Tiger Barbs Dying

I guess given those two choices, I'd pick the glowlights. But I'd go for cardinals. 
That really sucks about your hand. 
Just read through this topic and I am sorry for all your losses and issues TOS.  I cannot see any of the images, have you moved them in photobucket?
frapadoodle said:
[deleted text]

But first, my betta has become a tailbitter. So deciding on neons or glowlights. If he gets uppity they'll go in the 55 and I shall rethink stocking again.
frapadoodle said:
Afraid not. Slight nerve damage in the second finger, so diminished feeling in that fingertip. And the index finger no longer bends completely, nor straightens completely. So daw cuts are a bit wobbly. Looks like caulk and paint rather than putty and stain.
But on a positive note, my handwriting has improved. Guess cause I have to concentrate more on writing.

Which would you suggest, neon tetras or glowlight tetras? Would really like rasboras, but technically it's my wife's tank and she thinks they're ugly.
Sorry to hear about your hand, obviously missed the accident discussion.
In respect to your question I would chose Rasboras Espei - I have them in with my Betta and they are great in a large school.  They are smaller and slimmer than the standard Rasboras.  The orange on them is really bright once they settle in, maybe you can persuade the wife?  They are so cool I currently have 12 more in Quarantine ;)
I would also go for Cardinals over Neons or Glowlights, but Glowlights before Neons, unless you can get the Green Neons as I have heard they are hardier.
Sorry also about your tail-biting Betta, there is a recent topic on this here if you wanted some more info.
You're right, RCA. I was trying to get organized on Photobucket and put those photos in an album. I've moved them back now and so they're visible on the post. Thanks!
Thanks RCA,
Narrowed it down to glowlights or neons because of the boss and readily availible. Will check in town for greens and cardinals.
Yeah read the other thread. I think it's loneliness. His tank is between our chairs, and if someone is home he is quite happy, but with mama and daddy gone all day.

So TOS, get any of the new snow? Any power outages?
Still willing ti give you some pollen, third highest pollen counr on record today, 8,042. Rain moving in, but in tornado season. Having been through a couple, i'll take a blizzard.
Been through several tornadoes myself. I'll take the blizzards too, but not real keen on either. No snow ... yet. We did have a power blip yesterday for some reason. Just enough to shut everything down for 2 seconds and scare the crap out of me. Whenever the tank filters all shut down I swear my heart stops. We're supposed to get a few more inches of snow today. Yippee.
I thought I should add in here that the remaining 10 tiger barbs are all perfectly fine now, if not a bit nippy because of their reduced numbers, but even that has settled down a bit. 
This Old Spouse said:
I thought I should add in here that the remaining 10 tiger barbs are all perfectly fine now, if not a bit nippy because of their reduced numbers, but even that has settled down a bit. 
Are they the normal ones?
All the full-breed ones are okay and were never affected. There are still 5 cross breeds too.
That really is a strange one! At least things have settled now though, fingers crossed...
Looks like 10 have survived. I've still got one (with the sunken "chin") that I'm still watching closely, but even he doesn't really show any signs of distress. They're still overly nippy with each other, though. Hoping I can get some more this summer. Thanks for asking. 
Glad to hear the die off is over.
Before summer gets there send us some spring. 88 the last two days.
Just heard Petco has a $1 a gallon sale, hope I can get there before it's over.
All I can send you is winter, my friend. We're having another blizzard right now. So far about 8" of snow that I can tell after I battled my way out the back door to let the dogs out and shovel some. 
What size tank are you looking to get?
All of them, but not enough room or budget.
I am looking to get a 20 long for a start. And maybe a 30, if I can sneak it. Even then it will be waiting for sales to outfit em. Budget is ate up with brake calipers, universal joints, and ball joints. Time to renew the insurance. And of course the clothes washer puked out and died. But it was third hand and thirty years old, so it's washed a lot of clothes.

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