Third Time Lucky I Hope

Hi drewry ;)

Personally, I love C. aeneus. Whether they are bronze or albino, or a mixed group of them, the more the merrier. :wub:
hi Inchworm :)

i do like my bronze and albino allso
so ill get 6 more bronze with my 6 C, schwartzi on tuesday or wensday :good:
The normal hatch time for C. aeneus (Bronze Cory) is usually around 4 days (96 to 100 hours) at average temperatures 23ºC to 26ºC (73ºF to 78ºF). There is one product that has proven to be good at protecting Cory eggs from fungal attack and that it API's Pimafix, this is an organic treatment and should not affect any filter bacteria.

There is another natural treatment that I have been using for a few years and that is Adler cones, these are small dried cones from the tree Alnus glutinosa, [] these are fairly common in the UK and on the East coast of the USA. I normally harvest Cory eggs and put them in a 3 litre container in water from the spawning tank, plus an air stone and 2 cones. The cones release a tannin which in turn stains the surface of the eggs, this coating is what appears to protect the eggs from fungal spores by forming a natural barrier.

Hope this helps

The normal hatch time for C. aeneus (Bronze Cory) is usually around 4 days (96 to 100 hours) at average temperatures 23ºC to 26ºC (73ºF to 78ºF). There is one product that has proven to be good at protecting Cory eggs from fungal attack and that it API's Pimafix, this is an organic treatment and should not affect any filter bacteria.

There is another natural treatment that I have been using for a few years and that is Adler cones, these are small dried cones from the tree Alnus glutinosa, [] these are fairly common in the UK and on the East coast of the USA. I normally harvest Cory eggs and put them in a 3 litre container in water from the spawning tank, plus an air stone and 2 cones. The cones release a tannin which in turn stains the surface of the eggs, this coating is what appears to protect the eggs from fungal spores by forming a natural barrier.

Hope this helps


thxs for the info Ian

ill look in to it

well without any help from me this time.
my bronze corys are spawning again.

i was hopeing to give them a rest
but nature has beat me so ill have another
at hatching the eggs.
iv took the eggs of the tank wall i used a razor blade but it damaged a few
eggs so i did it with my finger as carefully as i could
and placed them on a couple of amozon sword leafs this time .
then cut them of the plants and put the leafs in a container with a air stone under them
floating in my tank theres about 150 eggs pluss all in all
iv added a bit of meth blue in the container and iv managed to space each egg this time so non are toutching any other egg.
iv left 15-20 eggs in the tank and hid them really well under and inbetween some plants in my tank
so its hard for my bronze to find
you never know i might get some hatch in the tank and survive :good:
Hope it works.

Mine didn't hatch. They do great in the hatchery. The problem is when I take them out. If I let them hatch in the bubble thing they die. If I put them in the tank to hatch they get too much fungus and don't hatch. I did have the 4 to fungus and hatch and live, but I don't know how it happened. They are the only ones of this kind that I have gotten to hatch and survive. I am trying very hard to get it right though.

Good luck! :good:
Hope it works.

Mine didn't hatch. They do great in the hatchery. The problem is when I take them out. If I let them hatch in the bubble thing they die. If I put them in the tank to hatch they get too much fungus and don't hatch. I did have the 4 to fungus and hatch and live, but I don't know how it happened. They are the only ones of this kind that I have gotten to hatch and survive. I am trying very hard to get it right though.

Good luck! :good:

Thxs ICEEGRL :good:

yeah they are certinly funny little buggers arent they.
allot harder than i thought it would be.
well on the bright side at least 4 is better than none id be happy just to raise 1 lol
if these dont hatch either way im gunna rest my bronze for at least 3 weeks if i can.
then start again doing what ure doing trying new things till i get a result
Hi drewry :)

I was surprised to see that your corys spawned already, but corys will do what they please. :rolleyes: I do hope you have better luck with this batch.

I noticed that both you and ICEEGRL have been moving your eggs and then they get fungus. Eggs are very delicate and easily damaged. Could you be harming them during the moving process?

There is an optimal time for moving eggs. When they are too fresh, they are soft and squishy, and will break easily. If this happens, you may see very fine, hair-like strings on them after awhile. If too much time goes by before you move them, they will lose their stickiness and fall to the bottom of the tank or the container you are keeping them in. If this happens, the water may not circulate properly around them and they might be lost too. I find that somewhere around 8 hours after they hatch is a good time to move them.

Far better, IMHO, is to set up a spawning tank and move the adults after they have finished. Then I don't have to touch the eggs at all. I put a thin layer of gravel on the bottom of the tank so it's easy to clean out afterward, and hatch the eggs in a bare bottom tank. This isn't practical for corys that only give a few eggs at a time, but it works very well for fish like C. aeneus, that lay big batches all at once. You can then proceed to raise the fry right in that tank, at least for a while.
Hi drewry :)

I was surprised to see that your corys spawned already, but corys will do what they please. :rolleyes: I do hope you have better luck with this batch.

I noticed that both you and ICEEGRL have been moving your eggs and then they get fungus. Eggs are very delicate and easily damaged. Could you be harming them during the moving process?

There is an optimal time for moving eggs. When they are too fresh, they are soft and squishy, and will break easily. If this happens, you may see very fine, hair-like strings on them after awhile. If too much time goes by before you move them, they will lose their stickiness and fall to the bottom of the tank or the container you are keeping them in. If this happens, the water may not circulate properly around them and they might be lost too. I find that somewhere around 8 hours after they hatch is a good time to move them.

Far better, IMHO, is to set up a spawning tank and move the adults after they have finished. Then I don't have to touch the eggs at all. I put a thin layer of gravel on the bottom of the tank so it's easy to clean out afterward, and hatch the eggs in a bare bottom tank. This isn't practical for corys that only give a few eggs at a time, but it works very well for fish like C. aeneus, that lay big batches all at once. You can then proceed to raise the fry right in that tank, at least for a while.

hi Inchworm

i know this is the 5th batch now they seem to spawn every 7 days same day same time
apart from the 4th batch wich was only 5 days after the last

iv only moved this batch and the last
all the others batches i left in the tank and moved the pairents ,
iv just cheaked the eggs and after 16hours only 1 out them all has turned white so far
all the others are looking really good and clear and i can see them getting black dots inside them,
even the few iv left in the tank with the pairents are looking good apart from 2
iv just bought a breeding net and orderd 20 amozon sword plants.
if the eggs hatch im going to put them in the net for 3 weeks then trancefair them to the tank when they are big enuff not to get eaten by the pairents wich will have one third of one end planted up so they can hide if they need to

but iv had this problem before as you know were everything goes ok but they dont hatch so ill have to wait and see :good:
well its 47 hours now and eggs are looking really good inside the container :good:
only 1 more of the eggs turned white so iv took it out
the 15-20 eggs i left in the tank are looking good aswell but a few have been found by the pairent and eaten down to about 8 now iv just put loads of small rocks under the plant they are on so if they hatch they will fall into the gaps and not get eaten by the pairents
so fingers crossed i should have some wriglers late tonight or tuesday or wensday the latest
iv got another container and am moveing them to a bigger one and its cleaner

iv collected 50 up to now :hyper: and theres alot more iv found the best way to do this is with a pipet
its excelent for the job :good:
Hi drewry :)

It's good to hear your happy news! What do you plan to do now? What kind of food do you have for them?
Hi drewry :)

It's good to hear your happy news! What do you plan to do now? What kind of food do you have for them?

thxs Inchworm :good:

well so far iv collected 80 and theres stll more
i was planing on puting them in a breeding net i bought
but theres small gaps down the sides wich they will certinly get stuck so im going to keep them in a container for a week or 2 then move the pairent to my other tank and put them in there i think and may be a bit of sand on the bottom

iv got some BBS on the go just been out and got some liquifry 1
and some first Bites made by Hikari
iv allso crushed some flake and catfish pellits up into a powder wich ill feed that with the other stuff in about 5-7days

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