Tiger Barbs Dying

Update this morning: The one who was worst off is still shimmying, but not as violently, and she's completely upright. Yay! Haven't seen herm go upside down at all. The littlest one with the shrunken chin is holding herm own. Now the bad news. They've started fighting with each other. I just saw two in a lip lock that I had to break up. Considering the nearest LFS is a two-hour round trip and we just had a snow dump yesterday, I won't be getting any soon. I'd honestly like to get about 10 more.
Do hope the worst is over.
Snow? You complain about snow? You live in Minnesota! But I wouldn't cotton to an hour round trip in the stuff either.
Yesterday it was sunny and 76°, of course in July it will be sunny dry and 100+.
I only complain about snow when it hangs on much too long. And I live where the snowplows are strangers. I spent enough time in Georgia to know what that weather's like! I do like it here most of the time. Just a little sick of the six months of winter.
Oh, yeah? What part of Georgia? And for how long? And how long ago?
Can't say why y'all are getting such late snows, maybe global warming?
I know round here it's all the construction changing weather patterns. Used to be they tore out enough trees to build, as they did with the new Caterpillar plant. Now they bulldoze everything, as with the new mall.
It's a shame, six years ago, this was still 'the country'.
I was in Columbia a few times visiting my boyfriend at the time almost 30 years ago. I'm originally from southern Indiana. Spent a year in San Antonio, a year in Albuquerque, but I've spent most of my time in the north. 
New mall. Always a scary thought. Here we have a Shopko. The only other "chains" are Dairy Queen and Subway. 
Columbia county, or Columbus?
Yes, a new mall, well more of a spread out shopping complex really, but they call it a mall. The old mall has a police station inside of it, to give you an idea as to what the neighborhood is like.
Wowsers, there are four Subways within ten miles of me. Closest Dairy Queen is about twelve.
Kind of waiting for the new shopping complex, getting a Petsmart. Hoping there will be grand opening sales on equipment. As well as some market pressure on the other chain stores.
You want me to remember the county after 30 years?? 
It was near the university, if that helps.
Maybe you could work at the Petsmart and get a nice big discount as well as helping people get their tanks set up right! Yeah! That's it!!
You mean UGA? Cause Columbia is a county about an hour east, Columbus is a city about two and half hours west.
But if you do mean UGA,(University of Georgia), you've been in my stompng grounds. I live about twelve miles from the campus.

As to working at Petsmart, I have applied, but my last retail experience was twenty years ago. And they gave me the 'don't call us, we'll call you.'

Anyway, the tiger with the sunken chin, did you purchase her like that?
I think I've lost my mind. It's Columbia, South Carolina I was in, not Georgia. Yikes.
Nope, the tiger barb with the sunken chin just developed that about the same time as the others got sick.
My goodness, there's nothing but chaos in there now. Chasing and nipping. Yikes.
Merry, erm, Spring. This is what we woke up to this morning.
Well, here's the one who's been hanging on. Now seems to have developed some kind of fungal infection. Help?


Not altogether surprising, it's been through the mill bless it.
The usual advice, I suspect we know the cause so plenty of fresh clean water and hope. You can throw in some antifungal as well if you like. I'd not bother with anything more complicated as they'd be aimed at treating a possible cause and the most likely cause is detailed in the last 59 posts.

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