Thinking Of Going From Fresh To Marine

:D i can scrape 40p together :p

Just did a new set of watertests..

Ammonia 0ppm
Nitrate between 0ppm and the 5.0 ppm reading,but definitley more closer to the 0ppm.
Nitrite 0ppm
PH between 8.2 + 8.4 so must be 8.3
Salinity 1.023

20% Water change planned for thursday as per routine.
Just tried to buy 2KG from watermarque and they refused to sell it to me they said it will cause a massive ammonia spike and kill my Clowns.
I you are worried about the live rock, then buy it and put it in a bucket with salt mix. Test it for a couple of days and just plonk it straight into the tank when you have verified it is safe.

No worries :good:

P.S. Should have mentioned, don't forget to put a heater and powerhead in as well!
find a new shop, they sound like a bunch of idiots to me. If the rock is cured and out of the water for a matter of minutes nothing will spike
That sounds like a perfect plan to me, buy the cured rock, keep it it a bucket like Cage says and as Ben says IF it is cured and IF it's not out of water for very long it will be fine - you can test the water over a few days in the bucket and hey presto, happy tank and happy Clowns

OR take the Clowns back to Numpties at lfs and start again with your live rock and take things slow and enjoy :good:

I really must remember the old saying ' least said soonest mended' :rolleyes:

Seffie x

I asked to take them back earlier and they said no.

I would do the bucket thing but i not got another heater and powerhead.
Just noticed some feather dusters in my tank! must of come from the live sand..i got one embedded in a crack in a shell,a few on my ocean Rock and some in the sand...if you get close they shoot back off into there hole..then if you move away they come back out again.
because you need to mix the salt in a different bucket with a powerhead and it needs to be heated to mix...
because you need to mix the salt in a different bucket with a powerhead and it needs to be heated to mix...

uhhh no it dont it mixes normally...however i warm it up with some boiled water anyway so it aint cold when i put it in.

Why does it need a powerhead? It seems some of you are just trying to put me off...

My parameters are perfect...ive even got life growing out of my live sand....why are you adding this in?

what diffrence would a power head make to something stirring the water,thats just stupidity and well over cautiousness.

This is what i have done on all 3 of the weekly water changes i have done...
Syphoned waste food/water away into a bucket until 10-15% water is removed from tank
Empty the bucket,fill it up with water...cold tap water and some warm kettle water.
Dechlorinate the water..wait for 20 mins
Mix in the salt until it is around 1.022..the same as my tank.
Leave the mix to settle for 10 minutes..
Pour back into the tank.
You must have bad tap water then mate,my test kit is brand new.

Why would i BS you? what do i achieve from it...being sarcastic is not achieving anything other than annoying me.

Want me to take photos of my best before date,and my tests just to stop this rubbish?

How does it it take 24 hours when my hydrometer says its 1.022 and when i do my daily tests my tank water is always 1.022,if that was true i would have a meteoric spike.

Hell if it was as you say it is,i wouldn't have anything alive in my tank....and its not like I'm overstocking mine like yours,so i got a lot less worry there.

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