Tiger Barbs Dying

I hear that. I'm still trying to figure out if we can keep the house heated through the end of winter, which is not even in sight. We're digging out today from 18-24" of snow, and with 30-40 mph wind gusts we can't really tell how much came down.
So additional stuff will have to wait for me, too. My dream is to get a 30g long tank just for cory. 
My 20g long is the best tank I have. It's the only one that doesn't have pest algae, all the fish do well and even the plants look good. It's the one that gets the least maintenance! 
So, I was going to feed the tiger barb tank, when I see the smallest tiger "resting" on the mat of java moss. I put the food in the tank, and he didn't move. I turned around to do something, and when I turned back he was eating a bit. This is the one who looks like he has a sunken chin, and is the runt of the bunch. Well, just before lights out I put a tiny bit more food in, trying to aim for him to make sure he ate a little more. This morning he was acting normally. I gave them a treat of frozen bloodworms, and he got some, and is still acting fairly normal.
I was so close to euthanizing him last night, especially when he initially didn't eat, but I guess we'll see what happens during the day.
Yesterday I had given the BBA infested plants a bleach bath, and I thought maybe that had something to do with it. Maybe it did, in his weakened condition. I so want to just tear this tank down to nothing and start over. I may do that yet.
Good to hear the little tyke is a fighter.

Sorry to hear about the continuing Greek Tragedy of the dreaded BBA. Got one anubius it keeps poping up on.

Well, when, not if you tear the tank down keep us posted. My plans are on hold again, my wife's hours got cut in half, so once again hobby money becomes bill money.
Well, I just euthanized the little guy. He put up a helluva fight, but it was just too much for him. Gotta go, I'm choking up.

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