Tiger Barbs Dying

Well, I guess it's a good thing it's swimming upright today. I don't have any true antifungal meds, just Melafix. Do you think it would be worth putting it in a Q tank with Melafix? Or best save the extra stress and leave it in the main tank?
Here's a photo of the tiniest one with a sunken chin/tummy.
Melafix works as an effective anti-bacterial remedy so I'd definitely quarantine it and add some :)
All I can suggest for the sunken belly is internal parasites :/
Well, I just euthanized the third one, the one that developed the fungal infection. She seemed to be doing really well today, but just now before lights out I couldn't find her. Finally did, caught in a java fern, so I got her untangled and then she just basically swam to the substrate and fell to her side. Poor thing. No more problems for her now. 

I'll have to get some more to stop all the bickering now going on. The littlest one with the sunken belly still isn't quite back to normal, so he may be next. I hope not. That will just leave 9, and the bickering will only get worse. 
And I thought the worst was over. So sorry.
I hope you can get more soon, I would almost trade some of your snow for some of our pollen.
Ah, sad news!

I hope the snow clears soon enough, a lot quicker than it did here in the UK too! The stuff was around for 2 weeks!!
Lunar Jetman said:
On that note, how many do you think the minimum tiger barbs should be?
I'd say 8-10 is the minimum :)
Thanks, frapadoodle. And no thanks on the pollen. Ours is just a little later but it will be here in full force within a month.
Jetman, I'm going to say a dozen. That would probably vary with different groups, but watching the "normal" behavior of mine, I'm going with 12. When I get a chance to get more, I'm going to bring this shoal up to about 18, I think. I've got the room, and I hope that will calm everybody down.
My problem now is, I'd like to get mature adults. I'm so afraid the ones I have would tear up a group of teeny tiny ones like I've seen available. Not sure how that would work. At least half-grown. The last group I saw at an LFS were about 3/4" long. 
I just hope the deaths are over. I think so. What a horrible week.
Next month! By then it will be grass pollen. Count today is 4185. Tired of my eyeballs itching.

Anyway, quick question about barbs. Are they okay with cories? Still playing with ideas in stocking, and how I can backdoor another tank, or two.
I remember them being okay with cory. I had everything in my 55g community tank at one time and they were fine.
I was just thinking about taking my 6 peppers and putting them in the tiger tank.
Let me know how it goes. Maybe a distraction will help calm the tigers.

My plan, is to sneak a 20gal. long in. Been through the black bag and poster board as a background, not happy with either. So plan on painting. So the 55 will be down for a few days. Of course when it's back up,it will need to be stocked. Occasionaly cory habrosus show up and tigers or green tigers are readily availible. And since your gushing has made me rethink barbs...

But first, my betta has become a tailbitter. So deciding on neons or glowlights. If he gets uppity they'll go in the 55 and I shall rethink stocking again.

I need to finish the blasted cabinet, but alas my carpentry skills are not the same since the accident.
I really do like the looks of my 20g long. It's perfect for the cory I have in there. My other plan is to move some of the cory over from the 55g. 
So do you think your hand will ever heal back to normal?
Afraid not. Slight nerve damage in the second finger, so diminished feeling in that fingertip. And the index finger no longer bends completely, nor straightens completely. So daw cuts are a bit wobbly. Looks like caulk and paint rather than putty and stain.
But on a positive note, my handwriting has improved. Guess cause I have to concentrate more on writing.

Which would you suggest, neon tetras or glowlight tetras? Would really like rasboras, but technically it's my wife's tank and she thinks they're ugly.

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