In there defence tho they had a 20 gallon nano tank at the front of the store which containted loads of corals,2 percula clowns,1 byellow tail blue damsel,claener shrimp,fire shrimp tons of hermits,turbos and other inverts with no LR in there at all.
He said he set it up a month ago..he said he pout the water in..salt in..got it up to temp,later he put in the live sand and about 10 pieces of fake resin live rock and some ocean rock.
He said 2 hours later he put in the fish and the inverts and coral and the water perameters have been perfect ever since
He has told me i can buy my Percs next week...but im no mug,if i cant get this tank cycled within a few weeks i'll buy a few kilo of live rock and then just add to it bit by bit.
tanks up and running now...i'll put the live sand in tommorow,i washed the coral sand out,put it in the tank,fileld the tank with tap water,put in dechlorynater,left it half hour,set up my power head,air pump,led lights,emptied out my fluval till it was clean and put that in (took the pads out)
then i put in about 1.5kg of salt and im leaving it to disolve while the tank gets up to temp (its currently 20c)
i got my hydrometer floating in there it needs about another 1.5kg of salt which i'll put in later.
Water movements great and my fluval now its empty has a faster outflow than my powerhead by miles

wish i knew that...the tanks flow is really good now.
they have some really nice fake corals in watermarque so i will probably go with them (less up keep,less worry)
i'll test the water in about a week,i wont do any water changes until i get some livestock.
the week after that i wil add some hardy cleaners
week after that if tests are all good i'll add a fireshrimp
week after that i will add 2 percs and my tank will be complete
If all is ok without the LR i will add the fake stuff they got in te shop as it looks very real.
I'm still tempted by adding one yellow tail blue damsel or some other kind of small fish,all depending on stats of course.
will it be ok to add sea shells in the tank to pretty it up a bit?
do you think everything i have said is ok so far? i think i should of done the salt in a bucket.....bit of a nightmare but atleast my two power heads are mixing the water for me
I'm not gonna get better lighting for now...i'll worry about that if i branch out into keeping corals,i was tempted until i saw the prices!!!
I will probably but 2kg of LR next week just to be safe i think....unless its not necessary.