this purchase.
its a real shame but theyve stopped producing them because of a new law which was passed, unless you can get one second hand.
Which ones have they stopped making Truck?? Don't worry you answered while I was typing