They've Spawned!!!!

Congrats Inchworm - they look lovely :wub: - and it is reassuring to have someone post good news about their cories :thumbs: How on earth do you manage to vaccuum the sand, without sooking some of them up? :blink:
How are the babies coming along ?
Any more piccies of them ? :hey:
Thanks for all your interest in the fish that are my pride and joy! :wub:

I took some pictures of them on September 20-22, with the intention of posting them on this thread. When I looked at them now I see that the little guys have been on a growing spurt and those pictures do not truly represent them now. I will have to take some more.

Since the last pictures they have been moved to a 20 gallon long tank and are on a diet of chopped frozen bloodworms and spirulina discs. They are going crazy for the spirulina.

Polardbear, I plan to take your good suggestion and try adding another fish to the tank to teach them to eat flake food. As soon as they are all big enough for me to put a few of my smallest pandas in there I will give it a try. Thanks for the great idea! :D
There has been a lot of change in my little black cory babies since the last time I updated this thread, so I thought you might like to see what they look like at just over 4 months of age. :D

Here they are now: :wub:


That's them at play. :fun:

They are still young and it's not the easiest thing to tell their genders, but that one on the top is definitely a female. :nod:


Dinner is always a happy event: :D

wow they are so cute. wish my eggs would hatch but i've got my cory tank set up now so maybe next time :hey:
Here are a few more pictures of them. :wub: I've included a dime in these so that you can see the big difference in their growth since the last time I updated this thread.



Those are aweome :thumbs: I wish I could find me some of those :unsure:

What are your plans for the ones you have now?

Hi Barracuda518 :)

I will be keeping some of this batch, and the rest are pretty much spoken for already, but take a look at what I got two days ago;


When this batch grows up I will have some for sale.

:D :thumbs: :D :wub: :D
Wow! Just read through this whole thread and they are amazing! Great to see the story from the eggs to todays pics! :drool: Great Job!
Thanks, kris-b- :)

Here's one last picture of them. This is a close up. The snails I keep in my fry tanks are red ramshorns, who do a good job of cleaning up uneaten bits of food the corys miss. They stay small too. :D

i wish you were closer to me i would have loved some of them :-( nevermind i will just have to keep me eyes open for more corys :hey: :drool:

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