Fish Herder
100 up to now
Congratulations, drewryIt's so good to see you all excited about success for a change!
I don't know how large your container is, but the bigger the better. It sounds like you could feed an army of them with the food you've stocked up on, but remember that uneaten food spoils quickly and must be removed regularly. You might have to do more than one water change daily if the container is small. The temperature must be somewhat even too.
Keep up the good work, drewry! Is there any chance we'll get to see pictures?
Hi drewry,
Yes, if you don't have good enough aeration, the eggs will go bad. The fry need oxygenated water too, so plan to keep the airstone going until you can get a sponge filter in there. You just need to keep some water movement on the top of the tank or container. This is also why a tank is better than a container. You don't want them to be blown about from the water movement.
IMHO, you will have a hard time aerating and heating such a shallow container. The sooner you can get them into larger quarters, the better.
I'll be looking forward to seeing the pictures of them.![]()
I would love to see pics of how you did the container and air.I may try it.
I can never get the eggs to stick again after I remove them from the parents tank. Do you stick them to the side of the container or just drop them in?
Also... if I leave them more than a few minutes they eat them all. I have to get them out fast or none are left. They even eat them while still spawning.I even tried extra feedings to stop it, but nothing works.
forgot to say i took them out as soon as they stuck each batch to the glass sraight away but you have to be carefull because they are easy to damage i poped a few becauce they hadnt hardendI would love to see pics of how you did the container and air.I may try it.
I can never get the eggs to stick again after I remove them from the parents tank. Do you stick them to the side of the container or just drop them in?
Also... if I leave them more than a few minutes they eat them all. I have to get them out fast or none are left. They even eat them while still spawning.I even tried extra feedings to stop it, but nothing works.
well my bronze seem to spawn same day same time so i just keept an eye on them.
i know you have to get them after so long or they loose there stickyness
all i did was carefully removed them with my finger and attched them to the edges and all over 2 amozon sword leafs
i put them in a 3inchx3 round container floating in my tank in a breeding trap so pairent didnt come up for air and knock it over .
i put the air stone in the middle and bent the leafs either side of the air stone.
with it been a small round container it works really good for movement even if the eggs fall of to the bottom![]()
How did you get the air in the bowl without making the bowl flip and dump? Did you hook the tube to something to get it to stay?
How did you get the air in the bowl without making the bowl flip and dump? Did you hook the tube to something to get it to stay?
no i put an air pump on top of my tank lid on a towel to stop vibration