Fish Herder
Cheers cage,it does look kinda basic but it will look pimp in a month or 2
Soz yeh 1.022lol @ my n00byness
Yeh i may not get anymore base rock and just start to build with live,the current piece is about 6.5 kg.
I'm hoping if the LR is added slowly then the ammonia spike wont be anywhere near as mega?
Also it seems there not interested in the marine mix/mysis shrimp...i just fed them some dried granuals for the first time and the went nuts over it! looks like the poor buggers not eaten in 5 days!
Do all baby Ocelaris have that weird yellow colour? they are only about 1.5" to 2" big. and is it normal that when they are near eachother they go sidewards and do this weird flicking movement?
Does my plan sound good to you stocking,the weird cheapy way im doing it etc? sureley as Ammonia,Nitrates,Nitrites etc are all 0 then im doing something right yeh? lol (doing 10% weekly water changes using tap water/kettle water made up to 1.022 salinity they added into the tank...plau scraping that weird white stuff that only clings to my powerhead and filter)
Oh yeh...i added floss and carbon into my Fluval 2+ will that be ok?
ammonia nitrite and nitrate will all be 0 if u just added water and no source of food for bacteria eg live rock, pure ammonia, seems like you have ventured into a fish cycle unless ive missed something?
clownfish behaviour sounds about right.
floss and carbon will be okay as long as u keep it cleaned n changed.