The Start Of My New 12 Uk Gallon Nano Reef

mines plumbed into the cold mains its just upstairs in the bathroom sink unit but there is still some real pressure there for sure....but with the unit only being a 120lpd max at optimum performance the 5 litres i am gettin in an hour is max performance.

and about food for my fish can i feed them the same blood worms and daphnia that i feed my tropicals??? and will they be ok gettin fed once in the morning every 2 days as thats the feeding pattern i have my tropicals on??
mines plumbed into the cold mains its just upstairs in the bathroom sink unit but there is still some real pressure there for sure....but with the unit only being a 120lpd max at optimum performance the 5 litres i am gettin in an hour is max performance.

and about food for my fish can i feed them the same blood worms and daphnia that i feed my tropicals??? and will they be ok gettin fed once in the morning every 2 days as thats the feeding pattern i have my tropicals on??

Not sure about the bloodworm, but the daphnia will be OK. They will need more variety that that to keep them healthy. I feed at least 4 varieties at a time to make sure they get a good balanced diet. And NO feeding twice a day is recommended. You have already commented on how the clowns are never still, would you want to be fed every other day if you never sat down!
I have tiny tuppaware tubs that I put enought frozen in for a few days at a time. This is left in the fridge to defrost and fed twice a day. I feed mine lunch time and bed time. Its then stored in the fridge too so it does not go off. Anything left after 2 days gets fed to my large display tank of tropicals which they just love, so nothing is wasted.
just tried my clown with a small piece of daphnia and they loved it lol were racing round the tank like a couple of possesed fish to get the food lol as for the blood worms i wonder if anyone else can answer the question??? and i guess ill be feeding 2 times a day now thanks for letting me know....poor little things must of been hungry oops.

when would you recommend adding my next fish which will be a firefish goby shall i let the clowns settle in for a few weeks before adding the firefish??
Its a good sized tank so as long as your clowns seem settled and the water stats are good then add a few more.
If youve only been feeding them every other day I suggest you feed them 3 times a day for a week or so to build them up a bit. Hungry underweight fish are prone to problems like Ich etc.
I would ask a direct question in the fish section about the bloodworm, I think it will be OK but just check before you feed :)
thanks for the advise littleme will try out the feeding from tomorow. i been reading through ur journal tonight an i see you have a scooter blenny and i realy like these fish and would like to get 1 or maybe even a couple male an female.......would they be ok in a tank my size????
thanks for the advise littleme will try out the feeding from tomorow. i been reading through ur journal tonight an i see you have a scooter blenny and i realy like these fish and would like to get 1 or maybe even a couple male an female.......would they be ok in a tank my size????

Hi..Yes scooter is super cute :) such a little person in a fishy body lol :)
No problem as long as you get ones that take frozen food. They are a bit like the Mandarin dragonet and prefer pods so if you dont get one that eats frozen it may starve. Mine was very thin when he came, concave belly instead of a bear gut so to But he was being fed with the powerheads on and the swimmers ate most of it before it reached the rocks and bottom where he could get to it :( I turn off powerhead and filter when I feed that way he pretty much gets a pick of everything that goes in and hes put on tonnes of weight. He also eats baby brine shrimp, I squirt them in so they go to the bottom and he scooters around hoovering them up, he loves them. What he does not eat gets picked up by the clown and the CUC so no waste and my nitrates are still low at about 5 so fungers crossed I must be doing something right :)
woohoo cant wait to get my scooter or scooters now lol how big will they grow to do you rekon??? i wondered weather to turn the power heads of when it come to feeding and i guess my question is now answered thanks
got 2 more fish in the tank over the weekend i got a bangaii cardinal fish and a firefish goby...will get some pics posted up tonight as i have to leave for work in a few mins

and also got 3 red legged hermit crabs and 3 blue legged hermits i think...they have an orange body an i think blue coloured legs......and also 2 small turbo snails.

quick question before i leave for work.......since the tanks been set up there has always been a layer of dust from the rocks and sand build up on the water surface and with the powerheads moving the water about there is always dust blowing around in the water around the tank and i was wondering if i can buy anything to crystalfy the water as such????
just 1 quick question:

On your pics during the middle, you had a picture of your juwel 60 tank with a T5 bulb, i havent been able to get a T5 4 my juwel anywhere, can you tell me where you got it plz?
in reply to little me.....i do have a filter in the tank yes but ive been a little wary of putting any kind of fine padding into it as i here of them building up nitrates and other things like that??? so if you have any suggestions to what i can put in the filter ide greatly appreciate it?? o and forgot to say the filter currently has fluval honey comb shaped blocks in it that are about half an inch square.

and in reply to fishkeeperpro the bulb i used was a 36 watt 16" daylight blue bulb made by interpet and i also had a single 36watt interpet light starter and i also brought an 18" arcadia reflector. the light starter come with some metal clips to hold the bulb and the screws that were supplied to fix them were to small for the hole in the matal brackets so i ended up using the plastic nut and bolt from the reflector and drilling out the hole in the metal clip a little more for the nut to go through and then i fixed the whole lot to the tank lid if u get me??? if u have any other questions feel free to ask and ill help as much as possible.
I use bagged carbon and fiter floss in mine. The filter floss is changed ever week when I do water changes and the carbon is rinsed and changed ever 4 - 6 weeks. Results are perfectly clear water :)
filter floss??? never fort of that guess ill be buying some of that now then. thanks for the advise....will get a few pics of the new fish up later aswell
as promised people heres some pics of the new fish that i added on sunday and also the hermit crabs and 2 turbo snails.

first off one of the hermits...i got 6 total 3 red and 3 blue

now one of the turbo snails...well one of them

and fish number 3 the firefish

and finally the 4th a bangaii cardinal

let me know what u think people.

also what other types of cleanup crew can i add hopefully will be getting a cleaner shrimp this weekend but do fire shrimps do anything cleaning wise???

and i need something that will help keep the back glass on the tank clean as this gets yucky so any suggestions would be great??

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