Tina's Nano Journal

Ok, you decided on lighting yet. I think Ben recommened MH on your other thread, good choice if you have SPS and the likes in mind, If not then go with Interpet T5 Power Compacts. Daylight tubes and Blue tubes.

The MH ben recommended were for when I swap the nano into the 55g in 3-4 yrs time. I am not sure yet, am going to see how I get on with 4 T8 tubes first (3 white 1blue), am tempted to look at T5's if I get to the point where I want SPS in this tank. Have seen a small MH reasonable price that would work on this tank but as I am going to take things slowly I will see how things go.

Definately won't be rushing now Big C, I don't want to make mistakes, my next purchase is going to be "THE BOOK" you recommended to Seffie and Trod, had looked at that and a couple of other but since seeing their thread am definately going for this one. I don't want to make all my decisions on day one either, as you say if taking things slowly it means I still have decisions to make along the road which will keep interest up and leave me things to do. Loved reading your journal too. Will continue to read and re-read and do lots of looking around. I also will not be using the web site I got my LR from again although I am chuffed to bits with this purchase.

its a real shame but theyve stopped producing them because of a new law which was passed, unless you can get one second hand.

Which ones have they stopped making Truck?? Don't worry you answered while I was typing
the interpet compact T5 starter units, i was after them just before Christmas but to my dismay they were gone

I think I have seen some on ebay, may be worth checking it out if you still want some!!
i no longer need them as im going with linear lamps for my next tank, it was for a 60 litre but i no longer need them, but thanks any way :)
Wierd, why outlaw PC lamps when they're really just longer T5's with poor reflectors??

Oh and to answer bae's and truck's comments about US LR the problem is our CITES restrictions on LR import are MUCH more stringent. No sponges, inverts, corals, or anything are allowed to be shipped on our Rock. OnlyRock and Calcifying algae (coraline) are allowed and inspections at LR trans-ship sites in collection areas are FREQUENT so I'm told. To deal with these stringent requirements, the rock often high-pressure powerwashed before it's set aside for shipment, thus removing lots of the beneficial stuff you UK guys otherwise get. Kinda stinks.

FWIW, if you buy "cultured" live rock in the US from a company like tampabaysaltwater.com they are NOT bound by CITES restrictions and you get AMAZING rock. But they know that and charge a pretty penny for it ;)

Back on track though, "The Book" is borneman's coral book right?
Back on track though, "The Book" is borneman's coral book right?

It is indeed, after reading Seffie and Trods journal, their descriptions of the sections are just what I am looking for, cheapest I have found it for is £28.00 in paperback.

Oh that is some lovely pet rocks you have there, well done you just wait, hours of fun to be had over the next few weeks just watching rock

Seffie x

ps when do you get off your crutches

This is why I was eager to get my pet rocks, I wanted to spend hours watching and examining them. :lol:

I am seeing the consultant on Friday will see what he says.
I got hit at work in the corridor (hospital) by a 1/4 tonne machine (broke 4 teeth including front 2) it has done some damage in the lower spine area and has trapped or severely irritated a nerve going into my right leg. The right leg has lost all muscle tone and am unable to weight bear or lift it at all. Having Hydrotherapy and having to use morphine patches, not sleeping very well at all either :grr: this is why I am on here at all sorts of times of night. This new set up is giving me something to do as is all the reading I am doing, it is keeping me sane :crazy: . You should see me with crutches at the fish tank stood on my little steps, was horrendous and hilarious catching the fish to take to LFS on Friday. :lol:

Water tests done midday Sunday

I need to keep them on here am terrible at backing up hard drive (recently lost all F/W ones)

pH 7.8 (Presume water change after cycling will get this back up again)
Ammonia 0.5
Nitrite 1.0 (Doubled overnight)
Nitrate 20 (Doubled overnight)

Temp 25
SG 1.025

I nearly had a twin set of 55W PC T5 lights off ebay earlier, just missed out on them though :angry: They came with bulbs aswell and were only 3 months old.
Some more photographs, some with a few questions


Does any one know what the thing is that is circled, it does look quite pretty and seems more noticable than when I first put the rock in??

This next 2 pictures are a bit weird, looks jelly like and there are 2 or 3 in the tank, is it aiptasia growing???



Some more tank shots





Full Tank Shots


With Red LED lights on


Water Stats taken lunchtime Monday

pH 7.8
Ammonia 0.5
Nitrite 2.0 (Doubled again) Getting a spike
Nitrate 20

Also tested SG today was nearly 1.026, I checked the black line I made at the side, back of the tank and had some evaporation, topped off with RO and SG came down to 1.024-1.025.

I am presuming I am getting the spike due to ordering LR off the internet and it being out of water overnight, it was well packaged in wet newspaper and bubble wrap but obviously out of water. Can see some die off on the rock in comparison to Saturday when I put it in, again normal for being out of water for so long.

I have seen very very tiny organisms zooming about the tank in the water, presuming some type of copepods. The macroalgae seen on the rocks looks like it is dying back also (may not be a bad thing) if it starts to grow again will get pics of that to try to get ID.

Hope you enjoy pics

Have ordered "THE BOOK" and Reef Secrets by Nilsen & Fossa. Other half away at weekend so that is my me time sorted!!
Now I just need the other half to buy me a new handbag so I can take "THE BOOK" with me on coral shopping trips :whistle:

EDIT missed a bit out
Water stats Tuesday

pH 7.8
Calcium 520
KH 8.0 DKH
Alk 2.86 meq/l
Ammonia 0.25 (gone down)
Nitrite 5.0 (Gone up)
Nitrate 20

Water stats for Wednesday

pH 7.8
Ammonia 0 (Hooray)
Nitrite 2.0 (Gone down)
Nitrate 20

HOB filter came yesterday so I now have the phosphate remover and Carbon in that.

Can anyone answer the questions in the previous post about the photographs, if it is aiptasia I have joes juice ready.

wow the rocks are nicely colored already, good quality there. though personally i find large boulder-like pieces hard to scape. can't help you there on the photos but if you've really ran a net search on aiptasia you should be able to get a rough idea what they are (aiptasia or not)
FWIW, if you buy "cultured" live rock in the US from a company like tampabaysaltwater.com they are NOT bound by CITES restrictions and you get AMAZING rock. But they know that and charge a pretty penny for it ;)

:eek: Holey cow they are expensive. Was just looking it over. ....go figure :unsure:

How big's the tank? Nice rock and tank TigerIssey :D
I think I have found out what they are Here is a photo, it says they are related to jelly fish and will go in time.

What do you reckon, do they look the same??

wow the rocks are nicely colored already, good quality there. though personally i find large boulder-like pieces hard to scape

When they first arrived I thought that too, I had wanted to it differently and had made a bridge out of egg crate however I messed about with them for a bit and realised the seemed to slot together quite well. I am itching to slightly reposition the top two stones. I had suggested getting a hammer and chisel to them and breaking them up a bit, at this point my other half confiscated the hammer. I am still not sure why, he let me use the hacksaw and I regularly use his drill, oh well maybe something for some time when he is out and I can actually find where he keeps the shed keys.

Holey cow they are expensive. Was just looking it over. ....go figure

How big's the tank? Nice rock and tank TigerIssey

I had a look at the website after reading this, and although I am not sure on the exchange rate it does sound extortionate.
The tank is 20 uk gallon, 30" long but only 12" deep this did restrict aquascaping somewhat but I managed.

Thanks for nice comments.
The colour of the rocks is good, the base colour where there is no algae looks a pinky colour anyway, similar to the pinky bits you get in the fuji pink sand (which is what I have). The colour looks different depending on the lights or flash or both being used (I tried all ways).

Seem to be getting my nice colour back now, looked a bit dull in places, that I guess is the die off.
Todays water test results

pH 7.8
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 1.0
Nitrate 20

Guess it won't be long now, has been coming down pretty steadily, bits starting to grow on the live rock aswell.

I suppose I shouldcome up with a plan for the clean up crew. Will have a good look today.
When they first arrived I thought that too, I had wanted to it differently and had made a bridge out of egg crate however I messed about with them for a bit and realised the seemed to slot together quite well. I am itching to slightly reposition the top two stones. I had suggested getting a hammer and chisel to them and breaking them up a bit, at this point my other half confiscated the hammer. I am still not sure why, he let me use the hacksaw and I regularly use his drill, oh well maybe something for some time when he is out and I can actually find where he keeps the shed keys.
if the tools are out of reach you can try using epoxy and make overhangs and such. i don't think this would be your only batch of rocks right. if you're going to get more rocks in then deciding on a permanent scape for now probably isn't the best option

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