Thinking Of Going From Fresh To Marine

Still don't like any of them,maybe i'll stick to just clowns.

The Royal Gramma is pretty cool tho.

Just got my salinity correct its about 1021

Tempatures still rising,im up to about 22c now...i'll add my live sand tommorow i think.

When the sand goes i mix it up with the coral sand or just dump it all on top? and where should i position my power heads? i have the filter pointed at teh top for surface movement and the powerhead pointed downwards towards the ocean rock and the air pump (which is a submersable one,not a stone but the whole thing) wedged between the rock and the glass.
Will this "live" sand come from another local fishkeeper's tank? Or will it come in a sealed oxygen-free plastic bag after sitting on warehouse shelves for months, shipped uninsulated in temperature extremes before it sits on the shelves of your LFS, devoid of all living organisms except perhaps a lucky bacteria or two? If the latter, consider buying plain dry aragonite sand and just a little bit of LR to seed it ;)
Yeh its the same stuff that 2 other guys mentioned earlier in the thread as you just did again,the rubbish stuff that apparantly dont work ;)

It was only a bit more than coral sand so if it dont work it dont work i'll go and buy Live Rock.

Keep in mind im in no rush with my cycling.

I'm not fussed about freebie critters,just beneficial bacteria.

As i said in the last post the guy in teh shop used it with no Live Rock in a tank bigger than mine and the stats are great and so are the fish so if it dont work,it dont work.

If it does work,i'll be well pleased because i have just saved myself £50.
Just put the livesand in because im up to tempature now........

...damn my tanks so cloudy i cant even see in there!

Didnt think about that!
Just been offered 7 kilos of LR for £5.50 a kilo :D

(couldnt afford after postage etc)
Just bought 2 hermit crabs for £2 (i did water test first,all stats perfect).

Cool little i need to get them bigger shells? :S cos there only about 1.5 cm each.

Bout 4 fake corals that look pretty real :D
Watermarque mate.

They are £1 each or 10 for £7 (all blug legged hermits....or supposedley blue legs cos mine have black! lol)

And its 4 Turbos for £10 which is pretty good to.
Unless you mean the rock which was a private sell...just got offered 10kg for £3 a kilo to :( lol

Just fitted my T5's looks wicked its got a blue option aswell as normal :D
Clowns in now without LR all water parameters perfect after 4 days.
I'll put em up tomoz,there on my phone but the rest is to much effort :p
Ok heres the pics of my Live Rockless Nano tank :p

Did water tests again today,still according to my api test kit Ammonia 0ppm,Nitrate 0ppm,Nitrite 0ppm,PH 8.3,salinity 10.22



One of my Blue Legged Hermits...that isent blue :p lol




With my Blue LEDS on


I have got plenty of space left so i think im going to grab a KG of LR everytime i get paid and build it up bit by bit i'm going to get another 10 kg of ocean rock as my base next time i get paid and my Yellow clown/watchman Goby,4 Turbo snails and 1kg of LR

Then i'm going to get Another kg of Rock another 5-10 hermits and my fireshrimp.

Then i'm going to add another kg or 2 now and then there after until i got around 7-8kg by then my reef should be pretty much complete.

I'm not going to get corals unless there are some hardy ones that can go in tap water...the fakes look cool anyway,my mate thought they were real! lol.

Weird i have yet to get any algae..good or bad :S

BTW whats best to feed my Clowns? i have been feeding them every other day on half a block of defrosted in tank water Marine Mix....they dont seem to eat alot of it and its messy so i bought some marine granule pellet things.

I really want to fatten them up as they are a bit see thru and yellow and i want them to go a nice orange colour.
Nice simple looking tank Glen :good:

If you aiming for 7-8kg of live rock I doubt you would need the base rock. 7-8kg on top of what you have already wouldn't be far off of what you need.

Re: the algae, it's good if you haven't got algae of course, as long as the nitrates and phosphates stay low/zero you should be ok.

Your salinity reading confuses me and I'm guessing you mean your SG is 1.022!

If you want to fatten your clowns you could feed them a little less food but on a daily basis. Maybe mix in a little garlic to stir their appetite. My clowns definately prefer frozen mix to the pellets that I sometimes feed them.
Cheers cage,it does look kinda basic but it will look pimp in a month or 2 :D

Soz yeh 1.022 :p lol @ my n00byness :D

Yeh i may not get anymore base rock and just start to build with live,the current piece is about 6.5 kg.

I'm hoping if the LR is added slowly then the ammonia spike wont be anywhere near as mega?

Also it seems there not interested in the marine mix/mysis shrimp...i just fed them some dried granuals for the first time and the went nuts over it! looks like the poor buggers not eaten in 5 days!

Do all baby Ocelaris have that weird yellow colour? they are only about 1.5" to 2" big. and is it normal that when they are near eachother they go sidewards and do this weird flicking movement?

Does my plan sound good to you stocking,the weird cheapy way im doing it etc? sureley as Ammonia,Nitrates,Nitrites etc are all 0 then im doing something right yeh? lol (doing 10% weekly water changes using tap water/kettle water made up to 1.022 salinity they added into the tank...plau scraping that weird white stuff that only clings to my powerhead and filter)

Oh yeh...i added floss and carbon into my Fluval 2+ will that be ok?

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